My '61 Chevy has only one strip of rubber around each door, mounted on the cab side. I've noticed in parts catalogs that two pieces are shown on each door. It looks like the second piece may just mount on the inside of the door itself and only up around the window area. Is this correct and does anyone have any pics showing the rubber? Thanks!
The main door seal attaches to the cab. Then there are two anti rattle strips that go inside the door. Another piece goes across the top of the door and down the rear side of the door. And lastly I'm not sure about the front of the door since you don't have the vent window. Sorry I don't have a pic to show you.
Then I need more rubber I just put the cab door seals on mine. I didn't look much at the catalog to see what else is available. My doors closed fine with no rubber. Now that I have added the seal that goes all the way around in the cab opening I am having a terrable time closing the doors. I'm sure I will pull the door handles of the inside.
You will need to adjust the door strikers. Do it with the window OPEN, trust me !! You will need to adjust them OUT. Go slow, trying to sneak-up on it. When the door closes to your satisfaction, inside and out, cinch the striker down tight. Val
Already did that. I have already adjusted the strikers all the way out. There isn't enough movement available. I think the front of my doors need to come up to make them close, but then the door won't fit the hole right.