As some of you know my wife is expecting our first child this november ,even though this is an amazing thing (the fact i will be able to put someone else first in my life) i now have only 2 months ish to get my chev rollling , i have ordered a new box and motor from your side of the pond and am looking for a alloy rad to cool it , then im afraid the project will quickly stall , i will be surrounded be dirty nappies and powder not knowing which way to turn ! i would like to thank everyone on this site for their input when i asked questions about what or how to do something and how everyone welcomed me into thier virtual world , without you lot my truck wouldnt have got this far , you have been a great help ! , thanks lads and look forward to baby pics soon ;-) ASH
Ain't THAT The Truth ! Many moons ago , I married a cute little thing and bought a 1946 Chevy 3100 junker.... That shop truck is long gone but the helper remains and is now a Journeyman Mechanic same as I . Well no , not ' same ' , he's prolly better !
Sooner than you can believe you'll have memories, of you working on your latest project and sitting next to you, your child banging an open end wrench on a discarded part from your other later project. By the way, the projects are never stalled, just other emergencies are taking place keeping you from working on them. Charles '48 3804 reg. as a '47 9 ft. bed
Helper Ash, When (not if) that happens, just remember- paint can be fixed, your reaction will be remembered forever.. Glenn
little helpers are great, first pic is my sons 10th or 15th car show, second pic is mom and my little helper, i tell you, hes not afraid to get under the trucks and turn black in a hurry!!!
Little helpers! I am blessed with a little helper too! She is mighty strong for her age however. As you can see, she makes a great lift!
wow, thanks ash, thats a very nice complimant, im sure your a very lucky man too, excpecially with starting a new family.
2 and a half years This is my Little one and more than likely the one who will inherite my ADit doesnt take long you shold see her with a screw driver (with a clutch bit in it) ok if the pics dont show up they are in my Gallery
Baby Linden Hey everyone , looks like my truck will stall prematurely , 4 weeks premature in fact , little baby Linden James arrived in the world lastnight 13/10/09 weighing 5lb 5 1/2oz and is beautiful and healthy ,mums fine too after doin a fantastic job ! Hes in special care at the moment whilst they do their obs but hopefully will be able to come home soon , Give it a few years and ill have him working on the old chev : They dont do this smiley grinnin big enough!
A natural born wrench fetcher if I ever saw one! Congrats! Enjoy him while you can. They grow up so fast!! Ken
Congratz, man. Bring him home in the truck...just to make sure it is in his blood. My wwife refused to ride home in mine...said it rode too rough.