Guys -- a good point was brought up lately about some of our memories of these great pickups, trucks. I thought it might be fun to share some ? Gater first mentioned his memories somewhat with this here is a start of a few.....maybe we could all contribute a little ?? Feel free to do so, I think this would be interesting. Fun too. Maybe it is because I too, am getting old Seriously, like to share some too, right behind Gater's comment ....... MJD, Good points. My first car memory was a 1952 black chevy 4 door that my dad had bought new but had been traded to my grandfather by the time I was old enough to remember it. I was about 4 or 5 I guess in '60 and '61 and the old car was in great shape except for some spider webbing of the paint on the left rear fender. I remember having the full run of the back seat and floor board since there were no seat belts then. I remember the ticking of the clock in the dash and the simplicity of the dash and the am radio. And that huge steering wheel. My grandad always wore a fedora hat (there was plenty of head room) and my grandmother's white hair always had a blue pot in the back that I couldn't keep from staring at. I think it made her special. Granddad also had a 48 chevy 1 ton flatbed and some of the parts from it are in my truck. Thanks for getting me started. These were things I hadn't thought about in years. I reckon that is part of what this hobby/way of life is all about. Gater From MJD --- I recall my sister and I in parent's 1955 Buick Special when we would come home at night from some place, I would lay up in the rear window shelf gazing at the stars with a cold window at my face, and sis was in the rear back seat laying down. Dad and Mom in front, Doris Day singing on the Buick radio.... LOL That sure sticks in my mind. Also, one year the folks took us to Little America down in southern western Wyo. Was a real treat for kids ! Here is pic from that era ..... I just know it seemed like a great treat to go to that place for some reason.....probably the ice cream ! I loved the chrome on all the cars then....even if they were....GASP ! Fords ! Also, all the great trucks on the farm hauling wheat at July harvest...and the tractors of that time......
Ah yes, Little America I remember stopping there in '61. Great to see an old picture of it! I also remember Bonneville from that same childhood trip. Where are you in WY? Bob
My memories are of going places in my dad's 60 wagon as a family. But my BEST memories are of being 16 years old and cruising everywhere in my very first auto~ A 1950, three window... Chevy.
i remember "painting" my dads 50 chevy 3 on the tree truck. we would paint it with brushes... no joke. but it ran great. I think i was bout 6 or so when he sold it and he kicks himself ever since. hopefully someday he will get one or maybe i can get him another one. but i actually remember sitting on his lap "driving" it to the junk yard down some dirt roads. thats exactly why i have my truck now!!!!
Bob -- I am at Worland, WY, which is about 165 miles south of Billings, MT. I grew up in western Nebr. near the Colo. state line. I also remember starting and driving an advance-design pickup while in Nebr. I got it started in the wheat field, and put it in first gear and drove forward til I killed it...and could not get it to go anymore because I had it in first, but always tried to move again in third gear ! 3-speed on the tree it was ......but I was thrilled that first time getting it to move with the clutch out. Thought I was so smart not having Dad show me anything about it....ha I was waiting in the pickup for Dad in the field, and I think after watching him so much starting and driving, I could do it too.... Funny how those things stick in our memory, huh ? My first old Cushman scooter was another big item for me. I hope more post their first car/truck memories.
more memories Hello all, Reading these 'memoirs' brings me back to a simpler time. High school, late seventies. My first car was a '69 Chevy truck. I remember cleaning up the rims and painting them White because "wagon wheels" were too expensive at the Tire Warehouse down the road. I fondly remember needing to fill the TIRES every morning so my sister and I could drive to school. That truck ran so quiet, you couldn't hear it run. Performance AFTER the Q-jet rebuild is another story! Mike Wilton, NH
MJD you grew up in western Nebraska? My hometown is in Colby, KS which is North West Kansas. My dad and grandpa would go fishing in North Platte, quite often. Also we would drive up to Trenton to go fishing and play on the lake a bit.
With all you guys taking little vacations, I thought I should share this video that I found. It's done in old skool fashion...thought you guys might enjoy it. vacation
fantastic! I look SOOOOOOOOOOO forward to the time I'm doing that exact same thing from behind my Gs big wheel! ~sigh~
Huge thread... Just caught up on a Yenko thread that has more pics in it than this entire forum! This is the coolest thread with old pics in it that I've ever found. Hope you guys have a lot of time and enjoy it as much as I am...I've only made it through 10 of the 80 pages so far!!! I've linked it to page 5 where someone put up a bunch of b&w photos from the 1910's in Chicago. CLICK THE LINK: yenko old pics thread
Dang, I've just spent 3 hours looking at these pictures. What an awesome collection of Americana (and Canadicana too). Thanks for finding this and sharing it with us!
Now, THAT the coolest site I have seen for long it, thanks for the tip. I could look at that all day ..... And I used to think these kind of cars were always going to be around........ummm ....
Man, I love this thread! Somewhere in the 80 pages of pics and comments, I came across an awesome picture of Standard Automotive Supply Co. in Washington DC, circa 1926. The Blackhawk tool board caught my eye immediately. It caught my eye because my grandfather had one in his garage at his house and every summer growing up, I couldn't wait to get there and play with them! After he passed on I never knew what happened to them until about 10 years ago when I was about ready to leave my parents house, my dad asked me if I had room in my truck for some old tools. Imagine the look on my face when he showed me the board and all of the "speed" wrenches I had played with as a kid! Anyway, that's my sentimental story for tonight. I hope that some of the pictures in that thread bring back fond memories for you guys too!