I recently used Kreem on a new motorcycle tank. After I got it done, I was told by a bunch of guys on a bike forum that Red Kote is better. Either way, I think proper prep is the key to having it stick permanently.
Red Kote Fuel Tank Liner REALLY good stuff ! . Better than Kreem or POR-15 . It doesn't get affected by that B.S. ' oxygenated ' (alcohol) fuel stuff . As mentioned , 1000 % prep is the key , if _any_ tank liner fails , it's YOUR FAULT not the liner's , always . Boiling out fuel tanks is a serious wa$te of time as it doesn't touch the rust... Phosphoric Acid and abrasives (I use BB's) are needed , ingore your well meaning freind who says Muriatic Acid works , it's dangerous and ruins the metal every time .
Thanks everyone. I've decided to just get a new tank.For the money and time I'll have trying to fix this old one then have it possibly not work out. I think I'll just start with new.
! Wait ! New fuel tanks are Chinese JUNK ! they always LEAK (red to make you think of FIRE You'll need to add a liner to the new one and it's made of paper thin poorly welded steel...... You're always better off servicing and re-lining your 50 year old original tank... It's an easy DIY job .
I have a tank!!! Tom, If you need another tank, I have one I took outta my 53 that I do not plan to put back in. I'm near St. Louis, but have been known to venture near you (Springfield area) from time to time. If you're interested, I'll give it a close up inspection and try to get you some pics. Bob