Why I haven't made any progress on my truck.

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by RustyDog, May 24, 2014.

  1. RustyDog

    RustyDog Member

    Oct 17, 2013
    Lakeland, Fl
    My lovely wife was getting frustrated with all the clutter and dirt around, on and in the washer and dryer. They were lost in the garage beyond all the parts and pieces for my rusty truck. She thought it would be nice to have them inside away from all of that. as we all know, if Momma ain't happy, ain't nobody happy. Thus began the "simple" task of knocking down the wall, turning the washer and dryer around, and then building a new wall. Not so simple.
    The plumbing ran through the concrete floor, and the garage floor sits lower than the interior floor. I needed to build an elevated base floor for the washer and dryer to sit on. Since the plumbing ran through the floor the new floor is even higher than the interior floor.
    The electric part was fairly simple, as the new wall was closer to the fuse box. I just had to disconnect them and pull up through the roof and run them down along the new wall.
    The toilet is in the way of even the smallest bifold door, and I need a bigger opening to be able to move the units in case of future repairs. I took 2 sets of doors and glued them together as one, and mounted it on the opposite side for clearance.
    Needless to say, Momma is thrilled. I will be too, once the upcoming weekends arrive that she is scheduled to work and I can get back to some "me" time.

    Attached Files:

  2. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008

    Metafor ; Rowing the boat downstream is easyer then upstream right:) Making bigger space around your truck is nice for all of you i`ll gues! having a lots a working space is fabulous.

    Love that Picture of the tree stucked through the engine compartment.
    Hope to see more of the progress on Your truck later on.

    Thanks for sharing the photos. Martinius.
  3. RustyDog

    RustyDog Member

    Oct 17, 2013
    Lakeland, Fl
    I thought that picture was symbolic of my progress.
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    It looks very nice and I am sure Momma will remain happy for some time yet .
  5. Lakeroadster

    Lakeroadster Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Central Colorado
    You are a wise man.... Happy wife, happy life. And the finished project photo's show that you've got mad fab skills! Nice job.

    Your first photo is now my favorite photo... It reminds me of the ole saying "It Ran When I Parked It".


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