Had a chance to go get things at the Pomona Swap Meet this morning and also able to take some photos of some trucks there. I took one of my wagons and was able to load it up good. Here are some photos of it.
missed it nice trucks what was the asking prices of the black truck the red one and the project on the trailer??
Po-Mona Auto Jumble Thanx Charles ! . I was thinking about it as I sweated my butt off in my back yard all day . Looks like a thinner crowd than usual . How did the Hoi Palloi like the wagon ? .
Nate, The crowd got larger as the day worn on, those photos were taken in the early morning hours, a whole lot. I called it a day around 11:30, I had spent most all the $ I had taken. The Hoi Palloi liked the wagon and one of the event staff took some photos of it loaded up with the goodies. Was able to get some cards from vendors for goods, was even a guy there that after talking to him he had tractor parts I need for my Massey Harris 33. Great day in all.
Topic Drift (?) However , it's YOUR topic so....... Please share some pictures and stories of said Massey Tractor Charles ! . I sort of miss working on our old 1930's Johnny - Poppers back in the 1960's , sort of . Currently messing about with a 1960 Morris Minor , boy howdy do old cars get greasy and rusty ! . EDIT : I remember when the Po-Mona Swap Meet would be jammed the *instant* they opened the gates .
Here's a Blast from the Past..... Vintage photos I took at the Pomona swap meet.... circa 1978/1979...
Vintage Photos ! SWEET ! . I bet my old 1946 3100 was parked in there that day..... It had a screwy black / yellow paint job I did in my driveway . I didn't miss a Po-Mona meet for decades , those were the fun days .
1946 Chevy 3100 Yeah ; It was pretty rough , I built it in my back yard out of two junkers , it had been center punched so I had to swap out the cab , I painted it with a weird ' V ' down the hood separating the black nose . When you're a dirt poor kid , you just go with whatever you have at hand and/or can scavange . I *might* have a crappy Kodak Instamatic photo of it somewheres , if I can find it I'll try to get it scanned and post it up . -Nate