I am thinking about adding dual carter yf carbs to my 59 235 and was wondering what intake works best. Is one brand better than the others? There are many different brands offenhauser, fenton , craig, edmonds etc...Just curious what people on this site have had the best luck with. Will this increase performance and fuel economy? Is it difficult to sinc the carbs once installed? May also add dual exhaust later would this increase performance? Are the true stock split exhaust manifolds with no restrictions the way to go or are the stock split ones that are divided better? I see alot of stock split ones on epay but they all have a divider plate. Seems like I read to stay away from the two piece cast iron headers. Any pictures of dual setups? Thanks, Robert
I always have thought that there is no sense trying to put more into an engine before you make it to where more can get out. The logical sequence is exhaust-intake-cam. An exhaust that resembles the 54 six cylinder Corvette is hard to beat and an intake that is curved instead of a log type has always worked better for me. Chevy never made one like the Chrysler Slant Six which was a cracker jack design, especially for a four barrell carb. The Carters are a good choice and I also like the Holleys used on the small 144, 170 Ford engines. They are of a very low profile design and are easy to recognize with the clear glass float bowl. The manifold in the foreground of this photo has the desired curved runners while the one on the far right is a completely flat log type. The six port manifold on the back of the table is a 240/300 Ford which along with it's twelve port head gave that engine killer hop up potential, but we're outlasting them.
Evan, Thanks for the good information! I was just thinking of the dual carbs because I do have a spare carb that matches the Carter yf 2100S that was on my truck when I got it. I am still learning how to work on these engines (minor) and it seems fuel delivery, economy, performance, smoother idle etc... would be better with dual carbs. Is this true? Would there be a big difference? Would it be a waist of time without dual exhaust and cam? I would probably add dual exhaust at a later date. Dont think I would ever change the cam unless the engine had to be overhauled. Who manufactures these curved type intakes? Do you have one for sale? Do you have a spare correctly split stock exhaust manifold? Thanks, Robert
Multiple Intakes Yes , you'll notice an immediate improvement on power and if you can resist tromping the throttle all the time , fuel economy will jump too . As Evan said , the more intake ports the better , those old brand 'F' multi-port heads were great but mostly used in Marine racing where the engine was so badly overspeeded they blew up with alarming regularity . last one I saw was 100 % complete and only $1,000.00 , I don't do the Brand 'F' thing tho' As long as your exhaust isn't restrictive it'll flow O.K. for dual carbys , better yet with a dual outlet exhaust manifold . the restrictors are to make noise , nothing else but you can of course add a crossover pipe to make one of those typ exh. manifolds work better . Fentons are for racing and won't give good off idle performance . As far as synching the carbys , it's not difficult for some , others simply cannot do it . you must needs have a seperate return spring on each carby and the cross linkage loose so adjusting one carby has no effect on the opther , then once the engine is idling smoothly you lock the carbys to-gether then do a full throttle test as it's important to have the throttle plate vertical when the acellerator pedal in on the floor mat . Lastly , use soft return springs as two stiff springs makes for unpleasant throttle action . I'm sure you know you'll have to tune the engine sharply to make full use of dual carbies . I have a dual outlet exhaust manifold conversion for sale if anyone is interested , as soon as I figure out how to post pix I'll post some up . it retains the heat risor as I feel that's a critical item .
Nate, Thanks for the info!! I would be interested in that exhaust manifold. Send me a pm with details. Is it a stock one converted to dual outlets? Thanks,Robert
NO KIDDING !! That was quick. I do have a couple good stock ones that I could have converted. Seems like I saw the contact in an archived post. Thanks, Robert
In my search for a couple of decent Carter YFs I found this and thought it may be of interest: http://offer.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewBids&item=230322763741&showauto=true I hope to find a pair like these or maybe some W1 that can be matched. Do you know if the McGurk intake has a simular manifold heat attachment? Terry
Dual Outlet Exhaust Manifold Robert ; You'll be second in line , O.K. ? . I have to take some pix of it first so folks know what they're getting . It's in good shape , was jet coated but I don't like this jet coat ~ my guy does a MUCH better job but it looks aluminum and my buddy wanted it grey like the rest of his engine . Ask me again in a week or so if you're still interested , the other guy has first shot and I want him to see it first . $250.00 plus shipping , that's the deal . Failing that I'll put it on Flea-Bay and make a killing for my buddy . He's into it $tupid $ .
Nate, I will take it if the other guy backs out. Like I said another option would be to have your contact convert a stock one to dual oultets when I am ready to add the dual exhaust. Does he still do this? I was able to find an extra stock exhaust manifold while searching to replace my cracked one so I do have two good exhaust manifolds plus the cracked one. Dont know if the outlet on the cracked one could be used. I am still trying to decide if I want to change anything on my truck it runs very good just like it is. Maybe I will just add the two carbs once I locate a suitable intake and do the exhaust later. What is your opinion on dual intakes. There seems to be plenty of F brand and O brand intakes around are these suitable? Should I try and find a curved type intake instead of the log type or does it make much diference? If you have a good dual intake that you want get rid of let me know, in a private message of course. Thanks, Robert
Robert ; I allready wrote what I think of multi carby intakes , they're great . A really good welder can fix cracked exhaust manifolds unless the flange is cracked , then (IMO) they're scrap . I'll try to get some PIX going next week , right now it's raining in La La Land (home of fruits , nuts & flakes) .