Here's the paint scheme that I'm going to use on my truck. I believe the truck I colored my scheme over is none other than Rob's truck. (our host) It is this months calendar truck for Classic Trucks magazine. The only difference is everything that shows as silver or chrome will all be white. I wont be running those wheels, however... Anyway, what do you think? Will this be the best looking G around? The other is a picture of the gun I've used. It's a rather old Monkey Wards gun that obviously needs a new rubber gasket. Anyone have any info on how you clean one of these? I've not taken it apart because my dad had no papers on it. I don't want to find out there are several little springs in it the hard way... Thanks for any advice...
Cleaning a paint gun! I'm certainly no expert, but dad used to put thinner in his after every use and spray it to keep the nozzle clean and would spray a shop rag while cleaning it until saturated, and then wipe the outside clean with the thinner soaked rag. I'm sure he took it apart and cleaned the rest, but I always had to get cleaned up myself to cruise and didn't hang around to find out! Boy, what a dumb-a$$ I was (am)! Oh, if I could turn back the hands of time!
Old paint gun Zig - I wouldn't worry about taking it apart for cleaning. It's pretty simple compared to what you have already done! Maybe you can just make a new gasket for it. Good luck, Bob
G's Well Zig, we have a saying over here, 'yer cant polish a turd' but there's no harm in trying i spose so go for it
Thanks, Ken. I do the same, only in reverse order. I clean the leftovers out with a rag then run about 3/4 cup of thinner through it. I just hate the erratic volume of paint it puts out. It may have something to do with the gasket, it may have something to do with an adjustment I'm not making...
We have that saying over here, too. I've only heard it used by Chevy owners though... I can't wait to see your finished product though. With those G fenders, you'll have the slickest looking Chevy around!
Honestly, as cheap as a new decent gun is, it would be worth it to pick up a good gun for $1-200 and not have to deal with an old gun's problems. Plus, the new HVLP guns are MUCH more effecient and use the last drop of paint. They spray much better with less pressure and are much easier to adjust. They also use less paint due to loos from overspray.
Man zig, you are the man! that is very impressive that you are doing the body work. I am amazed by people that have that talent. I love doing all the mechanical stuff, maybe someday I will want to tackle the body work... Send some updated pics when you get a chance...
I,m new here, But Thought I,d give My advice Zig . I,d just retire that old Gun & get You a Gravity feed Like Ol, chebby advised , There Pretty cheap these days. Allthough I Use the high dollar ones, I,ve found these to be Pretty good quality guns, & Have Friends that These are all They use. Heres a link. Good luck. Bob Ps. I Checked out Your Site Old Chebby, Nice Work .
cowboy357 welcome. Zig is fairly close to you. I am in the Kansas City area. My wife's family is from Hutchinson area, so bout an hour or so from Wichita. Good to see some more from Kansas on here!
Thanks for the Welcome Wolf , Looks like an Intesting site. & I know what You mean Its nice to see some relativly close people here. Looking forward to Meeting more here Maybe even possibly help some, lol . .
Body & Paint Work Then you should give it a try ~ mayn of my freinds have discovered hidden talent this way.... -Nate
Zig, you can get paint gun cleaner from stores that have auto paint. It kind of smells like carb cleaner but is safe on the seals. It will amaze you at the difference it makes in the appearence and if you disassemble it the inner parts will clean up the same way. For using an old clunker (or any gun) you have done yourself proud. If it were legal we would still use the old high pressure guns because the HVLP's just can't atomize the paint as finely no matter what tip you use. They are still legal for individual use. We use high dollar Sata and Iwata low pressure guns with various tips and they still require color sanding and compounding to give a glass like smoothness with zero orange peel. With our old Binks or Devilbiss high pressure guns and a clean booth a glass like finish was expected. If you go for a new gun don't get one of the 39.95 knock offs but rather a Sharpe or Astro for about 80.00 that has replacement parts available. We use these for primer guns and they have a pretty good spray pattern. Here is another two tone scheme on a 54 with a 53 bed and front clip.
Thanks, all! (And welcome, Cowboy! Cool looking ride you have there!) I will consider that a great complement, Evan! It has been a bear though. I can figure stuff out pretty quick, but this gun has me. One or two passes with it and I'm thinking "Oh yeah, baby"~ Then the next pass it spits out a load so heavy it's like, "WTF?" And so it goes. I'm afraid to take the gun apart because I don't know what is inside of it. I'm assuming there has got to be a small spring or two just waiting for their freedom. (?) As far as a new gun~ Do you recommend gravity fed? Thanks everyone! And thank you Evan for the complement and advice! BTW~ That's a bad looking truck!
startingline devilbiss Hi , i bought a Devilbiss , set of guns , they are called 'Startingline' it is Devilbiss' 'budget' range , i have found them to be really good to be honest , if i recal rightly these were about $80 , for a touch up gun and base gun these came complete with extra different sized nozzles and needles , maintenance kit and gun pressure gauge, really good in my opinion , ih they have stainless pots too , plus parts can be bought straight from Devilbiss
Thanks, Ash! Due to weather, my painting is on hold until next spring. The good news is, until then I will be working on building a garage for my ride! I sent off the $$$$ for my Eaton 2" lowered springs, so I'll have those to put on soon as well! Thanks for the direction, Ash. Much appreciated. I'll have to see if I can find that brand around here. Are they gravity fed?
Man I cant believe the job you got with a bleeder paint gun. Get a new gun and go into the painting buisness. These days anything that will clean the gun will cost more than a better gun will cost.