59 apache

Discussion in '1955-1959' started by critch, Feb 2, 2008.

  1. critch

    critch Member

    Jan 19, 2008
    is the primary terminal for distributor supposed to be at the 9 oclock position and if so then the #5 plugis to the right correct any help thanx
  2. Bill Hanlon

    Bill Hanlon Member

    Jun 4, 2002
    Fredericksburg TX

    Might help if you gave engine type, six or eight cylinders.
  3. critch

    critch Member

    Jan 19, 2008
    sorry about that 6cyl 235 cu i have the wiring digram and i just wondering how accurate it is as to placement on the vehicle seems couple things are in different places
  4. rxpx40

    rxpx40 Member

    Dec 6, 2006
    Buda, Tx
    The primary connector on our 59 235 is positioned toward the right side of the engine bay. If you consider this 9 o'clock, then your answer is yes.
    Regarding your question about the #5 plug, I don't understand what you are asking. '...to the right' of what?

  5. Sledge Hammer

    Sledge Hammer Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
    Yes, if your looking into the engine bay at the motor from the front, the primary terminal is at nine o'clock directly oposite the motor. The primary terminal is located between the 1 and 5 plug wire. The firing order is 1-5-3-6-2-4.

    Pick up a shop manual when you get a chance. There are photos and diagrams that illustrate the location of the primary terminal and the installation of the distributor.
  6. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Whoa !

    Critch ;

    About 1/2 of these engine have the distributor incorrectly installed over the years so before you yank all the plug wires off and can't get it running again , turn the engine until the tip of the rotor is pointing to the # 1 spark plug wire and the ball bearing timing mark is lined up with the pointer in the hard to see window just above the starter ~ now , make a little map of the dizzy and where the # plug wires goes .

    The firing order is so : 1 , 5 , 3 , 6 , 2 , 4 , goes counter clockwise and can easily be remembered by thinking of women :

    15 is too young

    36 is too old

    24 is just right

    As long as you have the plug wires in the correct , matching places , it matters not that some gas station pimple crusher screwed it up in 1967....

    I hope this helps .

    Resist the urge to yank the dizzy for bench work as it can be tricky to get it properly re-installed as the far end of it also drives the oil pump and the drive gear is helical so you must position the engine and the oil pump drive slot deep down the hole , _and_ the dizzy all " Just So " so that when you slide the dizzy home , the oil pmup drive tang slides into it's slot as the helical gear on the cam is moving the dizzy's shaft.....

    BTW : dwell is set to 33° , best set by cranking the engine with the spark plugs out and adjusting the points gap as you crank the engine , then start it up and adjust the ignition timing to ball on pointer @ 600 RPM's or slower

    There _MUST_ be NO vacuum signal to the dizzy when the engine is idling ! some carbys have two vacuum ports and sometimes folks mistakenly connect the vacuum advance line to the intake manifold .

    I hope this helped .

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