Nate, where are you?

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by 52wasp, Nov 2, 2015.

  1. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Trying something different

    O.K. , I guess that's how one makes a comment title now ? #confused# .

    I miss the old separate box above .

    One page # 2 someone was asking about 235 cylinder head interchanges , yes the 050 head fits , it' a 261 head with lower compression (a good thing if you want to tune it sharply for more power etc.) and even steam holes if you care to drill the block's deck.....

    Here it is the NEW YEAR 2016 , the year of the monkey and SWMBO says I can't go play with myprojects so I'm here but no one else is..... #rolleyes#

    BTW : I read about the changes over at the H.A.M.B. and they point about insulting newbies who often knew far more than the poseurs was bad - it drove me away from there right from the beginning .

    People I knew asked me to go help out and every time I made a reply , the thread died on the spot .

    Many complained to me they'd had the same thing happen , more's the pity as putting your nose up doesn't help anyone and makes you look like a fool to boot .

    But , I whine digress #tongue# .

    Let's see if I Randsburg2011_61.jpg can figure out how to add a photo :
  2. 52wasp

    52wasp Member

    Jul 21, 2006
    Wilton, New Hampshire
    Almost exactly 2 months ago I asked where you were Nate. I think I can safely say, what with a subject line, and inserted photo, that you have the new stuff all figured out, that you are BACK.

    Welcome (all the way) Back!
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    SolosT.2014.jpg Again , I thank you all who have extreme patience with my struggles here .

    Now , I need to get off my duff and begin re assembling my Shop Truck , we're forecasted heavy rains through March and I have only a tarpaulin to work under..... #redface# .

    Attached Files:

    mobileortho likes this.
  4. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    LOOK AT YOU!!!! You did it!!!
    Perseverance pays off!!!
    This one's just for you, Nate! #biggrin# DSCF0012.JPG
    You have NO IDEA how much I love driving this 228/4 speed dumped into that 373 Colorado rear end with disc brake stoppage.
    So glad I didn't V8 this thing! -yet- (All the money I saved on that might help me score the multiple carby intake and split header some fine day. #rolleyes# )
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    SWEET !

    Too bad I'm not there to rock it .
    Zig likes this.
  6. Bilbo

    Bilbo Member

    Jul 4, 2007
    Magnolia, Texas
    That's a fine looking engine compartment, Zig! I've been 'away' for a while and thought I'd check in.
    Zig likes this.
  7. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Thanks! The white really helps to illuminate the engine compartment. (Plus it makes sure I will keep it clean.)
    Thanks for checking in! I hope you are now getting around like normal?
  8. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Still here , enjoying the California weather whist everyone else is getting hammered ~

    my Sister in Richmond , Va. has 3' of snow so far.....

    I'm still plodding along in my Junkpiles , here's my maybe new purchase :
    ccharr and Zig like this.
  9. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    How would you fold yourself up to get into it?
  10. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    He gets into the Metropolitan ok.
  11. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    I don't know really , I've never tried a Mini / Elf , we'll see .

    I have short legs @ 32" , my height is all in my trunk .

    My buddy is in a really tight spot so my interest in this cool car is mostly to help him out ~ I don't loan money .

    It's a very pretty car (IMO) and runs rings around my Met .

    FWIW , I find the Metropolitan Nash FHC to be roomy and comfortable , I don't even have the seat all the way back .

    Jeezo-peezo I'm tired and sore , all day fighting a recalcitrant old Mercedes with oil leaking issues and bad brakes .

    This is hard work for old men #biggrin# .
  12. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Still here ;

    I've been busy working on SWMBO's European spec. 1984 Mercedes 7 passenger fully optioned Station Wagon , I drove it to work in the pouring rain a few weeks (actually a MONTH I think) ago and was heading down a steep ramp in downtown Los Angeles heading for a closed steel gate when the brake pedal went to the floor #eek# .

