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Discussion in '1947-1954' started by vwnate1, Feb 14, 2021.

  1. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    It's been raining off and on here so of course I was out in the more obscure junkyards looking for "new' (only 42 years old) truck parts , getting soaked in mud and ran across this :

    I was wondering if anyone else knows what it is ? .
    Ernest B Way likes this.
  2. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    Don't laugh OK ! my name is not
    Mike Wolfe or Frank Fritz :D
    Just thought to take a stab at it...
    A 39 Harley UL Flathead ?
    I did get lost in looking at the head fins... :rolleyes:

    Well now that I took a shot and blew it.

    Will add Nate in reading the back pages in the
    old database here on the forums. I did learn
    what the color code for Suburban
    interior poop brown colors were.
    Wicker Brown and Pecan Brown --:cool:
    Shot the codes off to an Automotive paint specialist site----
    And they after entering the code info
    said they came up with "Blue":confused:
    Question ? Who ....Blue it ? ... :eek::D
    Nice Looking Flathead -whatever it is-:cool:
    Nice Find :)
    vwnate1 likes this.
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    It's the engine and trans from an Indian Motocycle .

    I too am amused by the names of colors....
    Ernest B Way likes this.
  4. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    What year is it Nate ?
    vwnate1 likes this.
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Sadly I don't know a whole lot about Indians, when I rode American Motocycles I had a 1937 Harley EL (KnuckleHead 61") and a 1965 FL (74" low compression ex L.A.P.D.) so I used to know those backwards and forwards, I'm not a big fan of any FlatHeads because they're not good for burning up the miles as I like to do .

    This could be a Scout or Chief for all I know, I'm just pleased to see it not in a junkpile .
  6. booger

    booger Member

    Oct 9, 2008
    Schulenburg Tx
    Good job on saving it Nate ! Intentions? I’m sure there are plenty restorers out there that would like to acquire
  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    I wish it were mine.....

    I was just having a nice (better than most) breakfast burrito on my way to my favorite LKQ self service junkyard / mud pit and this was parked ion front of the Top's on Eat Colorado .

    For those who are not aware, you can buy pretty much every part including the frame for a vintage Indian Motocycle new these days and build one .

    Were this mine I'd........

    Hm. (adjusts tin foil hat and begins to "think").......

    Maybe make it run and connect it to a home backup generator......
    Guest5979 likes this.
  8. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    Sure a lot of great information on the forum.
    I made a couple of posts -topics not
    knowing --where -- to ask ? The topics hung out to dry
    for a couple of days so I deleted them:rolleyes:

    As for the dumbest questions
    are those never asked ? I do not buy that !.
    My Granny use to say what good is being ignorant ?
    >>> if you don't show it :cool: <<<:confused: LOL.

    Question on rubber floor mat and access to
    the master cylinder and battery box--

    Floor cab to door seal and metal retainer
    On Russ's pinned "how to's " -- I thought
    to ask about the rubber floor mat as it looked like
    he had it underneath the metal retainer strip which
    would eliminate quick access to the MC and Battery Box ?


    I did a lot of patching on the floor- and used Por-15 -etc.
    Better Stop there-- Starting to feel like a flickering bulb ?o_O
    In a LIGHT SOCKET --Believe me --I'm screwed in tight ! "butt":D
    Been reading threads and like to thank Nate again.
    And others as well. Love the threads..
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2021
    vwnate1 likes this.
  9. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Everyone here likes to help out .

    Not all forums are like this .

    I do think that un asked questions are not a good thing, if you don't ask, how are you supposed to learn or know ? .
  10. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    It's the starting of a new topic/question
    that may have been answered 100 times before .?
    I began helping to moderate a DIY Handyman Forum
    near 20 years ago and boy how some members get all upset
    over starting a new topic OR even making replies
    on topics that are still in the database some 10-15 years ago.
    Demanding that only a link to the OLD topics be used and no
    bumping up of old topics..
    Not everyone is like You and Me Nate !......
    Last thing I want to do is --start flickering and have
    someone say Screw Ernie ! --:eek: in a little tighter !:D
    vwnate1 likes this.
  11. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Well, Ernie ;

    To me, those sort of replies just mean someone has to speak out / out and if the forum owner says I shouldn't then I know the forum isn't for me as i like to help out and learn, some are too afraid to do that .
  12. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    Why waste a good thread ?
    Off the top of me little head....
    It's the little things in life that
    make my tin foil hat --start up- LOL........

