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Discussion in '1947-1954' started by vwnate1, Feb 14, 2021.

  1. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    Wife's trying to work me to death ? LOL.
    After buying a Sun Visor...uhh. I had to tighten
    up and take another notch on my belt to keep my
    pants from falling off. Overall's ?
    Oh God please NO...:eek:
    Suspenders ? hummm maybe ! LOL...:D

    After sanding /primer painting my wheels
    and using a little por-15 on the inside over the rivets.
    I kept looking for an off white to use the old rattle can
    spray - taking a long time in between working for the wife..
    *sigh* LOL. well hope to get some after pics .

    Eye Dent Real Eye's how
    Dented and Messed
    Up the Old Caps where.:confused:

    Guess every dent was made
    by me over the past 40 years..
    I remember hitting
    a couple of boulders and shouting:rolleyes:
    ````` TAKE THAT YOU DIRTY ROCK !! ````:mad::D

    I tried using One Shot -Enamel for the lettering
    and gave up- and can't blame it on drinking too much
    ```` coFfEe```
    Hope to get after pics
    with the caps on the wheels -
    Used vinyl decals for the lettering.

    You might make out the
    Thistle Gray Original paint in the sections where
    I gave the Rocks Hell ! :mad::D
    vwnate1 likes this.
  2. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    With all the great pictures members take
    and share - bear with my little half arse attempts.

    Years ago I had a photobucket account and a
    small digital camera-- Today I have to borrow
    my wife's Smart Phone ? oh never mind LOL.

    I used the black vinyl decals from Jim Carter -
    And shot a little clear matte enamel over
    the caps and will wait and see what the.?

    Gives me time to save up $$$ LOL.
    Visor knocked the wind out of me and my
    pants dropped ! Another notch on the old belt
    and at this rate maybe a new smaller belt ? is in store---haha

    vwnate1 likes this.
  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    The hub caps look great to me .

    Is it Ernest or Bruce ?.

    BTW : do you know what those little red circles are for ? .
    Ernest B Way likes this.
  4. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    Two Bee Frank wit You Nate
    On another topic ( Grill Guard ) that Bruce made
    I ended a reply with :
    The Best !
    `` Misleading eh...:rolleyes:o_O:D

    This is what my tire guy said in essence``
    when I noticed the Red and Yellow Dots...
    vwnate1 likes this.
  5. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    O.K., got it .

    Yes, that's what the red dots are for, it used to be they only marked Motocycle tires .
    Ernest B Way likes this.
  6. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    Can't remember which topics/threads mentioned your
    Tire Formula< But I used what you said to make my
    tire guy get the 215/85/16 radials ! He wanted to sell me
    new rims etc. And I said no way ! The older radials were
    actually tooo fat /wide -and made it a bear to turn .
    The new radials are amazing.
    Been driving the Old Rust Bucket about 25-35 miles a week.
    And she's not going to ever be a Show Queen as long as I am still alive. Feels good to clean her up a little
    and just Ride ! Ride ! Ride (putt putt-chug -chug ) LOL...
    With the new seat covers-- floor work and rubber -next is
    fixing the rusty vent cowl that -- I let go to long..
    Not to mention the broken side glass and......
    OIL WELL ! Fun messing with her;)
    Hay Nate --Thanks Again !:)
    vwnate1 likes this.
  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Tires are a critical aspect of the driving experience ~ far too many instantly slap on wider tires than stock and then wonder why it's no fun to drive....

    The original sales slogan said it best : "IF IT DRIVES LIKE A TRUCK IT'S NOT A CHEVROLET ! .

    You'd be amazed at how quickly (not fast) I drove my 1949 3100 series, many were .

    The Huck brakes made it not fun to slow down or stop when loaded though .

    The Advanced Design Suburbans came with a ront sway bar from the factory, some years ago it was still available new from..... ? Silverline ? .

    You cannot imagine how sure footed one of theseold rigs can be until you drive one with a sway bar .
    Ernest B Way likes this.
  8. Chiro

    Chiro Member

    Sep 3, 2006
    A New York Yankee living in Virginia
    ^^^True that, Nate. The single best thing I did was to put an original Suburban sway bar on my 1/2 ton. The difference was truly amazing.
    vwnate1 and Ernest B Way like this.
  9. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    We share some things in common Nate.
    My first 53-3100 Pickup I bought for $ 350.00 in 1970.
    Was an old work truck and I could write a book on all that
    I found out about the previous owner etc.
    Buddy ( R.I.P.) helped me pull the engine and
    forget what the cylinders were bored out to be.?

