Who was it that said S-10's were a piece of crap? Check this out! Don't think I'd want to be following this guy!
What's wrong with that? As long as he doesn't have to turn more than 2 degrees, it should be fine. I can just see him toolin' down the road, braggin' to his buddy on the cell phone about how smart of an idea he had! Of course, if he has a wife, and they both weigh around seven hundred pounds each, then they might even bring the front end down to where he can see where he's going. Riding in that would be like taking off in a plane. The front end comes up, but you're still on the ground. Holy cheese!
I see a wire conduit coming out of the back of the square tube but can't see where they're hooked up to the Blazer. He might be stopping (trying to) that rig with just the S10 brakes. It might be like those truck trains in Australia's Outback, they just coast to a stop and only use the truck tractor brakes for spotting the trailer(s) in line with the sheep pens. I would rather be following him than have him behind me.
Remember what you said about hitting the brakes just to turn that old truck full of lumber. I'm pretty sure that same thing would apply here. I still think that S-10's are a piece of crap, but I think this guy is an ever bigger dumb ass. Don't let your mom see this pictures, we wouldn't want her getting any idea's now would we.
Kevin, that is a visual and a half. I can see my mother pulling in the driveway at my house pulling one of those behind her Blazer
Nope, you haven't seen it all. Here is my dad's toyota hooked up to my 1950 Seagrave Firetruck Here is the same toyota truck towing my 1947 Seagrave That is a 20 ft trailer. Either one of the firetrucks is close to 10,000 lbs. Oh yeah, his Toyota is a 4 cylinder!
Man you guys have different towing laws over there, if any of this was tried in England you would be banged up for it! ________ Sex tape
Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeryin' OUT LOUD!!!! And I use to worry about hookin' up my 49 Dodge 4 door to my Jeep, using a bumper attatched towbar!? There'd be a pucker in that seat cushion for sure. Even if I made it safely from point A to point B!
.....and my dad has abused that truck for over 300,000 miles (he's the original owner). He has never been into the engine or rearend...but has had to replace a couple of bearings in the transmission and swapped out the clutch a time or two.
OK, Flipper, I give! But now, let's see some more pics of the fire trucks! I wish that i had had a digital camera for the last thirty years to capture all of the fire trucks that i have seen in east/gulf coast Texas in the rural areas that i now call home, some in shambles, some as beautiful as the day they left the fab shop. Coilover needs to make some custom fire trucks for us and post pics!! How 'bout it, Evan?
OK, I was halfway pulling your leg. I used my Ford to do the interstate towing of the firetrucks. It is a 2wd and will get stuck on green grass. Dad used his toy to get the trailer to the street. He has towed some pretty serious distances with his toyota though. 1952 Mercedes from upper New York state. 1948 Chevy pickup from Jefferson City, Missouri 1941 Dodge pickup (w/ two extra front caps) from Kansas 1950-something Farmall from Mississippi (pretty darn heavy ... has 13.8x38 rear tires) He has a big workshop full of cool toys. We are up to four Seagrave firetrucks now.
It was more believable with a Toyota! A "F" word pulling a load like that? NOT! Post some pics of the fire trucks. Nothing is cooler than a fully rigged out fire truck! I feel a new "thread" coming about the summer of '69! Puryear, Tn needs a new fire truck!
Kansas? Did he say "Kansas"??? Oh heck, I'm all misty-eyed again! OR MAYBE IT'S THE F word again!!!! To think- I believed- almost felt a slight bit of pride knowing that a TOY could do that! Now you hit us with the F word!!!!! Crap! Nightmares tonight! I'll get all cozy with a be-a-utiful hunny, and then here it comes! My wife will nudge me, and it'll be ALL OVER!!!! You really gotta' watch what you put on here, you know? Inocient lives are at stake!