leaving tomorrow for montana. helping out with some fires there. i know you're all gonna miss my ridiculous questions, but you'll just have to wait until i get back at the end of the month! jon
I bet a breather cap fire got out of control. Seriously, Jon- Good luck! I'll pray for rain up that way!
O.K. , be safe ! don't forget your emergency gear ! watch out for those runaways ! . We'll be here waiting for your ribald stories of the catering women you met
well..... thanks for the sentiments, guys, but it doesn't look like i'm going anywhere. i broke my pinkie toe last night. just stubbed on the bedpost. hurts like crazy, though. doc said no firefighting for 6 weeks and i gotta wear a boot. not sure i'll be able to drive with that thing on. it's my right foot. jon
Lame excuse. Get it? It's a joke. You are lame because you stumped your toe. So, it is a lame excuse.
You gonna let one little toe stop ya? Ya got nine more! Seriously, if you come to Montana, let me know, I'm in Missoula and would like to meet you. Some of the fires are close and a get together would be easy. Just be careful -- we appreciate our firefighters here and don't want anything bad to happen.
Dude! I still like you! You'll be the first guy to ride in my truck when i get it down here. I caught your drift! I thought it was funny!
sorry bill, i guess i'm just a little touchy about this whole deal right now. you guys can imagine how much grief i'm getting from everybody at work, and i guess i'm too proud to just let that stuff slide. i didn't mean to be a downer guys, sorry! young dumb kid i guess. jon
No Jon ; ...It's called : being Human and that's a good thing . 'K ? not to worry , we all get huffy once in a while , I've gone off on a few serious rants over the years.... (no red faced emoticon else I'd use it here)