Docs advise Well im no doctor Nate but im amazed by your recovery, the fact you survived a hit like that (still think those GMC guys were behind it) is incredible, so to be talking bout being ready for work just solidifies your legendary status
Well ; I was hit by a taxi , prolly some old POS brand 'F' product ~ had I been hit by an AD truck , you alls know the outcome would have been very different . When I was still in the hospital the Dr's told me I was amazingly resiliant , actually it was a different word but I'm still having language lapses , this sorely vexes me as you can well imagine . they were amazed at how fast i was healing up . I won't ever be well again , that's life . They'll prolly watch me like a hawk @ work so I may not be here as often as I'd like....
jus an idea Well Nate, jus an idea, but as therapy maybe you could write a book on your fav subject, im sure you would sell a few copies via this site
Wow Nate, Sorry to here . I Allways kind of wondered what happened but was Afraid to ask . Glad the Recovery is going well. Best of luck on a Full & speedy Recovery . Bob
To-Day's The Big Day ! Shortly I'll be off to see the City's Doctor and I am hoping he'll release me and I'll head on out to the shop and get back to work again Sadly this timing means I'll miss all the TV coverage of the new President being sworn in
Inquiring minds want to know! OK Nate! What did the doctor say? Are you "good to go" or still sitting on the couch eating bon-bons?
' Bon-Bons ' ?! How many times do I have to tell you , her name is Shirley I had a good day ! the City Doctor examined me closely and asked many questions then released me back to full time On Duty status with MORE permanent restrictions than Kaiser did ! . that's good as they often try to work me like a draft horse , I don't mind hard work but I simply cannot do it anymore So , back to the shop where the guys were happy to see me , I think they thought I was gone for good . A quiet day trying to clear out some of the 900 E-Mails in my work 'puter . To-morrow I hope to get right back to it , I have a parts order for a mack Truck , see if I can make the computer work , they've changed the system during the time I've been recuperating .
Amazingly ; Although it's a mess , everything seems to be here . I keep the old Chevy shop manuals locked inside my desk ya know
Nate, just need to hear you bitchin' bout them people around there to know the noggin is functioning properly.
Ouch ! I'm kinda sore from walking up and down the stairs , I guess my regular PT wasn't so hard afterall.... Everyone says they're amazed that : A. I survived the hit B. I'm not paralyzed C: I'm back to work in only 3 - 1/2 months . Like I had a choice All in all , it's good to be back in the shop
Good to hear you are back in action. If you missed the swearing in, there will be plenty of swearing at in the future.....there always is.