Who sells the best wiring harness?

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by Kens 50 PU, Aug 16, 2007.

  1. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    OK guys (and girls), I need your input here. It won't be long before I need to wire up my ride. I've decided to go 12 volt with dual taillights, turn signals, etc. I looked at the original wiring harness, and while it is in remarkably good shape for being 57 years old, I've decided to replace it. No sense in taking chances.

    Who makes a good, dependable wiring harness to accommodate a 12 volt upgrade? At this point in time, I envision using a 12 volt generator, dual taillights, parking lights that will also serve as front turn signal lights.

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Kevin's 48

    Kevin's 48 Member

    Aug 7, 2006
  3. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Kevin, I'm with you so far!

    I've heard good stuff about both of them. I'm waiting on Evan to chime in. Surely with all of his experience, he'll give me the ultimate! Coilover, are you listening?;)
  4. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Wiring Choices

    What harness you need depends on what you're going to run ~

    Hot Rod with a romping , stomping V-ate ? you'll prolly want (not need) a modern typ of harness as you'll be adding AC and the like .

    Personally I find the E-Z and Painless systems to be a total pin where I sit and I wouldn't use them for free .

    Many serious Hot Rod builders use late model harnesses out of GM station wagons as they come ready to go with hazzard lights , alternator leads , AC and modern fusebox etc. and are _so_ cheap from the Pick-A-Part it's disgusting .

    For your basic 6 banger powered Hobby Truck , all you'll need is the stock harness or maybe one of those nifty stock-ish ones that has alternator wiring instead of generator wiring , me I just make the stock one work , it's quite simple .

    My '49 has the Uber cheap Chinese made stock harness , the earlyier AD's have a large fusebox with more than enough fuses in them , later trucks had only three of four fuses , not so good so it'd be wise to use the early harness and fusebox in most applications .

    The Chinese one is (was) only $100.00 and all the vendors carry the same one , mine came from Chevy Duty and of course , the teriffic customer service is included in thier low price .
  5. 77 Chevy

    77 Chevy Member

    Aug 21, 2006
    Mission, KS
    The 47-59 stock wiring harnesses that we sell here at Classic Parts are actually made right here in Missouri. They have never been made overseas, and we don't have any plans on them getting made overseas. The reason they went up in price is because the price of copper these days.
  6. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS

    Mine came from Chevy Duty also. Got it for a 6volt. I'll turn it to 12 volts, but like it's been said before, 6 volt wiring will handle 12 just fine. The diagram that came with it was good. -Heck, if I can do it, it MUSTa been simple. I also got the dual contact stuff for front and rear lights plus the add-on turn signal switch. I found out the MOST important thing is getting/making a good ground connection. I _hate_ having to flip the edge of my licence plate to get the driver's side taiil light to come on. I'll fix it's little red wagon on the rebuild! It came with extra wiring for a radio and other stuff.
    And of course, it's brought to you by the friendly folks who gave us this playground!
  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    My Bad !

    Sorry about that ! the connectors were so cheap a couple just disintegrated (none came off the wires tho') I just naturally assumed it was Chinese .

    My main point being : it's a GREAT harness and less than 1/4 the price of the ones sold by most Hot Rod supply stores .


  8. 77 Chevy

    77 Chevy Member

    Aug 21, 2006
    Mission, KS

    I was pointing out that the wire was better quality than some I've seen made overseas. As far as the plastic connectors they can get frustrating sometimes.
  9. azcarman411

    azcarman411 Member

    Apr 10, 2006
    Rimrock, Az
    Ken, The harnesses classic parts sells work very well, very easy to install, already wired for turn signals. Wired about a half dozen trucks with them, no problems. Chris
  10. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    OK, i'm convinced (almost)

    Basically all I'm looking for is a bare bones harness to rewire a '50 chevy with a '60-62 235 engine with a 12 volt generator. I'm going to add the 2nd taillight and plan to put turn signals on it. Front turn signals will be the parking lights. CP's kit will work for this? The price is right, the customer service is second to none. They should issue an "IPO" because I'd buy in!

    Last question, what about loom? I take it that the kit is just wiring, right? Don't want a bunch of wires hanging helter skelter!
  11. Thunder54

    Thunder54 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Port Arthur, TX
    harness and loom

    I used the Chevy Duty replacement harness, it can be ordered most any way you need it. I also installed a Painless fuse box to carry my AC and other do dads.

    It all works quite nicely.


