i looked through the archives, and nate keeps ranting about these things. is the drain plug for the transmission or for the oil pan? or maybe both? probably. and on the cow magnet, where can you find something like that, and where exactly does it go so as not to bang around and cause damage? thanks!! jon
Magnets Hi Jon ; The tranny takes 1/2" NPT magnetic plugs , both drain & fill . The engine , Can have two different sizes of drain plug depending ~ 216's all take the big old drain plug but 235's & 261's can have the later model oil pan with a much smaller drain plug , I'm sorry I forget the size . If you have the oil pan off , just drop a cow magnet in the bottom and forgeddaboutit until the next time (if ever) you overhaul it . You could slip a cow magnet in the rockerbox but you've gotta be carefull to place it where it cannot touch the pushrods etc. ~ very important ! . When you use a magnet , expect it to be covered in fuzz the very next oil change , the tranny magnetic drain plug will prolly come out covered in jagged shards , don't freak out ! this is the normal stuff from folks grinding the 1st. & reverse gears for the last 50 years ~ now you see why I'm on about them so much I hope this helped....
sure did! thanks! i took the plugs to NAPA. got a magnetic one for the oil pan (the smaller sized one for my 235) and they said they didn't carry one big enough for the tranny plugs. i had one there for them to compare even. seems strange to me. maybe it was just the person helping me. i'll try back there another time. thanks, though! and where exactly in the rockerbox might a magnet not fall and touch something? i did find a cow magnet at the local feed store. they were using it to hold papers on their fridge. ha!! jon
Ok Nate, I will take one for the team here. I have been around awhile but never heard that term. What is a Cow magnet ?
Ha Ken Get over that "Long" draft tube thoughts. If that was the case we would probably be seeing you on some other internet sites.
" Cow Magnet ".... .....Is a smooth cylindrical magnet you feed to a cow and in a while , it comes out t' other end and usually has bits of barbed wire and some nails etc. stuck to it Used to remove metal out of the animal as they're not picky and often eat hay etc. that has metal scrap in it , this isn't a good thing and how else to remove it....... Feed stores sell them .
As I believe it, a cow magnet is a magnet put into the digestive system of a cow to hang onto any metal they might eat whilst "putting a graze on". This prevents digestive injury to the animal caused by sharp metal objects. andy Oops, didn't get to finish my response before Nate chimed in. As I was saying, "like he said"
Boy you guy's are a wealth of knowledge. Scary at times but a lot of knowledge. Who would have thought cleaning out a cow from the inside out. How did you get the crap & metal off the magnet put it on the grille Andy ?
Steve~ have I ever told you how proud I am of you? I must say, because of Andy I now have installed a magnet in MY gut! I am waiting for this cook book he says he's gonna knock out! I was just out nibbling on an old rusty running board just to work my way up to his standards... and to see how well this magnet idea works...
Tried the swallowing magnet trick after your recommendations...... been stuck in my garage for the past three days, had to get the missus to take the tool box to the washroom so i could take a leak! ________ Toyota avalon specifications