Its cold outside and there is snow on the gound so I was thinking of this past Summer and then looked at the wifes blog and she had this posted and it warmed me up some. this is my three year old at her first car show with SHMBO and I this show is every Saturday folks begin showing up at around three it is hosted by the local Chick-Fil-A they give out about 30 trophies all donated by local shops and stores in town the also have a DJ playing 50's and 60's music which made me wish i had the lens cap off the camera sooner oh and this particular night there was 250+ cars gathered in the Chick-Fil-A parking lot all years and what they refer to as special interest (hondas with big radios and NOS) they have a special corral for teh special interest kids
She's too cute! Man, enjoy the times! She'll grow up too fast and break a few hearts! (hopefully not Daddy's)! Thank SWMBO for taking the time to immortalize those times! You'll cherish them forever! Listen to me! I'm babbling on as if I raised 4 girls, 1 granddaughter and 1 grandson! Oh wait, I have! Thanks for sharing this with us!
I'm with you on that! My 6 year old daughter and I had a Daddy/daughter day on Saturday. I can just look at her and see how blessed I am. She still has great interest in my truck, so that's great too. Thanks, Bill! Those are great photos and a great little video. It made me feel warmer to see people outside without coats, hats, and gloves!
Our gift from God~ OK, here's a picture of my daughter who just HAD to have her hair done up for our daddy/daughter date! She is by far the greatest thing that ever happened to me! (Yes, even better than finding my AD!)
Enjoy it while you can Zig. In about 5-6 years you will suddenly start getting dumb real fast. With any good luck at all this phenomena will only last 7 years or so.
Bill, you said a mouthful there! The most heart felt words that ever came out of my oldest daughter's mouth was "You know dad, you were right!" Well, after years of her telling me that I didn't understand, didn't have a clue, blah blah blah, after she had my beautiful granddaughter and tried raising her by herself after her free-loading sob of a husband decided to walk, she sprang that on me. I had the "deer in the headlights" look and asked her, "what are you talking about?" She just said "you busted my chops, you tried to teach me right from wrong, thanks for everything: Dad, you were right!" Score "1" for the underdogs.
Fatherhood It warms my heart to see you all are actively parenting . It's a tough job . My dad dropped the ball , didn't care . I made sure my son didn't go the way I did , only God has kept me alive and I don't mean holy roller B.S. ~ I shoulda been dead many times over so I kept close to my son , when he was little I had to work anytime the 'phone rang so I'd take him with me whenever I could , I didn't worry about being his " freind " , that's the most common error parents make . ' because I said so ! ' is all the reason you need give to " but why ? " . As you age and they grow up and become self sufficient adults , every moment you spent with your children will become precious memories ~ even changing those nasty diapers... Spend every minute you can now because all too soon they'll be grown and gone . I am one of the very lucky few , my son likes to spend time with me , he has a lady now and is buying his first house but he still called me to spend the day last Friday , just hanging out and watching him clean up his new place . Thanx for posting up the pictures .
Mya has already claimed my truck when she gets older. When we ride in it, she always wants to" Hit the flamethrowers, Dad!" And Wyatt loves to play in the bed when he gets home. Looks like he is ready for a ride...
These pics are way too cool!!! Don't have any kids yet, but we have only been married for 1.5 yrs. Paul my wife still talks about your daughter, and how cute she is!!! We had so much fun that day at your house. Hopefully we can make it down that way and hang out again.
Any time, Brian! Call ahead and I'll make sure my trusses are here! ...Young children and old ADs~ A win-win combination! Ol' Chebby~ I think our girls would be hours of entertainment! It looks as if yours has a flair for the dramatic as well!