    Nate I read where you
    too found long ago the joy in using
    ``Rattle Can Spray Paint`````
    My working in a Auto Body Shop ended
    well over 50 years ago after I picked up a
    hammer and became a carpenter...
    Oh if I had a Hammer ! I'd Hammer Out ---?
    -------Peter Paul and " Merry" -:DLOL..........

    Jim Carter has the pints --of Pecan Brown
    on back order.
    Still searching Can anyone help
    me find where to purchase
    " Rattle Can " Aerosol Spray Paint - in
    1953 -Suburban " Wicker and Pecan Brown" ?

    I sent the Color Code Charts to a couple of
    online Automotive Paint Sites and was sent
    a couple of replies like this one :

    Quote :
    " Hi Ernest,
    We are sorry I looked up every code on that list
    and nothing that you are looking for came up.
    With older vehicles its always a 50/50 chance "
    we can mix the colors.

    More of Less ? further emails were the same
    And of course I have been "googling" just not
    the Brightest Bulb in that Socket ! - LOL

    " Hi Ernest,

    I'm not sure.
    You can google who
    sells automotive interior paint. "

    Last edited: Apr 4, 2021
    vwnate1 likes this.
  13. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Well Ernest ;

    I seem to recall the Chevrolet Division called it "Champagne" and I bet Even ('Coilover') here knows just where to get it .

    I bought a small can of it to to the dashboard in my old '49 3100, God alone knows where I put it, I never did get to re do the interior / dash...
    Ernest B Way likes this.
  14. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    OBTW :

    (? SP ?)
  15. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX
    My wife and I had a pit stop at Bucee's (you have to be from Texas) on the way home from Houston to Fredericksburg this afternoon. There were 15-20 U.S. Army enlisted in camo uniforms grabbing munchies and drinks. I happened to look at one of the troops who was female, black and who's name tag read "Kelly". I immediately spouted off "St. Paddy's day, you are wearing green and your name is Kelly! You gotta be Irish!". We both had a big laugh.
    vwnate1 likes this.
  16. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    My Wife > Colleen < :rolleyes:
    Well her mother Annie was Born In Ire.
    And we have one room with the walls
    covered with Maps of Ire and Family
    And of course a bunch of
    knick-knacks ------from Ire.
    Bill's reply made me think of the Black Irish and
    The --Black and Tans etc.
    One of our daughters is named
    >>> Erin < <<< :D
    Family dog in the 70's
    we name Molly :D
    Oops ;) .---.
    ---------Happy St. Patrick's Day--:D
    vwnate1 likes this.
  17. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    My First 5-Window --53 Truck I had in 1970
    had a pretty rusted dash . I used` Rattle Cans`
    and remember matching the original
    color pretty darn spot on ! with
    Rustoleum (sp) or Krylon ? paint
    and it turned out beautiful. I have not
    even come close to finding the Suburban dash
    and interior trim paints. Other than seeing
    Jim Carter has both listed in " pint cans "
    The Pecan Brown has been listed "Back Order"
    for months..

    For me nothing beats a Rattle Can !
    I stopped using a paint gun back
    in the 60's after I became a Carpenter..
    And No - I am not a tagger--LOL.......
    The Suburban Dash color - Jim Carter identified as
    " Pecan Brown " Dash --- and the trim/garnish moldings being
    "Wicker Brown " Behind Smokey's neck can be seen the Wicker Brown
    I have since found an undented radio delete plate from a Pick-up dash (grayish)
    Was thinking about a Rubber Boot for the new ( not shown) rubber floor mat
    But thought again being I even love my shifter knob ---and do not want to mess it up....
    Darn Near 40 years with this Old Burb-- Just getting behind the wheel------
    Ahhhhh - Ernie's Time in Space Travel Begins -- LOL........

