Wednesday it was 65 degrees and I took a 9 mile run at lunch in my shorts and a T-shirt. Yesterday it was 70 degrees and just beautiful. Today it's been snowing and sleeting all friggin' day and it's still at it. The roads are an absolute mess and it's freaking freezing out. Damn that groundhog. I got my kids this weekend and was looking forward to working on the truck. I guess it will have to wait again. Andy
Hey Andy- sounds to me like the powers that be have a slush ball fight in store for you and yer young'uns! This time of year can drive a person completely NUTZ. The good thing is, Old Man Winter can't compete with longer days and a tilting axis. Lets just pray that hail and wind storms stay away from TB'sD's tent/garage. No knot-heads please! You and your kids can set inside your truck and make driving sounds anyway!
Zig, Total ice storm last night. Everything is covered in the slippery stuff. PERFECT for sleigh riding!!! Got a great, safe hill overlooking the harbor. Taking them there today for sure. Andy
I Hear You ! It was _SO_ cold last night that as I was driving along in my new (to me) 1980 Mercedes 300CD Diesel Coupe with the windows down and the sun roof open , oldies playing , why, I breifly considered putting on my jacket as my bare arm was getting cool but instead I just switched on the heater..... Seriously Andy , we've been watching the snowstorm on the weather channel and thanking God I no longer live in the East .
Nz While you guys are dealing with spring time over there im here in New Zealand chilling in the fall. Today is a wicked fall day here. The only thing that could make the day better would be if i had my truck. jeff
Whatcha doing in New Zealand! That's kinda far away from the Maple trees, eh? We've had a great spring here in Houston. Got my tomatoes planted last weekend. High 70's during the day, mid to low 60's at night. I'm going to enjoy it while i can before the 3 H's get here. Hot, humid and hazy!
Houston Semi-Annual open window day. Ken: We may have missed Houston Semi-Annual Open Window day. You know, that one day in early spring and again in late fall when we Houstonians turn off the heat, open the windows and then the next day turn on the A/C (or the other way around in the fall).