I don't remember seeing a full set of fasteners for all the brackets etc. we have removed in our projects on any websites. A good example is the radiator support, you can buy the rubber shims but where do you get the bolts etc.? I probably just didn't notice but I haven't see them yet. I would like to buy all at once if I could. _________________________
You might try Totally Stainless. They make complete kits for a lot of different vehicles. www.totallystainless.com Our host has a lot of good hardware also. Browse through their online catalog, better yet request a catalog, and take a look.
Our host, Chevy Duty doesn't seem to have anything in fasteners but the small stuff. I'm looking for bolts that hold down radiator supports
got to be honest all of my bolts expect for specitality ones like the hood hindge bolts are grade 8, I got in bulk form the hardware store. the original were long gone before i got the truck. the radiator bolts i'm using are just some 3/8 bolts... GT
Thanks Ken I guess I'm too lazy to run down to the bolt and screw house for the many sizes I might need. It is much easier to order what you need and jazam, there they are in your mailbox.
Running down to the local "nut" house is OK, but... They won't have all of the "specialty nuts and bolts" you need. I ordered my radiator support hardware, runningboard kit, and several other specialized hardware from our host and am very happy with that. The "plain jane", run of the mill fasteners, I bought locally in stainless.
Yea, when i put mine back together i ordered a complete set of stainless for everything. Don't recall now where they came from. I don't plan to have to replace any of the bolts.... I even ordered a lot of the trim metal in stainless. the lower door trim i had to wait a yr and a half for the stainless part.