    Second 53-3100 was a Barn Find !
    in Oregon. Sold my old one and went the
    route of having a rebuilt -dropped in ..
    The Barn Find 3100 was Amazing !
    in every sense of the word. Less than 8,000 miles on
    her and the owner had passed when his wife said she decided to sell it after a tree fell on the barn....LONG story
    but the Springs-Shocks- all the Rubber was incredible -
    Once I got her back in the road it was like ? as close to riding
    one off the showroom floor...She was the smoothest -ride
    and when it came to shutting the doors it was like trying
    to close the lid on compressed air ?
    Seats -rubber-were like brand new ?
    How / Why it was able to escape the weathering?
    Ooops rambling again.

    The Burb still has the factory
    front sway bar. Not sure of the rules but
    from another site Denny Graham dropped
    this off in a thread about the early GM sway bars
    This is the GM anti-sway bar 1947-1950:
    vwnate1 likes this.
  10. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    Old Nellie Bell my Burb carried me all over
    Oregon- Washington into Idaho on a mismatched
    old set of ``Bias Tube Type ``tires. Drove her a couple of
    times NON-STOP from Salem Oregon to San Diego
    other than to gas up-pit stop for coffee and
    ummmm that " Rest Room" activity -LOL.

    A Couple of trips up and down over the Grapevine
    which I am sure you have driven Nate. Today being
    content to just watch such trips on --You tube---
    Seems like when I got the Burb` purring-- catching
    a lower or higher gear to suit her.. she acted like a
    Mule that was happy to just trot along..
    She gave me More on the Road that I had ever expected ...
    And I never knew ? what I may have been missing
    having been one of those who never rode a newer
    Race Horse -- Driving a Mule for over 50 years
    Guess I Just Loved Mules...
    With the new radials she holds the
    road well and it sweet on the bit when it comes to
    turning---- Thought of this comment on a You Tube video
    from an old Big Rig Truck Driver -
    Like hearing
    something through the
    Grape Vine ? ( that song?)
    How much longer
    will she be Mine --LOL
    Quote : 6 years ago
    Thx for creating this video! Been this way several
    times and almost every time, there is some hazard
    or accident ... including ... cars stalled in the
    right-most lane (older vehicles that overheated/stalled
    up that long, steep grade), tire parts, or other lost
    cargo creating obstacles.
    Been there. done that ... sigh!
    "" Now, I just let YouTube do the driving ;) """

    Took Old Nellie Bell out yesterday for a Sunday Cruise and
    Said to myself --Today --Tuesdays are always better ----
    -------LOL----------Traffic ain't what it used to be
    vwnate1 likes this.
  11. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Good to see Andy is still with us , he's a good sort who's a serious and involved father, more men need to take the time to spend with their sons .

    I imagine many of us Geezers are similar in basic makeup, we enjoy working and seeing the results of our labors .

    As far as trucks = mules, a very good point ~ both are simply tools that if used correctly will last a long time and give great pleasure .

    Speed is good and all that but life is fast enough already ~ yesterday I held my new born baby boy and to - day I have to grandchildren.... (don't blink !) .

    Skinny tires is the key to good road manners on our old trucks ~ I too used to run whatever old bias ply things I could find used that still had tread and held air .

    Many forget how it was one upon a time, I never will and am grateful to be where I am now .

    See the lady in my avatar ? she's still with me, turns 79 next week and I'm ever so pleased to have her .

    Not many old guys have smoking hot women in their lives .
    Ernest B Way likes this.
  12. Ernest B Way

    Ernest B Way Member

    Nov 16, 2020
    West Coast
    Can set off a wonderful -beautiful sense of
    where we have been -what we thought we had and
    bring to life the best of what we found along the journey...
    LET ME TELL YAH ! Nate
    Reading your reply set off --uhh ? an
    unspeakable -wonderful sense of stopping
    and sharing the Best Part--- Loving Life.----
    Blessed beyond measure..
    Life swirling and hurling this and that...
    Love remains in the eye of the storm

    Your sharing-:)- Made my Morning Nate...:D
    vwnate1 likes this.
  13. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Glad to have been a bright spot Ernest .

    Our great grand son Kai just ran in the room he's a bright spot in anyone's day #smile# .

    He'll turn 6 next week .

    It amazes me that anyone chooses to be a grump .

    Life is a precious gift, to be enjoyed not endured .

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