If it turns out it is not cracked or you happen to come across another one please let me know. Thanks
Blackbeard, there is a guy in Cleburne, Tx who sells a lot of parts for chevy trucks. A few of us on this form have bought stuff from him and he seems to be a good guy to work with. He goes by the handle "Jimbo59". You might want to give him a call if you're still looking for your manifold. His cell number is (817) 648-3249. Happy hunting, Ken
Still searching for my exhaust manifold with no success yet. I have come accross a couple in local salvage yards but no good ones. I am going to look again tommorrow. Can the good heat riser valve in my cracked manifold be removed and installed in another manifold? Is there supposed to be a gasket between the intake and exhaust manifolds? There was not one in my intake/exhaust manifold when I seperated them. Thanks
Yep , the new center gasket will be in the gasket kit . If you can figure out how to remove a heat risor withiout destroying it , you're the new King . When you finally get a good exhaust manifold , loosely assemble the two pieces then bolt firmly to the cylinder head , following my previous warnings about how to tighten correct sequence _then_ tighten the two manifold pieces , this way it's a better joint against the head and resists cracking again...
Thanks again Nate. I am ready to get my truck back together. I have finished replacing freeze plugs, cleaned out water passages, painted engine, painted intake manifold, and painted the engine compartment, cleaned and painted road draft tube. Hopefully I will be be able to find a manifold soon. Should I paint the exhaust manifold once I locate one or will it just burn off? Thanks for all your help!!!
Paint it!!!!! Then, every time you crank it and smell the paint being burned off, you'll freak out and think that it's an electrical fire or what ever, then you'll go through the drill and realize that it's nothing but the paint burning "I love the smell of paint burning in the morning! Smells like victory!"
Thanks Ken, Spoke with Jimbo today. He said he thinks he's got one but he is not sure. He was going to look for me. I appreciate the info !!!!
Exhaust Manifold Coating Paint ? no . You can have it " Jet Coated " at many power coating shops , cost is not bad (under $150.00 if they're honest) and it'll look new forevermore plus it'll gain you a horsepower or three and make the muffler last longer too... I don't use mufflers BTW
Success Located my manifold today. Went to a auto salvage yard about thirty miles out of town and they had five or six 1950 to 1960 old junker Chevys with engines. Found two good manifolds. One had a broken off stud and a locked up heat riser though. The other was in good shape no broken studs and a operable heat riser. The only flaw is it has some pitting on the surface but no cracks. The pitting does not appear to be to deep. These manifolds seem to be pretty thick so hopefully it will work for me. I will post when I get it back together. I would like to thank everyone who took time to try and help me. This is a great site with great people on it. I have learned alot about my old truck on this site. I would also like to thank you Nate for all the replys to my posts and all the information you have given me. Hope you are feeling better. If you ever get to Columbia, SC let me know Dinners on me. Thanks again, Robert
Robert : Just remember to DRIVE it and I'll be happy . I have an exhaust manifold i got from the TEXAS Gulf Coast , it has severe pitting , looks like it was stored in salt water other than that it looks fine so it'll be mny spare I guess . South Carolina ? sounds like a plan to me , I'm always ready to eat Remember : we're always here so when you decide to try and unstick all those rusty original Bowden cables on the heater , choke and throttle , come on back and make a new post , learn another nifty new thing .
Just wanted to give an update on my truck. Have been very busy with work and have not had much time to work on my truck, but finally got everthing finished. I always end up doing way more than originally planned but my truck is coming along, and as of now is running good. Exhaust manifold replaced, freeze plugs replaced (brass), carb taken apart and cleaned new plunger, engine and engine compartment painted, fram oil filter installed valves checked and adjusted, timing checked, points set, plugs re-gapped, new heat riser spring installed, and the list goes on. Thanks.
Sweet ride ! Just as Forest Green was the default color for AD's , this blue seems to have been the standard color for '58 & '59 Task Force trucks , I've worked on a million of 'em just like this and I never tire of the look ~ I nearly bought one just like this as they're beautiful , good drivers and easily fit three full size (means : fat) Americans with beer , guns and tools across that comfy , firm front seat . Now , like the man said : go DRIVE the darn thing and fall in love all over agin , you deserve it .