That's right Zig, my truck is now officially bionic!!! It is the Frankenstein monster of AD pickups. I went to the giant flea market a Hershey, PA yesterday. Drove four hours to get there, spent 6 hours to walk through all the vendors just once. My truck is bionic 'cuz I bought a set of springs that came off a GMC!!! All I can say is "Thank God nobody will actually SEE them" I mean, it's not like it was the GRILL or anything. Don't want to scare off women and chillin' after all Seriously, Hershey was fun but hardly ANY parts for our trucks. Only saw four pieces of sheet metal all day and both sets of fenders were even sold by the time I saw them. No running boards, bed parts...nothing. Only paid $40 for the front and rear springs, so I came away with a bargain and happy, but was really expecting more. Coupla other small parts. Original heater fan switch cheap (better than what they want for them on ePay), fuel pump rebuild kit, etc. Enjoy pics. Nash for Nate. American LaFrance modified firetruck/racer, cardboard oil cans and 1/3 of one of the four vendor areas of the flea market. Andy
Wow! Andy~ All I can say is... ... I had gone with Eaton springs (front and back) that are lowered 2". Gives the truck a nice stance. Pricey, yes, (the most expensive part of my rebuild) but I didn't want to worry about how many bounces my truck had left in it. (by the way~ the next priciest thing were the tall radial whites I added!)I also put a new back end in it. (low 3's) I fired it up last evening, (cranked up on the slightest) purred smoothly to life, put it in 1st, let the clutch out, and away I went! My old 3/4, and I actually took off in 1st! ...And went more than two feet brfore I had to shift to second! It was SO FRIGGIN' -well- COOL! I bombed all around town in it, shifting through the gears, coming up to stops that modern trucks would be proud of! (yes, the disk conversion was worth it!) Good GAWD, it was the best feeling to be finally driving my truck the way I knew it could drive and handle! ...and then I woke up... I never had that happen before- I hope I wasn't moaning in my sleep! It felt SO real though... We'll, one of these days it will be, and Andy, you'll have an smoooooth riding truck because of those G-springs!
Hershey Report Well and good ~ Nice pix BYW . If you remember to make up a sign of cardboard with " '47 ~ '55 GM Pickup Parts needed " on it and hang on your back , you'll always get WAY more responses for parts and whole trucks (! cheap !) than you can handle .
My sign read "Chevy P/U '47-'54". Wore it for about three hours until it fell apart in the rain. Not a single vendor paid it any mind except for when I spied the springs and asked what they came off. The guy saw my sign and said, "They came off what you're wearing". The front springs looked really good. Guy had taken the bushings out front and rear, dissassembled the whole thing, sandblasted and painted in Imron and reassembled. They look even and guy said the truck they came off sat level. told him I had no way to carry them back to the car (heavy). Two ailses over another vendor was selling a little red wagon for 10 bucks. Bought it and went back and got both sets of springs. Nasty work dragging that wagon the mile back to my 'Burban though. Andy
Springs O.K. Andy , I hope they work out O.K. , I bead blasted a pair of springs many years ago and they lost tension , I'd ruined them . another fellow told me you musn't blast springs , ever ~ O.K. to wire brush though . I wear the sign on my back and it always says " WANTED " and the best stuff comes from folks in the crowd ~ folks who think the junk they have is worthless .