Well , Chino Actually That's about 29 ~ 30 miles due east of L.A. . I was sitting in a Pollo Loca chicken shack and I thought a fat guy had slid into the booth behind me but the shaking didn't cease for 25 seconds or so . The telephones are still out as well as cell , I cannot reach SWMBO but she's prolly fine .
Good deal! Glad your safe, Nate! Before brit makes any comments, I'll let him know that earth quakes are not caused by the simultaneous walking of 500 pound fat Americans.
Shaking goin' on Glad to hear you're doing OK, Nate! I've known some fat guys who could shake for more than 25 seconds though. Bob
Shakeytown Blues O Ho ! For the hour after the quake , our 400 # mechanic kept apologizing to everyone , saying he'd fallen down.... I came home and went to work , found a loose stationary point in the dizzy , replaced the points , timed it and went for a nice evening ride
Nate, You are in the LA area? I thought for some reason (maybe the pic you use) that you were in the midwest or something. I am in the O.C. area Tustin to be exact. I'm glad there are others on this board around here. Scottys 54
Hi Scotty ; Yes , I'm in NE L.A. area . We have several people from the So. Cal. area on these pages . I was up in Lakeview Terrace over the weekend and saw a nice three window being block sanded in someone's driveway , anyone here ? .
Hi Nate, That is good to know that there are people close by into these trucks aswell. Do you get down to see the Brothers truck show that they have at Featherly park every year in Anaheim? It was just back around the middle of July. Scottys 54
Truck Shows No ; I've never been ~ my truck is a working truck , it is also a ' 50 footer ' ~ any closer and you'll just walk away Maybe next year I'll hear about it early enough to wash it and drive down....
Make NO Mistake ! I'm not ashamed of it ! I just think there's plenty of better looking old trucks around . When I go to shows , I always gravitate to the working rigs..... I DO like taking my truck to the A.T.H.S. shows , folks there are real truck people and they like my truck quite a lot .
Name that truck Yeah, The working ones are great--can you imagine a modern truck still being able to work in 50 years? Go POC. Does everyone name their truck? Let's have a list. Glenn
Love the avatar, Nate! Glad you changed your avatar, Nate! Much better than the "Man in the Wilderness"! Don't worry about your truck being at a show. There may be some nut like me who LOVES these rigs and loves looking at every single one! Not to mention how much fun everyone would have bending your ear!
My truck has a name too! A little background first! My folks retired back to the sleepy little town in west Tennessee that they both grew up in. Pop 250 give or take, depending on who gave birth or who died. No secrets in this town! Dad bought the truck in '84 from a farmer 2 counties over and drove it as is, for 15 years. I'm pretty sure that it was the only vehicle that he didn't fully restore to 100% original condition the second he bought it! Mom and dad had a blast in that truck, hauling trash, picking up supplies, etc. Using it as it was meant to be. A damn good, dependable work truck. One day, as they were hauling junk to the local dump, mom told dad that she felt like "Sanford and Son". The name stuck and soon the entire town called the truck Sanford. In '98, dad decided that it was time to give Sanford a facelift, to which mom muttered (under her breath, "well we'll never use it again!") Long story short, dad started in on it's full blown restoration. Unfortunately, he got sick and passed on before he could see the truck in its current condition. I've spent alot of hours on it, and every time I've been home working on it in the last 2 years, the locals have stopped and said, "Oh, I see your working on ol' Sanford, huh?" I'd just say, "yeah, you think dad would approve?" So, I guess once a truck has been named, you've got to stick with it, so check out Sanford!
Nate, That is the cool thing about this show. I don't have to get too disapointed of the condition my truck is in because there are actually ones there that are worse off then mine. Don't get me wrong. There are some trailer queens their, but I also get alot of good ideas and questions answered from the truck guys.Mine right now is all black primer with the original bench and apolstery. I do have the engine looking pretty clean and the body is real straight with no rust now! I sent it to a media blaster a few months ago and then had to have some metal fab done around the windshild area. Looks great now. Scottys 54
I had this lady tell me once that she loved the color of my truck...it looks just like a giant Easter egg. Bob