While I was home last couple of weeks, I searched for some old pictures of some of the cars and trucks that I grew up with. I found this picture of an old '48 flatbed that was my favorite truck to drive in the early '70's. Man, what a workhorse!
Know that's a Man's truck. Put that load on these newer fancy trucks and watch the springs collapse. Great old shot Ken keep them coming.
Steve~ "That's a Man's truck"(?) I don't know, but I see a Chevy grill on that. Now if'in it had a GMC mug, then I'd agree with ya. That IS one heck of a load, though! Makes me tired just thinking of unloading that! Good photo, Ken.
As Fred Gwynne would say, " A yoot? What's a yoot?' (from "My Cousin Vinnie). How the heck did Marisa Tomei win an Oscar for that anyway? Andy
Because she looked good... in that purple dress! And she sounded almost as knowledgable as Nate on cars
Yeah ! She just wiggled 'round looking ever so cute........ Why , is there else more important than that to winning ? .
Notice the chevy's are out front though right. I like that old ford too though. Dad used to have one just like it when I was a kid. He wisened up and sold it .
Kevin~ It's the twelve step program for you buddy. You openly (and without any @#$%**&(* ) used the "f" word on this Chevy/GMC site... I'm SO crushed. Ken says you're a great guy, but your language... My daughter will never be able to see you until you show open remorse for your dreadful language! Shame, shame, shame...
I've got to share this story! This has got a moral too! That shot of the '48 loaded down with lumber has special meaning to me. Dad, may he rest in peace, especially after having me , ordered the lumber to build the ultimate shop. My job, during spring break, my sophomore year (1974), was to pick the lumber up using "workhorse". Here's the scenerio. 1 ton AD, more lumber than that, hot date that evening, rain in the forecast. Get the picture so far? My plan, make one trip, get it unloaded, shower, pick up Robin, 8 bucks for dinner, 5 bucks for a movie, and back gravel road (priceless)! Overloaded the truck with lumber (thank God for "overload" springs, otherwise I would have blown both back tires!) Pulled out on Hwy 641, cutting off an 18 wheeler (forgot that granny gear meant just that!), got half way home and the bottom fell out of the sky. MORAL: Don't overload the truck and expect the &^%$#!@#$ vacuum wipers to work when going up a hill! (Thank you Boop's Dad for putting electric wipers on baby's truck) Back to the story. Overloading the truck in the back creates a new problem. It's called inadvertant power steering. You can finger steer that huge steering wheel with no effort, because the front wheels aren't on the ground enough to steer. Positive thing though, when you let off of the gas so the front wheels touch the ground, the wipers work too! Negative, the 18 wheeler you cut off 10 miles ago is really pi$$ed now! Negotiated the final turn into the driveway, backed the truck into the designated area, said "i'll unload the wood tomorrow", showered, picked up Robin, wined and dined her and got my a$$ chewed on Saturday morning for overloading the truck, putting ruts in the drive and not unloading the lumber on Friday. Damn life was simple back then!
Zig, just like old folks not to read the entire post , I said he wisened up and sold it. Sorry for the F bomb guys I'll try and keep them under control from now on. But Zig if you saw Ken's mom's F@#$ then you wouldn't have a problem saying that word either.
F0#$ Aren't ALL BAD Paul Beardsley (farmer extrodinare) used to have a red one just like that in 1967 , he'd paid $75.00 for it with a spiffy new paint job and all blue lenses on all the tail & running lights , cab clearance lights etc. (this was before the law changed) ~ we hauled those big heavy old milk cans to the dairy in Winchendon . Mass. in it every day for some years ~ even the heater worked O.K. and somehow it wasn't all rusted out.... it lasted 5 or 6 years before the New Hampshire road salt ate it away...
K! I don't bring this up, but I've just gotta- I have had a few of those "other" things. They all died a horrible death. (For no reason) C's never did. I drove my 6/64 into the ground. It was too kind to ever complain about it's bad rod or spent rings. It just kept on going.
In its Hay day Here's a picture of my '50 in its hay day. OK, OK, it's grass from my grandmother's house
NICE Pic ! That's how it should be ~ a working truck , need not be all prettified . We don't get many impressive lawns like that in So. Cal. -Nate
Grass??? That much grass looks like a job for Cheeeech-n-Chong! Boy, I bet that'll look great when it's done! (5 window no less!) All it'll need is a manly grill...
It's A Good Thing.... ...That I still have the rolling paper from my Big Bambu album then ! . I knew It'd come in handy some day Back that truck up over here and I'll roll a bomber for you guys