After putting my engine and trans back in, I put the distributor in and the rotor cap was pointing at the #4 spark plug and I know it should be pointing at the #1. I rotated the engine to top dead center, lined up the ballbearing on the flywheel and the rotor cap still points at #4 spark plug. Should I be worried or should I do something to correct it. Thanks, Robert
It makes not a bit of difference where the rotor points as long as you put the #1 wire directly over it in the cap and then follow with #'s 5,3,6,2,4 in a clockwise direction from #1. I need to qualify this to say all the sparkplug wires need to reach the plugs and sometimes when not in the factory position some come up short but not usually on a chevy 6 cyl. You say it's on TDC but is it on the compression stroke? If not it will pop and backfire which means you will have to bring it around to the timing mark with it on the compression stroke and wire from there. Screw out #1 plug, poke your finger tip in the hole, have someone bump the starter and when it hisses air past your finger it's coming up on compression. Vacuum advance and timing works the same from all six positions but it is nice to have in the factory location.
Just So What Evan said . The important thing is : the distributor is sitting all the way in so the oil pump drive slot is connected . -OR- you can search older posts on distributor installation as there's a clear writeup or two on that too . Remember the correct firing order is : 1, 5 , 3 , 6 , 2 , 4 easy to remember , think about women : 15 is TOO YOUNG 36 is TOO OLD 24 is JUST RIGHT
Sweet Running No es problemo Robert ! Keep an eye out in the local yard sales and pick up a ' Dwell Tachometer ' for $5.00 ~ $10.00 and I'll teach you how to make it run As-New , works on any old points equipped engine too ~ 6 or 12 volts . Once your buddies get a load of how smooth yiour engine runs , you can charge 'em a few $ to do the same and recoup the cost of the meter many times over BTW : set the dwell to 33° on a 6 banger.
Dwell meter nate let me check i think i have two i think my uncle gave me two and a nice timing light. Robert