IIRC, Chevy introduced the G series van in the early '70's. They were full size vans. The 10 in the G10 stood for 1/2 ton. Prior to that, Chevy vans were mounted on Corvair chassis' and were more narrow than the G10's.
Hmmmm... Sounds like you might be doing one of those front end, bolt on swaps... I need to find some options like this also.
I put a front suspension from a 72 c-10 on my 53 3100. I am learning from my mistakes and someday I hope to have all the kinks worked out. I am considering pulling it out and trying to narrow it so I won't have the spacers at the frame. This wil bring the wheels in slightly, but I still need to get the wheels in tighter. I have 2 1/2" dropped spindles and shortened coils and the tires rub when turning corners. Bringing them in would help tremendously.
What mistakes? With shortened coils and dropped spindles, how low did the front end go from original? I'm assuming that you went with standard backspaced wheels? If you hadn't put on the dropped spindles, would this be a problem? Also, would it set slightly lower than stock with just the shortened coils? (I assume you cut a coil and a half out?) Did you also use the power steering unit? And finally~ pictures???
I first went with the dropped spindles and it wasn't low enough, so I then cut the coils. Now the tires rub. I have standard backspaced wheels, which I thought were off a mid 70's Chevy half ton pickup. That led to my question about the G10 van wheels. I have manual steering--my first thought was power steering is for whimps, but I now realize if I keep the manual steering I will soon have arms like Popeye. As soon as I figure out how to post pictures here I will. Thanks.
To post the pictures you just uploaded: Get the URL of the picture. This can be done by right clicking the image, and click properties, and highlight the url listed, and paste that into your post. Or depending on the site, you can click on the picture to open it into a new window, and copy the URL from there. Once you have the url, paste it into your post. And put image tags around it. It should look like this Kind of long, maybe an admin can copy this ito its own section. Here is a complete list (of what I found) of different websites that you can host your images. www.auctionessentials4u.com : A free image hosting service which allows hotlinking pics for auctions (eBay, Yahoo, Amazon, Shoporium) and classified ads. Site also has other auction management tools. Limitations: Only jpg or gif files; 60 KB file size limit; images are deleted after 8 days. www.sharexperiences.com : Has browser upload. Limitations: 101 MB space; Image size up to 1600x1200 max, 250 KB. www.photobucket.com : Free image hosting company for ebay, online auctions, classifieds, message boards, live journals, and online photo albums. You can easily upload, categorize, Limitations: 100 MB space; 2500 MB/month bandwidth; 250 KB file size limit; Extensions allowed: .jpg, .png, .gif; Images must not contain any weird characters (numbers and letters only). www.auctionpics.com : Free remote image hosting and auction templates and tools. An eBay certified developer with auction listing system utilizing eBay's API process. Browser upload up to 5 images at a time, and view with thumbnails. Instant activation. Limitations: 2 MB of space; .jpg only; Maximum file size is 75 KB; Pics are autodeleted after 15 days. www.fotki.com : Create public and private online photo albums to share your photos with friends and family. Has guestbook and statistics for your photo album. Limited storage on free acccounts. Free hotlinking is only allowed on 14-day trials of premium accounts. www.imagestation.com : Store digital video clips and create photo albums and ecards to share images with others. ImageStation provides free unlimited space for your digital photos, and up to 15 minutes of free online storage space for your video clips. Has browser upload with Drag-n-Drop tool, and image editing tools. www.photoaccess.com : Private, permanent online photo album and image sharing with unlimited storage space for personal use www.photoasa.com : Share images and photopgraph albums. It has software upload and an automatic slide show for pictures. You can send personalized photo greeting cards. Limitations: 50 MB disk-space; JPEG and GIF formats only. www.photogra.com : Offers private and public photoalbums, and allows image editing online. Sign up and receive 10 free 4x6 prints. Limitations: File extensions allowed are bmp, gif, jpg, jpeg (no PNG support); File size limit 4 MB. www.picserver.com : Hosts GIF, JPG, and PNG images. Same as PicServer.tk. Limitations: 15 MB space; File size limit 200 KB; Maximum of 75 files. www.smartgroups.com : Create your picture albums, then upload and share pictures and photos (also MP3s or other file types) with group members. Thumbnail images are automatically generated. You can upload multiple pictures to an album in one go using a Zip file. Limitations: 20 MB webspace. www.walagata.com : Free file hosting for images and other files. You can hotlink to them from message boards, auctions, your personal website, or wherever else. You may also upload HTML files via FTP or browser and use Walagata to host your personal website (subdomain; PHP and SSI also work; no ads). Has online image editor and auto-thumbnails. Limitations: 1 MB space; 2 GB/month bandwidth; File size limit 1 MB; 30-days inactivity limit. www.webshots.com : Offers photo hosting for all kinds of auction sellers. In a separate photo sharing service, you can upload, store, and share your photos on your personal webpage. You are also alowed 5 professional photo downloads per day. Limitations: Max 240 pictures in your photo gallery, and up to 10 pics for auctions. www.freepichosting.com : Free remote image linking for ebay and auction sites, LiveJournal, forums, personal pages, etc. Free Pic Hosting also offers a number of page-counting reports, auction stats, and auction helpers. Upload via browser or download their free software. It resizes your images into three sizes (you can't edit or use the original size). Limitations: 5000 page views/month; You can not remove images you are no longer using. www.strike9.com : Free remote image hosting for your online auction, forum signature, and message board posts. You can organize your images into folders, track your referrers and remote views, compress and export your files in .zip format, generate thumbnails for easier image browsing, and edit your images online (annotations, resize, crop, etc.). Now allows all file types, and it puts no ads on your pics. Also hosts weblogs. Has instant signup and browser upload. Limitations: 5 MB storage space, 100 MB/month bandwidth. www.cybertarp.com : Picture hosting with photo gallery. Hotlinking is allowed. Limitations: 10 MB of storage space, and file size limit of 3 MB. www.myimgs.com : Free image hosting site for auctions, bulletin boards, photo sharing, gallery, and more. Upload images from your browser and begin sharing them with friends, family, or post them on other websites. You can organize your images with custom folders and directories and automatic thumbnails. Same as HostMySig.com. Limitations: 5 images max; 1 MB space; 1,000 Monthly Image Views; 10 MB bandwidth limit. www.trenzhost.com : Features auto-generated tags to be used in bulletin boards, upload multiple files at a time, supports all of the common image file types, and has email support, as well as forum support. You can not host images for personal or commercial websites. Limitations: 3 MB storage space; 600 KB per file; 1 GB bandwidth. [url]www.imageshack.us[/url] [url]www.photopile.com[/url] [url]www.free-webhosts.com[/url] [url]www.villagephotos.com[/url] [url]www.imagecave.com[/url] [url]www.thefreesite.com[/url] [url]www.imagewaiter.com[/url] [url]www.imageupload.com[/url] [url]www.uploadbucket.com[/url] [url]http://www.pileofpix.com/[/url]