You guys remember Johnny Cash's song "One Piece at a Time" where he works at a Cadillac plant and takes a part home after work every night and finally builds himself a car? Well, check this site out and look at the 789. It will blow your mind!
That is awesome! If I tried to do something like that it would end up looking like the Beverly Hillbillies truck. I would pay just to be seen standing next to it. But don't get me started on Johnny Cash. Gater
I LOVE IT!!!!!! Man that is awesome. Can you pick out which parts are from the 57 58 and 59? I think that is one of the most awesome cars I have ever seen. Speaking of Johnny, did you guys here that his beautiful home in hendersonville just burnt to the ground this week. They were doing some remodeling inside and it caught fire and burnt to the ground in a matter of minutes. It's been all over the news here in nashville with country stars talking about it. It really was sad to see such a historic place burn to the ground.
MMMMMM, not sure if this is the stuff of dreams or the stuff of nightmares! ________ Arizona medical marijuana
I vote the stuff of dreams. It takes an engineering genious to come of with a design like that and to make it all work and look right together. Hopefully I will half that good one day.
Neil, think about Bonneville! The 789 doing 200+ mph on the flats! I know it's not a '32 highboy, it's not Breedlove driving, but it's got potential!
careful Woah, your on dodgy ground there fella, salt flats? Bonneville? only one car for that, 32 ford with either a blown flathead or a full blown fuel motor rooster tailing it across the salt with right foot denting the floor pan! Be careful son, your talking about hallowed ground, no place for a cruiser, ________ FORD FUSION (EUROPE) SPECIFICATIONS
As I understand it, one of the BeeGees, Barry I think, had purchased Johnny and June's house and was ahving it remodled. They had applied some type of wood treatment throughout the how and, even though they probably knew it was very flammable, introduced a source of ignition. I mean, there was a whole work crew standing there when it caught and they couldn't stop it. As far as the car goes, that thing is definitely a dream from my point of view. Did you also see the drwings of the 55-61? I like the 789 better but they are both a great idea. Gater
The 55-61 was awesome too. I liked the wildcat but couldn't quite put my finger on what it was supposed to be designed after. You're right gibbs did buy the house. He's in florida while the house is being renivated. They used an extremely flamable sealer and for what ever reason someone lit a torch inside to do something. Can't remember what the news said they were doing with the torch but that is what supposedly ignited the house. It's really sad to hear that it burnt. Here's a link to pics of the house burnt. Also the video for "hurt" is at the bottom and it has pics of the inside of the house in the video.
I have never seen a more moving video than Johnny doing "Hurt". I live about 20 miles from the Carter Fold. That area is known as the birthplace of country music due to A.P. and Maybelle Carter. They were June Carter's parents so Johnny came over often to perform at the fold. I was there with my family in the summer of 2003 when they brought Johnny in in a wheelchair and had to lift him up on the stage and set him in a chair. He was pitiful looking. Then he did that little jerk of his chin and said, "Hello, I'm Johnny Cash." I wouldn't take anything for that memory. That was his last public appearance before dying about 3 months later. The thing that gets to me most about the Nine Inch Nails song, Hurt, is when Johnny closes the piano key cover and runs his hands across it. The first time I saw it I felt a chill cause it reminded me of closing a coffin. Gater
Kicks Butt And I mean a BIGbutt! Did you see what he thought of boxed wine also? What a man! Mr. Cash was as cool as Elvis in his own way- Thanks Kevin!
Wrong Zig! Elvis doesn't hold a candle to Johnny Cash. Cash never sold out his roots to become a big star in Vegas. Cash is the man! Elvis is just a big jelly donut!
Oh Ohhhh... You gone and dunn it now, bro. I predict you just launched this into a two- maybe three pager. I love Mr. Cash- I've got a couple of tunes ready to go- HOWEVER- someone gave the "E" credit for rock-n-roll... Bama named some bands that wouldn't be around ifin' it twernt for Elvis, right? By the way Bama- How 'bout Molly H? Gater Country? Back to my tunes, but you guys keep rockin' K?
Let's not forget Carl Perkins! He wore blue suede shoes way before "E" did. And let's not forget about Muddy Waters, BB and Chuck Berry! Funny how "E" rhymes with wanna-be!
My-oh-my! The next time you hug a comode, I want you to remember Elvis! PLEASE remember that people from Tenn ah SEE read this too! I'll have to jump in and help you out safely now- thanks!
All the good ones, the truly good ones, Cash, Presley, Hank Senior, all have one thing in common. They have a tortured soul. Nowadays I think most performers write and sing to make a living. These guys who started with absolutely nothing, wrote and sang to survive. Really it is the same with some athletes. I am a big NASCAR fan. All the stars today started with plenty of backing. They don't know what it means to have to win in order to eat. I remember a story about Earnhardt where, in order to race, he had to go into North Carolina fiber mills during Christmas shut down and weld on the equipment so tha the could continue his dream. How many people are in the lime light today that ahve had to sacrifice relative to this? Those guys were hard living and made a lot of mistakes but you didn't hear them blaming their mommas or their government. I think I'll go haul off the trash now. Gater
I'm sad to hear the house burned down , that was stupid & pointless . I love Johhny , Elvis too (esp his early RockABilly songs) , Carl , all those greats and yes , it is sad that most of to-day's singers are packaged from the jump . Good blues too , doesn't come from perfect vocals , the right singer will bring a lump in your throat and a tear to your eye..... This is why I love my prewar Blues better , Delta Blues too ~ it's raw , honest music they cannot fake .