    It turns out the fairly new brakes had failed , both the master cylinder and the left front caliper blew , some idiot put a phenolic piston into the ATE caliper that's supposed to have STEEL pistons , I'm STILL WAITING for the left front caliper , I gave up Friday and ordered one from Centric , it's supposed to arrive Friday Feb. 18th , we'll see .

    At the same time I decided to replace the leaking oil cooler to engine hose , there are two of them so " might as well " (remember this phrase it likes to bite your buttocks) replace both , of course I had to not only unbolt and jack up the engine but remove the left side motor mount and cast alloy support arm because Mercedes decided to run the steel porition of both hoses between said cast support arm and the cylinder block.... #rolleyes# .

    Whilst that was apart I took the driver's side door apart to replace the wobbly worn out inside door release pull and have a look at the inoperative door check and see why the electric window makes a funny noise as it reaches bottom , it turns out long ago the window lift bolts came loose , tearing the inner door skin , they cobbled it up and replaced the lift with a new one , I made up some gussets and buttoned that up , managed to lose an entire box full of harvested door checks , Mercedes put a _lot_ of Engineering into the basic door checks , I wish I could post a photo , they're *very* good in the wind but when they die or dry out they also jamb the door in the open position....

    Mercedes is aware of this and specs. out a special ' dry ' EP grease that doesn't attract dust , about $75.00 for a small(ish) tube of it , what to do ? .

    I bought a box full of WWII Surplus M1 Garand Rifle Grease in tiny little butt stock containers for $10 , about 0.85 CENTS each , it's good stuff for exposed sunroof tracks too #wink# .

    I went to the Junk Yard and harvested three more old Mercedes door check and will service them before installing soon .

    Friday I went to West L.A. and began working on my Brother's old ex Highway Dept. sprinkler service truck ~ a 1979 Dodge D200 heavy duty crew cab service bed rig that's built like an anvil and about as fuel efficient with it's romping stomping 4V 360 cubic inch V8 engine , we're going to drive it to Death Valley next month and his idea of routine maintenance is to remind me as it coasts to a halt somewhere in mid America " you told me to change / fix / replace that a few years ago " #redface# .

    I gave up getting mad at him a decade or longer ago , it's a waste of time and energy .

    Anyway , it wasn't idling and I found numerous dry rotted vacuum hoses and crap like that , as he'd not bothered to clean the crusty white corrosion off the battery , the battery cables or even the battery charger's clamps , the battery was greasy and close to stone dead when I showed up so it's now cleaned and charged up...

    Then I crawled under neath it to see why it leaks ga$oline whenever the tank is full , I found the moulded filler neck hose to be dry rotted and remove it , I hope that'll fix it so I don't have to remove the big , eighteen Gallon Polyethelene (!) tank but I will if the sender gasket turns out to be the leak .

    The fuel tank has maybe 2" clearance between it and the bed's floor making it impossible to see what's going up there .

    Some years ago in Tennessee in July one of his 25 year old bald and dry rotted tires blew on the freeway ripping out the upper portion of the filler neck (handy safety tip : CHECK THE DING-DANGED TIRE PRESSURES BEFORE THE TRIP WHEN YOUR BOTHER THE MECHANIC REPEATEDLY REMINDS YOU TO ! #tongue#) . I never did find the filler neck but I *did* find a very nice young (mid 20's) Country Boy who'd recently opened his own muffler shop , he had a rusting '49 Chevy AD hulk in the weeds out back and GAVE me the upper filler neck and laboriously hand fashioned and welded up an adapter to match it to the different size Dodge flexible filler hose.....