    Attached Files:

  12. azcarman411

    azcarman411 Member

    Apr 10, 2006
    Rimrock, Az
    Ken, this harness is just like the original, except they use plastic covered wire and regular connectors. It is configuered just like the original, but has turn signals already wired in. Also you can have either a generator or an internal regulated alternater. There are other suppliers that make an original looking loom with cloth covered wire and original ends, if you don't mind paying over $400-bucks. This is a good harness for the money. Chris
  13. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    I forget

    I don't know if the block that connects the head lights and park lights was included with the kit or not. I think you'll need to get these as well.
    Believe me, Ken- CP's harness sounds just like what you need. You're not adding bags and a whole bunch of googahs, so I'd highly recommend thier harness.
    I've already put theirs on mine, and love it. 'Course, now I'm slowly taking it back off as I slowly explode my truck- but wiring is one thing I'm not worried about. I'm 100% satisfied.

    Now- How 'bout some fish pictures?!
  14. Tailgater

    Tailgater Member

    Sep 16, 2006
    Greene County, TN
    I am getting in a little late on this but the CP harness worked fine on my truck. It did include the blocks for the head and parking light connectors. I bought the parking light conversion kit and have my signals in my parking lights. Everything went through the original fuse box. Only problem I had was getting the fuse box connectors shiny enough cause they had oxidized badly and weren't getting good connections. My truck doesn't have anything fancy. Just a 12 volt with alternator.
    The diagram that came with was easy to follow. CP gets my vote.
  15. cmkruse

    cmkruse Member

    Feb 19, 2006
    As far as I'm concerned Painless is NOT! Go with CP!
  16. coilover

    coilover Member

    Mar 30, 2005
    Plano US
    Ken, we make all our harnesses. There are so many variations on what customers are wanting anymore that we invariably end up modifying a pre-made harness. We're often left hanging until late in the game on alarm systems, power fuel door, even a vanity light on a sunvisor. Summing it up, it makes one cringe to be hacking up a high dollar loom so we bundle the wires until all is decided, then do the wrap. Also use 14g as our standard wire instead of 16g and usually one size heavier for charging system and main feed wire. This will accommodate all the add on power draws that weren't in the original system. The above mentioned EZ and Painless along with Ron Francis and Rhode Island are all good for replacement wiring, 12v and alternator, T/S, and/or V8 conversion. If your not going with exotic stuff I'd see which of these offers the most features at the best price since they are all reputable. I would avoid the unknown or off brand because this can cause fires and our fireman is out west battling blazes there.
  17. Kens 50 PU

    Kens 50 PU Member

    Jun 8, 2006
    tomball, tx
    Going with CP!

    You guys have convinced me to go with a CP harness. With that said though, I'm still pondering the loom. Anyone know how much loom I need and what diameter? I'm clueless at this juncture!
  18. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    You're gonna love it!

    Hey big bro~ That's what I went with. I know how family doesn't listen to family, but I was completely pleased with CP's harness. The "loom" part I'm wondering about myself. I thought that was a fancy way of saying "harness". (Unless you're talking about the stuff you can put over all those color-coded wires.) If that's the case, CP sells that, too. Every wire in their harness was just the right length. The connectors they had were stellar. The only thing that I'd change (will change, when I put things back together) is- I'll follow Nate's advice on replacing star washers and nuts with what he suggests! (It makes sense, and I didn't do that!:()

    At any rate~ you won't be dissatisfied! AND you have the power of CP's tech people to lean on! (Not to mention us!;))
    Go for it and enjoy, big brother!

    Fish pictures????:D
  19. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000

    You DON'T need this stuff ! .

    The factory & replacement harness' come fully wrapped and adding a loom (fancy name for that corregated split plastic stuff) just gives bugs a place to hide whist they're chewing holes in your insulation and it also traps small rocks & pebbles that will wear through the harness' wrapping too.....

    Just remember to replace the firewall gommets where the harness passess through it as this is the _only_ time to do so ~ if you goof and forget , splitting the grommet to install it afterward only makes it easy to work it's way out with normal vibration and then the ONE unfused battery wire will ALWAYS be the one to wear through it's insulation on the sharp edge of the hole causing a major short and maybe even a FIRE , right when it's raining or cold and you've finally conviced SWMBO it's O.K. to take a ride in that nasty old truck you've wa$ted all her money on for the last 12 years........ :rolleyes:

    Just do it right , the factory way , if that lasted 50 years untill the mice got aholt of it , it'll do fine again with the Chevy Duty AMERICAN MADE cheap harness....... ;)
  20. Zig

    Zig Member

    Oct 14, 2006
    Pittsburg KS
    "Cheap" as in inexpensive, of course!;)

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