I'm back! Absolutely awesome 2 weeks in W. Tennessee. After getting mom's chores done, I got to work on the '50. Finished stripping the last front fender, both inner fender panels, hood, last runningboard, both front bumper brackets. Stripped to bare metal and used that etching primer that Nate says is well out of our price range. (That is not far from the truth)! I've posted a few pictures in the Member's Gallery. Nate, make sure and look at the picture of the 235 all gussied up and looking good! More to come.
There goes the neighborhood. Welcome back to Tomball Ken. More importantly, welcome back to the forum. I've got the tickets for Classy Chassis. Happened to meet one of the judges at my daughter's "going away" block party last night.
Welcome Back, Big Brother! My hat's off to you! Two weeks (?) without being on this site??? I'm afraid I'd have to peel off to the nearest public library to see what was going on here. Mom always said you had more will power... Your truck looks good~ especially that 6! (Check out July's issue of Classic Trucks for another sexy six!) I'm glad you had some quality time with your own truck- at this rate, we might finish at about the same time! Anyway~ I'm glad you're back!
Welcome Home ! We're glad you're back . It's nice to visit Mom . M<aybe a link to the pix of your 6 banger ? thataway I don't get stuck for 1 Hr. looking with this dailup service...
Here is the link Nate, but you probably won't recognize the engine as a Chevy 6. It has some weird device with a shiney metal band around it attached to the top of the starter. https://talk.classicparts.com/photos/showphoto.php?photo=473&ppuser=5385
Thanks guys. From looking at the casting # on the block, it's a 235 built between '58-62. Kevin's 48 got to see the engine a couple weeks ago and said, "so is that black tube thing what everyone BBQ's?"
Looks great Ken So when you get funished, you driving your '50 back to Tomball from Tenn? Th cast date on your block is right behind the shiney thing on top of your starter. Great work so far, nice pictures. Jim
Now you know us young pups don't know much about the old engines. Or maybe I was just still thinking about that steak I had at Patti's.
Ya know brit, I wasn't going to say anything, but your comment made me realize I have "draft tube envy"! Mine is short and goes straight to the ground where I thought it was supposed to go~ Here come Ken with his "It's so long I gota' wind it around a bunch of stuff before it hits the floor" tube! I bet he found that at one of his sites he's known for! He coulda' had the "standard size" that everyone else has, but noooooooooooooo~ It has to be the "look at me and think of the huge (Nate) B-B-Que grill I'LL need! Some people make - me - sick!
Those pics had nothing to do with nice paint and stuff, he just wanted to show off his foot long, man it makes me sick, theres always someone has to go that bit further ________ BONDAGE ASIAN
I just saw the pics. Looks like you got a lot done. I figured your mom may have you doing a few honey do's around the place. She is a very cool lady. Did you ever get the ford running? Next time you're in let me know I'd like to go for a ride in that old truck of your dad's.
I hear ya! There is "someone on this site that made a master piece of some V-8 headers~ I think my goal now is not so much finishing my truck, but learning how to weld pipe and showing Ken what a REAL draft tube is all about! I think Ken needs to give his tube to Gater 'cause of the lenght of his bed! I was looking at a picture of that before I realized it wasn't a bowling alley lane I was looking at! again... envy....
Looking Good ! WOW ! I wish my engine looked that nice I see you've cheated and gotten a newfangled fuel pump too ~ where's the fun in that ? no vapor loking in traffic on a hilll..... I hope you shot that 'possum with the .410 !. Nice buncha pictures you have there , is that you holding the 1950 Texas license plates ? . -Nate
Guilty! Yep, I cheated on the fuel pump, but I might put some token clothes pins on the fuel line anyway! SWMBO won't let me shoot the possum, not even with a paint gun. She's still mad at Kevin for destroying his possum's self-esteem by painting it pink! That is me and my "pink" cadillac shirt holding my YOM plates. Nice find at one of our antique places here in town.
Down Boy's, Down Boy's Remember this is not a "R" rated site here. Anyway Nice to have Ken & Kevin back on line with us. Makes it easier to pick on people with those 2 around. Suprised Chef Andy has not put his 2 cents in. Normally hanging the Bar Q pit.
Hey I gave that possum a fair verbal warning before painting him pink, he just wouldn't listen to me . Just give Sarah the paint gun and let her see how much fun it is to paint the possum. She'll have a blast with it. Now the .410 idea sounds more like your mom, she's a little fiesty.
Speaking Of ' Long Tubes '....... Just wait'll you guys get a gander at an original 265 V-ate Road Draft Tube ~ remembering that it's plumbed from the valley pan in the center rear of the engine , it hangs out and down & around the bell housing...... MY , that's a long tube you have there !