    Yesterday after replacing the rear brake calipers on his '87 Mercedes 300SDL we went Junk Yarding and were lucky to find a 1979 Dodge D200 long bed " Adventurer " Camper Special in VGC , the yard closed as we found it so back again to - morrow (Presidents Day) to yank that tank and hopefully harvest a serviceable correct original filler neck and maybe the hose too ~

    The rubber fuel filler hose has a 90° bend in it , very unusual in the trade , I have no idea where to find a thing like this , helpful suggestions welcomed (NOTE : I've been trying to get him to junk this rig and BUY A CHEVY DAMMIT since he bought this fine old truck , not gonna happen so hints where to find flexible filler neck hose or Service Bed parts (the bed was made by Utility) would be nice .

    Anyways , that's where I've been of late , busy as usual , I also kinda boxed my self into the retirement corner by being honest at work and calling out some lazy buttheads who's failure to do their jobs has a HUGE cascading effect on everyone in Supply , oops ~ instead of making them DO THE JOB THEY'RE PAID TO DO it's been decided to ride my tired old butt until I flip out and do something they can fire me for or retire .

    SWMBO and I went to the pre retirement seminar Thursday last , looks like I have to wait until July at the least .

    BTW : I've also been working on the turbocharger on my old Mercedes Diesel Sports Coupe , it hauls @$$ again but still smokes more than I like .

    Whew , are you sorry you asked now ? #biggrin# .
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2016
  13. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    Also spent the day trying to hunt down the oil leak on a Mercedes station wagon. It has the V6 engine so cleaned around every gasket surface, block sides and front cover and then had owner drive it to lunch. Wish the oil was dirty but since it was clean and along with fading eyesight didn't spot anything. Put some indicator dye in it and he's coming back tomorrow to shine the black light on it. Hope it's not like an Italian car where you have to pull the engine to change out the radiator cap.
  14. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Well, Nate, you do live an active life!
    I love what I do for a living, but I promise, the first day I can retire, I will be gone just that fast.
    Then I can get to MY list of things to do, and I will especially love being outside in the perfect weather of Spring and Fall, instead of being stuck inside.
  15. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    I'm with you Paulie ;

    Life is so short and I have so much to do.....

    Pitt's dying to to - morrow I spend the morning working on the Mercedes , then Al is supposed to come by and pick up a Morris Minor bonnet and wing I gave him last year , then off to Pitt's house , we're cleaning it out now he's in Hospice care .

    It really sucks , I don't want any of his things now because he'll soon be gone .

    Anyways , standing still is a waste of time to me .

    So says the man who falls asleep ion his recliner with dogs on his lap if he can.... #tongue# .
  16. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000

    Anyone still reading this ? .

    I put in my retirement papers and might get lucky and be out the door May 13th , a Friday of course so who knows what'll happen ? .

    I have another fun (?) story about the old '79 Dodge gas tank , it involves a $150 '75 Dodge D200 4X4 if anyone likes those ~ cheap at the price and has title and every thing but is way the heck out in Keeler , Ca. .

    More if anyone wants to hear my foolishness .
  17. yodaman

    yodaman Member

    Sep 9, 2007
    Cecil County, Maryland
    YES! I 'm still reading this. I log in rarely but read the page regularly and feel a kinship with you guys that I don't really know. Its nice to hear about people's real life outside of this truck obsession of ours. Keep talking Nate, please!
  18. gypsy truck

    gypsy truck Member

    Oct 2, 2007
    Florida / Illinois
    Nate - I've been one of those gone far too long. Glad to come back and see you too are still here. Happy to hear of your approaching retirement. That will give you much more time to spend on your passions. Congrats!
  19. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000

    My last week on the job begins Monday 5.9 .

    I thought they'd kick me down the stairs and lock the door behind me but they've decided to have a farewell (? good riddance ?) luncheon Wednesday May 11th. at the Glendale Ca. Sizzler on Los Feliz Blvd. a bit East of the I 5 freeway , right across from COSTCO , 11AM in case anyone wants to drop by .

    I have a flyer but it doesn't show up in any folders...... :confused: .

    Oh well .
  20. ol' chebby

    ol' chebby Member

    Dec 11, 2007
    Good luck Nate. Now maybe you can get some work done.

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