Guy's, I don't know if this deserved it's own post or not, but I didn't know where to fit it in... Remember the problem I was having with my passengers side door lock assy. Well I called CP to order a new one, the FINE salespersons said "Mr. Parsons, ALL of our passengers side door locks have a problem, we've pulled them because the manufacturer advised us of a manufacturing fault". OK, thanks for your honesty... I asked when the new ones would come in, he said, we don't know, all orders for these are back-ordered... I said again, thanks for your honesty... I ordered a few other items and as stated I got them all in a few days.. SOOOOOO. I dial the next number for the other parts provider (starts with and L) no names, don't want to run another down. I went through the same process, but this time asked if they sold many of these door lock assy's. The salesman said yes, lots of them. I asked if there had been any complaints, he said no. I told him I was aware that the manufacturer had stated that all current repops by them were not working. The salesman said "well all ours do and we haven't had any complaints". I told the salesman that I did NOT want to pay money for a second one that had a problem. Instead of putting me through to tech support as asked he assured me it would work and if it didn't I could return it. I told him thanks, but I didn't want to take that chance, he assured me again there would be no problem with there product... GUESS WHAT? I got the cheep china made thing. IT DON'T WORK SO what did I do? Self says I, I'm gona make one of these things work. I know this has been a long story to a short end, but I did get the old one to work by grinding off a serious burr that existed on both. I sending that other one back, and I wish I could send it freight collect Anyway,,,,,,,, Classic Parts needs to be bragged on, they have been upfront with me on every order, told me if something was backordered, if shipping would be delayed, If I needed assistance, they jumped right to it. Now I know everyone makes mistakes, but for me, the other company now has got to me 3 times. Fool me once shame on you, fool me three times.... uh, well... I learned my lesson. CP.... If you read these posts, THANKS. I know they have got to make money, but it sure seems as if a little personal touch still hangs around that place. TB'sD
I hear you TB'sD- A throw-back to the good old days when customer satisfaction mattered. It seems like anymore, companies just say- well- you know. Give me your $$$s and who cares what you have to say. Do something about it, I dare you.... Way to go CP- I'd get my lowering springs through them if they made them. I've had the same great serice. What the world needs is alot more Kens.
Expanded stock Zig, I'll have to think about the DARE I too have wished that CP would expand the items they offer, giving it some thought though leads me to believe there may be a reason they don't. Maybe they have checked out some of the junk offered by others, maybe there intention was never offering every part, maybe it's not cost effective, maybe they are still growing... what ever the reason, all the items I've purchased so far have been great... now, back to the dare thing... what would you suggest? I figured that I would take my loss on shipping both ways, I don't doubt that they will give my money back, but that 8$ each way,... hmmmmmm Anybody need a never used 1951 door latch/lock assy? I'll sell her cheep TB'sD
Hmmmm You could always mention this niffty little page you get on and how you know people on this site are always looking for special parts. You'd REALLY like to say good things, but...
That's it, i've had enough! OK, Zig, you are the straw that broke the camel's back. To quote: "What the world needs is alot more Kens". NOT. We've got way too many cynical, old bastards like me! What we need is fresh, new thoughts like Kevin, Kyle, Jon, etc to keep this alive. You guys have given me too much credit. I helped a fellow enthusiast and his beautiful daughter get over a hurdle. I gained more out of it than they did. I cherish the fact that they took me in and showed me the hospitality that i grew up with as a child in west Tennessee. I can't begin to express the gratitude that i feel right now! I've had a really rough year having lost my dad, my best friend, my teacher and you guys will never realize what a void you have filled in my life. I'm tickled that I used what my dad taught me to help Robin and Kristen advance one more step toward completing their project.
