My '64 has idiot lights. I see, in various catalogs, references to light or gauge dash panels but I haven't seen anyone offer gauges to fit said panel. So, will the available gauges for '67-'72 or so fit? Even if they are off just a little bit is okay. I can and will make them fit. Thanks for any help.
[updated:LAST EDITED ON Jan-28-03 AT 07:58 PM (CST)]Hay Grunt, To make that switch, look on e-Bay for the complete dash cluster. I think there is one or two out there now. But don't pay more that $65 for one that looks "very" used or more than $95 for one that looks really good. You will also need the gauge harness if it's not included with an auction. They are different than the idiot light harness, but you can get that from our hosts here. DVal
OK, I found this post while searching for information on a gauge conversion. My question is: If I find a gauge cluster, and buy the harness, is it plug and play from there? Or do I need to buy any new sending units for the gauges like for the voltmeter and the oil pressure gauge?
I pretty sure that the fuel sending unit is diffrent. Good news is the back seat gas tank was used until 73. Check with the host before you order a new sending unit to see if they use the same ohms.
The fuel sending unit is the same for the gauges and warning light clusters. The warning light cluster oil gauge is a sender and the gauge cluster requires a capillary tube from the back of the oil pressure gauge to a threaded hole in the engine block. The warning light cluster water temperature sender is a two prong unit and the gauge cluster water temperature sender is a single prong unit. With the underdash main wiring harness, gauge cluster wiring harness and underdash wiring harness, as well as the correct senders, the swap is a plug-n-play. I have done the conversion on a few of my trucks. Here is a good link to follow, when doing the swap: