Two Months Wasted ! (o.t. Rant)

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by vwnate1, Aug 2, 2007.

  1. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    So ;

    A critical piece of equipment had a minor engine fire , it's a Vactor (sewer sucker) mounted on a 2002 Sterling (POC truck) chassis and the mechanic , who earls $67,000.00 + (that's right , sixty-seven thousand dollars) per year , couldn't fix the 16 wires in one harness even though the MPC's and other connectors were all intact .

    Sterling has extremely poor parts support and claimed they have NO books on this truck , they wanted the incinerated part number tag off the old harness....

    So I go 'round & 'round with the narcisstic , clueless parts guy for a month or so untill he give up , then I get Bob on the job , he is able to get me one harness but it's short 5 wires , I tell the mechanic why not just splice in the 5 lousy wires since he's paid good $ to be a " Journeyman Mechanic " , he cries and whines , two months go by whilst I'm getting yelled at by the end user of the truck as we only have four of them for the entire San Fernando Valley and when even one is out of service , it's a nightmare of backed up sewers and catch basins .......

    Finally I get some dufus @ Sterling who says ' send me an E-mail pic of the burned harness and I'll give it a go ' ~ thinking this is great news i go tell the mechanic to lay out the harness , shoot a pic of it and e-mail it to me so I can forward it to the manufacturer , he comes back in 15 minutes and says
    " I'm going to patch it " . :eek: :mad:

    !@#!!~$%^&*!!#@##$$%!!! lousy rotten lazy good for nothing stumblebum jerkwad :mad: :mad: :mad:

    I coulda had this junk fixed and back on the road in 5 hours , he wasted TWO MONTHS and God alone knows how many Taxpayer dollars screwing 'round and crying , always crying.....

    :mad: :mad: :mad:

    And they all tell me I'm the " difficult one " .

    Thanx for letting me rant , I was *so* pi$$ed off by this yesterday I couldn't mention it...

    here I'm trying my best and these new hire kiddies are giving me fits .
  2. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Any time!

    Incompetent boobs should be forced to get frontal lobotomies!

    Glad you got that out of your system before going on walkabout! Have a great time!
  3. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    I hear ya.

    My wife quit Home Depot's kitchen design because of this very thing. If the younguns could sit around and BS all day, life would be great. Ask them to do some work~ hell, be professional, and...
    You think back on what made this country great. Bailing wire, hard - HARD work, and coming up with a solution to a problem- no matter what.
    You know, "Get 'ER DONE!!!"
    I know what she means. I've made to many trips to the yard for lumber this summer. More than not, the help sees you coming, they'll go the other way.
    Sorry you had to go through that, Nate.
  4. sloromon

    sloromon Member

    Oct 9, 2006
    Phoenix, AZ
    hey, we're not ALL that way! some of us actually understand the satisfaction of hard work and doing things right - and -some- of us actually address people as sir and mam. can you believe it? or maybe i'm the only one. can't be!!

  5. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    You can thank your parents for that!

    There are quite a few of you young sprouts out there who appreciate the value of a dollar, especially the ones that are stained with blood, sweat and tears! And believe me, Jon, we appreciate you.

  6. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    Maybe it's just me!

    ...course, that could just be the sight of me...:rolleyes:

    Sorry, Jon- and all you other young whipper strappers. I certainly didn't mean ALL our youth has a "Screw my job, just give me my money" attitude. But Ken is absolutely dead on with his "Thank your parents" comment. I guess I was already a tad ticked about some teens that were down at our historic public library. They were jumping their bikes up onto the stone wall that goes along the entryway. The stone is 100 year old limestone. There bikes were actually gouging into the stone. I would hope the parents of these kids would be upset about this, but you never know.
    Work ethic is why I never hired anybody when I was doing carpentry work.:(
  7. sloromon

    sloromon Member

    Oct 9, 2006
    Phoenix, AZ
    yeah, i've seen it too, unfortunately. me being 27, i think i may be on the cusp of another generation, and the new ones coming in are more interested in their ipods and psp's than anything educational or productive. at least a lot of them seem that way.