Rave On! Oh wait, that's a Buddy Holley tune. Rant on!! I really liked your post TB's Dad, because it reinforces what I have thought for years. Thanks for appreciating CAP and the fine service they provide. They deserve it. As far as the other guys go, and not running them down, well, they deserve that too, especially when you gave them important info about parts not working!! Would it be so hard for a human to actually check the latch before it is sent out?? That BS about sending it back if it doesnt work is just company line blather . Ask for a refund for the part and for shipping both ways. Their silly policy is just that, and there are always exceptions. I was in the hardware business for 25+ years, and even though we had our policies too, the bottom line for us was to ask the customer "what do you want?" when dealing with disputes. If it wasnt illegal, we tried hard to be accomodating, cause thats what we did for a living, and we liked our customers. I always try to support the businesses who do that little extra, who show a little more concern, who can find a way to say 'yes' intead of 'well thats our policy', cause the folks who can say yes, have our best intrest in mind. End of my rant. Sully Sully
Just to add my 2 cents..(Really added a whole lot more to CP). I started as a newbie and had a ton of questions, I found that every call I made to order parts they treated me with respect. Being a newbie I found that I would often forget a part that I would need to go with the ones I ordered, they never pushed but always asked. Never had any problems with the stuff I got. So I give them a ^5 also.
Let me say that I have been very happy with CP. They have made a couple of slips but were very quick to fix them once I called. That, I think, is the difference. Most businesses today are all about the initial sale then the log drawn out process begins with us trying to either get the right thing or get out money back. These guys (and gals) are a no hassle bunch. Now, CP, how's about that 10% off on the next purchase for all in this thread? Seriously, thanks for your products and service. Gater
Me Too ! Chevy Duty treated me extremely well and thier customer service is top notch . FWIW , there used to be THREE different Chinese door latch makers and only one made serviceable latches , NONE of those vendors ever came to L.A. area swap meets , I don't like to buy Repop parts unless I can personally inspect them first . Chevy Duty gets the nod for good old fashioned honest dealing , recommend them to your freinds ~ I do ! .
There is a guy here in NC that sells parts. Real nice guy. When you go to his place he will talk your leg and foot off. One day I went in there to pick up a few things and as usual he and I started talking. The subject of were did he get the stuff he sells came up and who do you suppose he uses? Thats right, good ol CP. Of corse it was CD back in those days. As you might think I have not been back to him. Why should I pay him and UPS to get what I just have to pay UPS for?
yes, CD or CP i mean, has been good to me as well, but to address ken's post here, i have to say that your attempt to disuade our praises actually only amplifies them. the fact that you don't want us to appreciate your efforts makes your efforts even more endearing!! you DA MAN!! jon
Warning! I thought I would save you fellows lots of time and heartach... If you bought the door rubber from L** truck over the past year and it stated 1947-1953, IT DON'T FIT. I don't know what it fits but it ain't the 47-53. I was stupid enough to convince myself that it would eventually compress and the doors would close, don't kid yourself. I could have run into the side of the Boops truck with a freight train, it would have crushed the whole truck but I don't think it would have closed the door My friend Wayne that lives down the road (Ken, you met him, the one where all my trucks are) said, well I have some I ordered from CP, come look at it and see if it's the same. Well it wasnt, it was totaly different from what L** Truck sent me. I brought it home tonight after comparing it with what was left on one of the old trucks, and it is correct. Now I have to take the other off and install the correct stuff. If anybody has purchased some and wants pictures to compare, let me know and I'll post some. TB'sD
Thanks for the lessons I've got to say that you are a lucky man for several reasons. #1, you've got a great family who thinks you hang the moon. #2 you've got a God-given talent And #3 you've gotten away with buying a lot of of great fitting repop stuff. I'm amazed that you've had so much success with the repop stuff. Personally, i've never trusted the stuff and that might be one reason why my truck is not done. Do us all a big favor and tell us what you bought, when and why, so that we will be better informed. I know you bought a lot of your stuff from LMC before you found Classic Parts and i know that you've bought several parts from them too. Attention to detail is what counts when you spend your hard earned money! Talk to us! Give us a reason to pick LMC over Classic Parts over Chevsofthe40s, etc. We need to get a network of quality parts going here.
