I wonder why 1/2 ton trucks kept getting bigger with each new design. The 37 is just shoulder to shoulder, the 46 leaves a little gap, the AD's can actually have a middle person but you can lean across the seat to roll up the window. By 72 three people had plenty of room and four is okay if everyone uses deodorant, but they are still rated at 1/2 ton. We have a 48 and a 63 in the shop and after working under the dash of the 48 the 63 seems like you could string a net across the middle and play tennis inside. One of the guys has a Colorado with the five cylinder engine that is a pooch but gets in the 20's on gas mileage. I wonder how that engine would do in a smaller lighter truck if one kept all the electronics and maybe dropped it down out of the wind a bit. See how these gas prices warps one's train of thought.
no mind warpage detected Evan I also can't help but wonder what a "smaller" drivetrain would do in an AD. I have planned all along to drop an all-aluminum 5.3/4L60E combo in my project. But, with the price of fuel rising like it is..... the new "stovebolt" 4.2L inline-6 (think chevy trailblazer) with the same 4L60E trans under the hood doesn't seem so out of place. Just think how happy Nate would be if I kept a six in there! Just a few small distractions to get past (back surgery next week, and finalize a divorce in a month) and I can start to tackle the patiently waiting tin. Wish me luck guys...... I read this forum like the morning paper, but I seldom chime in unless I have something valuable to add, yet you guys all seem like old friends. Mike
Great post, Evan! Good visuals! See? There's that Colorado rear end that is destined for duty under my 3/4. The transplant will happen once (if) I wear out my 228. Fuel consumption... ugh... I'm wondering how the MPG would increase with dual carbs and a split header like Nate showed a picture of? If it's only 2MPG, it would pay for itself in three fill-ups, right?
Colorado rear Hey Zig, I too have been eyeballing that rear end (no Freudian slip intended), as it is next-gen S10 and 6-lug to boot. Overall width of a 4WD rear? Mike
It's "perfect"! The mounting surface distance (from face of drum to face of drum) is 60". The Colorado is 60 or 61". This Sunday I'm going back to the lot for further inspection. I want to check the yolk and distance from center of pumpkin to center of yolk. That way I can see if the drive shaft in my 3/4 will work OK. I'm thinking it will, but sometimes my thinking has got me in trouble!
Read my mind Evan, Man, you read my mind. I drive a '06 Z71 Colorado 4X4 Crew Cab. Sitting next to my 54 3100, it looks like a fairly good length and width and wheelbase swap. I haven't put a rule on 'em. 6 lug wheels, inline engine. Might all go together fairly neatly. I suspect AD Engineering will have the kit out in another couple of years. I have a number of good things to report on the overall performance of my Colorado including my general satisfaction with it's fuel appetite (all things considered). Jim
Zig I'm grey headed, I guess that means I can have a blonde moment. That should be Inland Truck, not IBT. Also Precision Bilt Parts does driveline work. Jim
Many Tanks! That's OK~ I appreciate the information! Tomorrow I'll get a closer look at what's what. The car dealership just happens to have a Colorado up on a ramp, so I can get under it and have a look-see. I'll post my findings.
Close enough! It seems as though it's all the same, just newer! It's close enough that I guess I'll be plunking down the $800.00 they want for the whole shootin' match. Then maybe it'll roll like I'm sure Ken's does!
Well I looked at Mexican built Chevy pickups in the 90's , they're well made and come standard with a four speed tranny and the nice late production 4 Liter InLine 6 banger , they got pretty good milage too , in the mid 20's right out of the box . IIRC , those old IHC's from the mid 50's to early 60's were pretty thrifty and the L series had (IMO) a HUGE wide cab inside . I'd think that adding some typ of Fuel Injection to any thinwall design GM InLine 6 banger would return very good fuel economy , maybe use the kit AMC developed for old AMC/Jeep InLine 6's ...? . Of course , relieving exhaust back pressure by better manifolding would help out too . As most of you all's know , I had '46 Chevy 3100 for many years and that narrow cab didn't suit me unless I was riding alone and what's the fun of working an old truck (or any truck really) iffn' you can't bring along a feller or two to help ? .