  8. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    THANX Guys !

    ....As I was seriously pissed off .:mad:

    In the grand scheme of things , I'm at the bottom where I work and you all know poop rolls downhill :rolleyes:

    It just bugs me to no end that these kids have an attitude twoards me if I suggest they actually *fix* something rather than simply throw parts at it untill it works again :mad: the whole reason I chose the Auto Trade for my lifetime's work is : I get satisfaction from diagnosing & fixing things with my own two hands....

    Jon , you're fine , DO thank your parents as it's hard work to instill any sense of responsability in kids these days what with MTV and etc. telling them to just screw off all day and the bling bling will <magically> come to you somehow :mad:

    Oops ~ here it is three days later and I'm still ranting :rolleyes:

    I'm supposed to be long gone by now but SWMBO decided we're going to wait for the cabinet guy who never shows up on time and rarely shows up on a friday atall.....
  9. GrandpaGlenn0

    GrandpaGlenn0 Member

    Mar 22, 2006
    Hey Nate, We all know it's a b*tch being in a place where you aren't appreciated BUT just remember that you have a bazillion guys & gals HERE that value your generosity , knowledge & wit every day. What you know and what you share makes a lot of people happier than they would be without you--
    Have a great vacation-- remember that it is supposed to regenerate your spirits and try not to sweat the small stuff (everything that doesn't bother SWMBO).
  10. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    THANX Glenn !

    ....Did I mention how much I hate Sterling trucks ? :rolleyes: they bought out Ford's medium and heavy duty truck line and immediately stopped parts support for all previously made trucks , like the world beating C series Forward Control models that were in production from 1957 to 1992 and still have MILLIONS in daily service all around the globe ~ those dumbshoots (careful there Nate) decided you shouldn;t fix an old truck , you should go buya new one, like every business has tons of ca$h just lying around for new trucks all the darned time... :mad:

    Then , they donl;t even have decent support for the crappy low quality junk they're making now ! :mad:


    Oops ~ I'm on VC time now , right , I gotcha . SWMBO is up and wiggling 'round the room pickup up stuff that's allready prefectly placed , I'll
    just watch that as she's poetry in motion if ya know what I mean.... :D
  11. aimless

    aimless Member

    Jul 27, 2006
    I couldn't agree with sloromon more... I'm 23, ALL of my peers value something for nothing. I can't exactly say where the variation took place. My dad bought a 1947 chevy ton and a half to haul hay in high school. That was his "job." Now you got kids bagging groceries in air conditioned buildings, complaining how the manager looked that them funny so they are going to quit.... how did we get from there to this?
  12. 1950gmc girl

    1950gmc girl Member

    Jul 16, 2007
    Lincoln, Nebraska
    My generation can be so emberassing at times..... :(

    I am twentysix, self-employed, working 75 hours a week, and I take pride in my work. My income depends on it. It is too bad that so many people just don't give a $#!*. Too many lazy-goodfornothing-peabrained idiots. I fear the day that my graduating class is running this country.
  13. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    If It's Any Consolation ,

    It was the same in my yoot , I heard nonstop kvetching from the Elders about how lazy we all were , no matter how hard I worked , there was always some dumba$$ who'd screw it all up for the rest of us , please leep up the hard work and good attitude and someday you'll be old & grey like me and catch your OWNself kvetching about your kids.... :rolleyes:

    It's all good ! :D
  14. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Point well taken!

    Jess, every generation says the same thing! My generation was free love, mind expanding, free spirits! Only the smart ones survive! Without getting too complex (Only because I'm old and tired right now), each generation has its own "thing" and thank God for the parents that recognized that and instilled honest values on their kids and took the time to teach them right from wrong! I know a lot of great young kids your age, I know a lot of degenerates my age, but when you look really hard, it all goes back to their raisin'. God bless those who have been fortunate enough to know the difference and have either learned it from their elders or have preached it to their young ones!

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