Spittin Mad Fellows... We've all become fairly good friends here on this site, and I feel we are relativly honest with one another... so here it is, I got to vent. I am generaly a very easy man to get along with, I roll with the punches, I do tend to run my mouth at times I guess just to here myself sound rather stupid and to pick at my kids. I can honestly say that in my 47 years I can count on one hand the times that I have gotten so mad I wanted to... well SPIT (I'll keep it nice) I always try my best to control my temper, what comes out of my mouth and what goes in to my ears, BUT... Today I am spittin mad I'm MAD at LMC TRUCK for selling me the TOTALLY WRONGE door gaskets, it wasn't so bad until I began to pull off the old/new rubber and the paint began to come off with it, I got even more mad when I began to think about why the paint was coming off when it was supposed to be paint with hardner and baked on. IT DON'T HAVE ANY HARDNER, CUZ CUT A CORNER, SAVED HIMSELF SOME MONEY. Then I got even more mad when I realized that I spent all that money and effort to make the Boop a really nice truck and it's gona look like... well, like I just didn't care and threw something together. To many I just need to get over it, but to those of us who put more into these old trucks than money and time,,, this SUCKS In a few days, all of this will be behind me and life will go right on, but I'll always see all the flaws. Ya know what is funny? Me, who is not a professional painter... my primer is still on the door, but the professional painters paint is on the back of the old/new rubber. Really says something about careing about quality work.. now doesn't it. TB 'sD
Consider This : I know you're P.O.'d right now but try to find some comfort in your life as you live it : you do an EXTREMELY important job that affects many more people on a daily basis than you may ever know . Then , you're an Officer Of The Court (so to speak) and this is a very fine thing too . I could go on but like you said , you gotta roll with the punches . I am currently wrestling with some issues to so I know how this goes . We're here for you , you are a good man and a wonderful father , dopn;t let this get to to you .
What Nate said and more... Robin, I know what a disappointment this is to you and Kristen. With that said, let me offer this out for you to think about. 1) Your project has become too emotional to you (and for good reason). Lay that aside for now and assess the damage from a purely mechanical point of view. 2) Once you've assessed the damage, develop a plan of attack to correct it. You're good enough to repair the damage to the inside of the doors. Figure out how you're going to do it and get it done. 3) Work on your project, dont let it work on you! Above all else, enjoy it because even though there will be hurdles, you'll figure them out and you'll look back and say "Yeah, that weatherstripping kicked my butt for awhile, but look at it now." Hang tough, my friend, and keep us posted!
Here's the good news- had the first rubber set been correct, it would have slowly let loose in a way that may not have been so obvious. Now the new rubber will stick and stay stuck. I'd keep that sign-in-the-back-window-advertising-who-painted-my-truck idea in my shirt pocket. I can imagine how upset this would make you. You do an awesome wiring job so your daughter gets top notch, but instead you get what you got. God will see you through.
Let's get the truck done first, then plot revenge! I've got a couple of ideas. (But I like the way you think, little brother!)
Real Friends Thanks Fellows, you all are just too nice. I've had a little time to pray and think about things and I want to say I'm sorry for the bad attitude. The Lord has VERY RICHLY blessed me and a little paint don't change that. I came home and worked on the Boops truck, but I just relaxed and enjoyed it. I quit around 10:30, was having fun again. Of course the Boop had her same sweet attitude and encouraging words... How blessed can a dad be? I just cleaned off the paint and fortunatly the new correct door gasket covered the area that was missing paint. I decided to leave it like that because I would #1 have to take the doors off and repaint and #2 the primer is evidently very well adheared to the metal and #3 It don't show Got new air shocks put on the rear, wireing ready to connect, the antenna fixed where one of the Boops friends broke it (before she ever got to drive it) and the locks adjusted. All in all a good evening. Again, thanks for being so kind and not telling me where to get off. These little things want matter in a few months anyway and there are many people in the world that have real problems. TB'sD BTW - if anyone needs air shocks the book says they don't make such things for a 47-55. Well my parts man contacted Monroe and they make a shock that fits. It is approx 1/4 in shorter stroke but all else is the same. The number is MA700
Boop's Dad, I wouldn't worry too much about being angry when people give you less than you deserve. I would never preach to the preacher but sometimes things happen that make me angry and I remember that our Lord got pretty upset at the money changers and cleared the temple once. He had good reason and I think you do too. I really appreciated what Nate had to say above. You can spot a veteran to this kinda thing a mile away. The truck looks fantastic! Gater