Just finished changing the front lights to those euro style I spoke of just did not get the LED portion of it finished, more parts needed to finish thst enf of ot. I could not get the LEDs to signal at all so I have to at least get a different flasher which will work with them. Putting in these lights they say some modifications may be needed and they are correct, if I had of known the amount of mods, that fact no charts are given on putting then in an AD I would not have bought them but hay they look kind of good on it. Just need the signals wired. I took a few photos of the install and a few of the under hood light I put in last week.
I think they look cool. That really is a straight ol' truck! I wish I had a cool grill guard like yours.
Funny you said that just as I put one I got from Joe on. I'm one day maybe am going to have it re-chromed. But I still like old better, I'll drive the new to me around for awhile grind the old one to really fit the bumper. I'm having the rear bumper reworked my welding really sucks and it is better to just pay the fr the professional work.
Front head lights High Bling factor. Yeah these are Nice Charles. You cant use them after europeen traffic standards. Car and motorcycle performences rules are so rigid in my country. Thanks fore sharing Martinius.
Thanks Martinius, The lights I like the looks a lot, which they were just plug and play design but mixing 65 years of design and advancement is hard to get a just plug it in. Just glad I was able to at least get the lights to work. Charles
Headlights ? they don't fit like standard 7" seal beams ? . They look very interesting , the embedded turn signals look like a clever idea . I run European 7" bulb - in head lights in some of my oldies , they're all plug & play , I use non DOT German Hella brand bulbs because they illuminate *much* better and don't dazzle the on coming traffic ~ The Germans are *very* serious about low beam cut off ! . You have to experience it to under stand . A transistorized flasher should get your turn signals going .
Nate, Some cuts and shaving plus a path for the LED light wires had to take place. Not a plug and play item for that model's use. I'll get one of the transistorize flasher today and hopefully get them working this week. Took the manifold to have the heat raiser holes closed ad will start working on getting the carbs set up an ready to install. Well just spent the last 2 hours figuring out I just do not know enough about wiring lights. Three tripped fuses later and I still do not have the LEDs working, simple I'm sure but not today. Put back everything so I at least have head lights for now then return the so called LED flasher, parts people did not know what a transistorize flasher was so I had to read about ten different packages, two finally stated they were for LED lights. The dog will like the walk to the parts house to return it.
I hear your pain Charles . Now you know why us Mechanics get paid so much . Oh , wait , no we don't . I was recetly given a pair of LED taillight bulbs , the single contact ones to replace the # 1156 (12 volt) bulbs in the back of my Metropolitan Nash FHC ~ last night as I was finishing up a " Make Run " job on a 1962 Austin Mini Traveler , I asked John to step on the brakes so I could judge how well they worked in the dark with the lights on ~ imagine my surprise when I discovered they were in the turn signal sockets yet the turn signals were still blinking away , this on a LUCAS thermal flasher can no less ! . I'll swap the wires 'round soon as I meant to make the brake lights brighter . Hang in there , you'll get where you want to be in due time .
Figured I'd just do it during the hot evenings we are going to have this week. I have to see about getting new lights rings that go around the bulb, the old chromed brass ones on my truck are cracked at the split and now have duct tape holding them together. should have bought the new ones when I was having the truck re-wired way back when. At least the wiring is feed and waiting when ever I get to it.
Nate, I crrently have LED bulbs on the rear lights and still have the old style flasher and as you stated they are working???? Go Figure. That is why I said, " I just do not know enough about wiring lights."
They are probably using the incandescent lights on the from to provide the resistance to generate the heat to make the flasher flash. One old trick is to wire up a conventional bulb in the circuit to fool the flasher relay.
A flasher relay basically has a bi metal strip inside. The 2 layers of metals contract differently. When the load passes through, the metal heats up nd curls the strip, breaking contact. It cools rapidly and uncurls to touch the contacts and starts the process going again.
Thanks Russ, I have never taken the time to research how the flashers operate. Something I do less anymore is read first before starting.
The LEDs have little load, therefore not enough heat is generated. The new LED flashers are a transisterized unit that generates its own cycle.
Lighting I always had nice bright 6 volt lights but then , I took the time to ensure everything was properly grounded . I'm running Hello non DOT bulb in 7" headlights on my '59 Metropolitan Nash FHC, it has a 20 ampere generator and the headlights are dead white . Just keep plugging away at it Charles , you'll get there .