Has anyone, other than me, been watching "The War" on PBS this week? This is one of the best documentaries of WWII I have ever seen. If you're a military historian, it's a "must see". If you want to know why you have the rights that you have today, it's a "must see". If you want to know true sacrifice, it's a "must see". Go to www.pbs.org for showtimes in your area if you want to check it out.
' The War ' You know Ken ; I've been watching various PBS shows on The War . When I was a lad , the old guys all said " The great War " and you knew they meant WWI . Then there were the middle aged guys , they didn't talk about it much but they always said " The War " and I knew they were talking about WWII . Too bad no one paid any attention , I know this is true since we're still involved in Military conflicts . They are good documenteries (? SP ?) .
Nate, you're exactly right! My uncle TC was in The War and never would talk about any of it, no matter how much I tried to get him to tell me things about it, he'd just shake his head "no". Mom gave me a copy of his discharge papers a couple of years ago and I was pretty impressed with my favorite uncle. He was part of the Normandy invasion, got wounded on June 16th, returned to get wounded again in November '44 in Germany. (Carried shrapnel in him for years after that one). I guess when you have 2 near death experiences in a 5 month period, it will mess with you!
I have taped Sunday through Wednesday. The next one scheduled for this area is next Sunday. Just watched the Saipan segment again this evening. What a horror show and the definition of the difference in mind set between us and Imperial Japan. It is amazing how a Jim Jones, Charles Manson, or an Emperor can make minds of the masses submit to their own warped beliefs.
Don't leave out that little Bravarian dude! Hitler was probably the most charismatic of them all! I've studied him over the past 40 years, don't ask me why, and he was a very persuasive man who probably could have ruled the world, if he hadn't been such a sick bastard! Thank God for the might and resolve of people like FDR and Churchill!
Has anyone registered yourselves or relatives in the WWII registry? I have 3 uncles who served in the war and I registered them. My Uncle Johnny went to DC to see the memorial and found his name there. Although he's suffering from alzheimers, he realized where he was and then thanked me for registering him.
WWII Vets My uncle (who just passed) was a Submariner untill an accident left him unable to withstand the constant pressure and de-pressurization of the Diesel Boats , then he wound up in the Army in The Pacific Thater where his poor sense of smell made him invaluable for digging up the shallow graves of our boys left behind on each beachhead..... No wonder he wouldn't talk about it . Dad was a C.O. in Leavenworth where they tried to kill him repeatedly . Another Uncle on my stepmother's side was a Flying Tiger and got shot down in Burma , the tail of the P-51 (? I think he said) hit his back as he ejected into a ride paddy , he nearly drowned , the locals rescued him and patched him up , sneaked him through to safety . I was lucky to have grown up at the knee of many Vets who took the time to teach me and instill my values of hard work and honesty . Most of what America is to-day is all thanx to all the many Veterans who stepped up when they were needed ~ never forget that regardless of what you think politically .