    20200804_115251 (2).jpg
    vwnate1 likes this.
  18. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    Some pictures ..Could add more about
    the floor being rusted out..<
    Didn't think to take before pictures etc.
    Sanded and Prepped the floor and used
    Por 15- with the thought I could have saved $$$$ ?
    and just went with Rustoleum ..$
    Went the full 9 yards with the POR -15 line of stuff...
    Used POR Patch- too and their etching primer and
    yes.. their POR- 15 Top Coat Paint ( Cast Iron Gray ).
    Underneath the jump seat and bench seat the paint
    almost had changed to a faded pink color ?--
    Got a Clean off Color Radio Delete Plate -
    Cleaned up my 40 year old " Michey Lane Cadillac " rubber mats.....
    The floor area under the seats I went with a Rustoleum " Satin Chestnut "
    ~~ Oil Well ~~~ LOL......
    The under the seat "tool cubby" was missing the drain plug
    and had X'd pieces of duct tape over the hole. After sanding and cleaning
    up the tool cubby I used Rustoleum " Hammered Anodized Gray " thinking it might
    help when using a Flashlight to see what the ? reaching in the hole --LOL........
    Old piece of carpet in the cubby hole had
    a 1953 penny underneath - SCORE ! hahah..
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2021
    vwnate1 likes this.
  19. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Friday 3.19.21

    I see the usual good attitude displayed, I too thought of "Black Irish".......

    It turns out my big brother, who's birthday is St. Paddy's Day. didn't wand corned beef and cabbage (?? !! WTH ?!?) so I took him to a Mongolian BBQ, we could only work in one plate each, must be getting old or summat .

    Yuo're going to love this one Ernest : the little domed sheet metal cap at the bottom of the shifter is fairly easy to remove with a pair of water pump pliers ~ you depress it a little bit and give it quarter turn and bingo ! it pops right up allowing you to remove the shift lever and install a new rubber boot....

    Choose the rubber boot carefully, no need to buy a $pendy repop one, plenty of good American made ones on tractor and farm implement stores...
    Ernest B Way likes this.
  20. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    Top of the Morning to You Nate !...
    In 1970 ? 71 ? was the first time I turned
    and popped out the shifter stick on my 53 Truck 4 speed
    and use to remove the tranny drain side drain plug and FILL
    the tranny from the top--- until it stopped dripping out the side drain plug.

    With all the tech information available today on the internet ( smile )
    it's a wonder as to why my Old 53 put up with my ignorance...LOL.
    I use to stand -bent over in the cab and push the stick straight down and
    twist it I think ? to the left and Voila ! was easy. I was thinking about the size
    of the ``collar ``on the shifter boot making it over the end
    of the lower part on the stick ?

    Darn Nate ! You know how that being
    OVER 70 something stuff kind of uh---
    gets in the way of just getting "tuit" Heck I feel
    like I need ! an Overhaul myself LOL..

    Going to slide the bench
    seat back on the pedestal and tighten her down today...
    IF you could see the REST of the mess she's in :(
    Well like I said-- they ?---
    may find me just sitting in the seat
    with hopefully a SMILE on my face-
    stuck in the Slow Lane of Life -- o_O haha..
    When I sit in the` Old Rust Bucket-:cool:
    The Highways and Byways we have seen
    together the past 40 years come flooding in ----------
    like Oh Manny ! Just holding the steering wheel
    of an Old Chevy like Her is like ! Magic -
    Just Sitting Still - Lights me Up !
    Notice I did not say Fires Me Up !! haha.........
    Oh and the darn hump and the tranny cover
    being so close to the tranny --made me wonder
    when it came time to secure the boot. Didn't want to
    start drilling holes etc.... The rubber mat I purchased from
    the " Classic Parts Sponsor " fits beautiful ---other than for the tranny hump..
    Top the Morn-
    - Top of The Day Nate...:)
    Thank You ! again for all
    the help and great attitude..
    Old <<<<Ernie:)
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2021
    vwnate1 likes this.

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