My nest is 1/2 empty. My daughter in college just called to ask if she could study abroad next year. (I've studied a few in my life but this is different.) My son is going to a 2 hour class with Royce Gracie tonight. Here is a link for anyone who is interested in grappling. Royce is internationally known and spent this week training our local police. Each officer paid $600 for his part of a 40 hour training session. So, I have one gone and one here. I thought I would share my middle age sit-rep. Gater
That empty nest is what provided me the opportunity to start Radio Controlled aircraft hobby, and get my old truck!! The Girls are both doing quite well out on their own.
Nate, my friend, I'm confused! My world is spinning with your thread! Is this the same Nate who has taken it upon himself to be a foster parent to so many needy kids? Raised them, helped them acheive their goals and now has "ENS"? Surely, you haven't saved all of the kids in LA, or have you? My hat is off to you for doing that. Now stop and think about this. You've done a lot of good for a lot of folks. Maybe it's time for some quality Nate time. If you truly have an empty nest, do what you want to do for you. Take an extra long ride this weekend on your bike, no time schedules, no worries. Go up to Sullivan's Curve and stay there 'til you see 3 trains all at once. Always remember, as long as there's this forum, you've got several people who need your companionship and advise. You've got a full nest here!!
Thanx guys ; here's how it works : I maintain my house in The Ghetto , the Foster Boys live with my G.F. in her place in a much nicer part of town . I like to spend time with her and all but I also like to sleep in my own bed . My son is turning 29 in a month or so and he's off and gone most of the time , lives with his mother 3 blocks from my house . I miss having my own family under my own roof . Life goes on I guess . I have been riding my Moto alot of late . Glenn , I'll go read your PM now .
we'll all take turns staying with you for a month or so and download all of that knowledge you've got kicking around and then we'll all be happy!! no one will be lonely and we'll all be expert mechanics! - that's actually a good idea. you could start up a mentorship program!! jon
I've been trying to come up with something profound! You know, like this the reason why ENS occurs, possible remedies etc. After all, I have a PHD in the subject (that's Piling it Higher and Deeper). But, it's an unexplainable part of life, a deep desire to re-live one's past because of fond memories. Whenever I yearn for those days, I grab an old picture album and re-live my youth, my kids' youth, my achievements, my disappointments. Sometimes I laugh, sometimes I get rather teary-eyed. I got to yearning for the old days this evening and a rather amusing (to me, anyway) recollection came to mind. I remember this like it was yesterday. Back in my younger days, I was quite the little knave. Nothing gave me more pleasure than to jack with my older sister and get her in trouble. One Sunday morning, we were at church, me on the end, sis next to me, dad next to her and mom on the other end. I was methodically driving sis to the breaking point, a subtle pinch here, a nudge there. She finally cracked! Plan coming together Then out of nowhere, I got a solid thump of a finger on top of my head It was the long arm of the law. I was toast because the thump meant "I can't whip your butt right now, but you'll get it when we get home". The peacher never could put the fear of God in me, but one thump from dad could!! Nate, I hope my ass whipping put a smile on your face tonight. It did mine!
Yes , It Did ! I went home to SWMBO last night and took a few of the boys out to dinner , that was nice . It's nice to have you all here . Sorry for blubbering .
Several months ago I volunteered to start a once a week painting class for two mentally disabled men. Every Friday I get together with the guys and we do art therapy. A few weeks ago I was having kind of a shitty week, and I was just sorta down. I met the guys and their caretakers at the park, and we sat down and started painting. Chris (who has cerebral paulsy) painted a big yellow blob on his canvas. He handed it to me and started signing (he is unable to communicate vocaly) big yellow truck over and over. I just started laughing, and for the next 20 or so minutes he would not shut up about my truck! that was the end of my shitty week right there. Isn't it funny how the smallest things can totaly turn your day around!?
Great story, Jess! Tell me you took him for a ride in it! Bless you for being a caring and responsible young lady!
Nate, sit yourself down and write a book. Be it about life or your love for these old trucks but either way, I would be the first in line for a copy!
Sorry Neil, I've got the copyright on Nate! Already suggested that and put money up on the first copy!
" Work Will Set You Free " Yes , this has always been my creedo but the pinched spine thing sorta put the kibosh on working.... I'm hanging in there , getting better by degrees . some days it's two steps forward , one step back . Last night was only two hours sleep from the pain but , I went to see my sweetie and the boys were all home , happy & relatively quiet (5 teeneagers) so that was nice . Jess , that's great , nice to know you're out there helping . When I was 14 I worked one summer in a program for disabled people , mostly young adults slightly older that I was at the time , we did light manufacturing and house cleaning , yard work crews etc. . it was very rewarding to see those kids happy and feeling usefull rather than shut out . Old trucks can be a bridge to reaching out to others , when I was about 19 I lived on top of a steep hill in Highland Park , Ca. (a Barrio) 1/2 way up the hill lived a family with these two brothers who'd ' mad dog ' me every day as I drove past them going home , one was a Parapalegic and hobbled on these crutch things , it always bugged me so one day I pulled over in my '46 Chevy 3100 shop truck and asked them if they'd like a ride up that steep hill to their house... One of the brothers is still one of my best freinds , all these years later it turned out he'd been mad dogging me as he loved old cars & trucks and none of the Low Riders would ever talk to him nor let him touch , look at or ride in , their old cars so my stopping and offering a ride , just out of the blue , was a real treat for him . Life's funny thataway . I wonder about the book thing , it might be terribly boring in fact . Maybe not , being run off the road in Guatemala by a death squad , that was exciting if not much fun . I need to call Glenn .
Go for it nate, when the memories come flooding back im sure you will write a book telling of a 'normal' guys very interesting life, im sure you will make a few bucks just selling it to the guys on here!