My son showed me a simple test in how to discover if there is any ethanol in petrol gas ! The reason he did this is that the oil compagny Statoil is keeping secrets about wich of there stations pumps around the country sells ethanol petrol gas, while taking out none ethanol petrol gas out of the marked. We are driving old cars , motorcycles and a 2 stroke Rotax Quicksilver Aircraft that should use higher octane then 95 without ethanol. He filled a clear glas jar with 1/3 - 95 octane petrol gas and marked a Level on the jar , then filled it with water on top and shaked the jar to mix the water and the petrol gas. We waited 10 minuttes . Result whas ; The petrol gas stayed at the bottem ofcourse with the water floating on top of it. When the petrol gas Level comes higher up then the original marking you can read aprox. how much ethanol there is in the petrol gas he said! It did came 1 cm above the first marking Level wich should prove there is around 2 - 5 % ethanol in the petrol gas ? I am a bit unshore if this test is reliable as i know to litle about petro - chemics and i would be glad if anyone at this forum could give me more information about the subject ? Thanks Martinius.
Cool! Ethanol absorbs moisture, gasoline doesn't.... check this out for a visual:
Where can you find fuel that doesn't have added ethanol? Maybe back in 2011, but I don't believe I've seen a pump without it in years.
According to RidesWithYa's posting above, the following locations in your area ... Spokane PACIFIC PRIDE 87 91 Betts Save Way [509-535-4205] 3330 E. Riverside Spokane CONOCO 90 Divine's [509-455-6202] 822 W 2nd Ave Spokane UNBRANDED 87 Pacific Pride [800-570-2897] 124 N. Madelia Spokane PACIFIC PRIDE 87 91 Betts Save Way [509-535-4205] 3330 E. Riverside Spokane CONOCO 90 Divine's [509-455-6202] 822 W 2nd Ave Spokane UNBRANDED 87 Pacific Pride [800-570-2897] 124 N. Madelia Spokane Valley CONOCO 91 Chester Store & Carwash [509-926-7662] 11504 E Dishman Mica Rd Spokane Valley UNBRANDED 91 City Service Valcon [509-928-5711] 18826 E Appleway Ave Spokane Valley CONOCO 90 Divines Auto Conoco [509-922-3911] 1520 N Pines Rd Spokane Valley CFN 91 Eljay Oil Co [509-926-9595] 7815 E Valleyway Ave Spokane Valley CONOCO 91 Chester Store & Carwash [509-926-7662] 11504 E Dishman Mica Rd Spokane Valley UNBRANDED 91 City Service Valcon [509-928-5711] 18826 E Appleway Ave Spokane Valley CONOCO 90 Divines Auto Conoco [509-922-3911] 1520 N Pines Rd Spokane Valley CFN 91 Eljay Oil Co [509-926-9595] 7815 E Valleyway Ave
Ethanol motor fuel is horrible. I would be very cautious about trusting a website claiming ethanol free fuel. The test described by Martinius is what we use for small aircraft here. My Cessna 172 has a auto-fuel STC, but I have not used ANY auto fuel for at least 10 years in it. Some say marine fuel distributors are a good source for "pure" fuel, but, for safety reasons, I stick with 100LL avgas. The greenies are after avgas because it's the last lead containing fuel available, so eventually, even that will be gone. The diversion of feed grain to motor fuel is WRONG, and politicly driven. The farm lobby claims clean, renewable, home-grown,... and on and on. The bottom line for them is M-O-N-E-Y. 6 out of 10 rows of U.S. corn is now made into motor fuel. Out of 10 loads of corn, only 3 loads of DDG (feed ingredient) is left. This product is only a filler, and must have mineral packages added back to it. Fertilizer used to grow corn is a finite resource, and is already getting costlier to mine and manufacture. Wonder why grocerys are getting so high?
This to... The website above shows several stations in Indiana named Countrymark. Thats the farm CO-OP owned gas stations!!!
Facts about ethanol petrol gas. I`ll agree totally with you in what you write here though i am not a conspirational person but like facts on the table , i whas able to find facts about stations selling petrol gas containing ethanol in norway . I am shore this fact information is availeble in the USA aswell ; 95 octane ethanol gas; 98 octane none ethanol gas; My son owns a Chesna Cherokee and uses only 100LL avgas provided through the Club at the landing strip nearby. Thanks fore the contribution.Martinius.