OT : Mercedes Diesel Wagon

Discussion in '1947-1954' started by vwnate1, Feb 14, 2010.

  1. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    If this offends , delete it but I'm On The Hunt for a Diesel Station Wagon for my lady .

    I prefer the W-123 turbo models but I'll look at most anything .

    Light colors are a plus , we tour the Desert a lot .

    I have those old VW's if anyone wants to trade , working on a few pictures now.

    Cash in hand for the right car , no overpriced museum piece / collector madness please .

    TIA ,
  2. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Mercedes diesel is fantastic bombastic !!


    Welcome to the famely. Mercedes is mostly qualety at least the oldies. Have one my self to a W 110 diesel 1966 model Heckflosse. This old taxi has been rolling 1 million km. Now i have overhauled the complete car.

    Good luck hunting Martinius

    Attached Files:

  3. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    ! Fintail !

    SWEET ! . I don't know what the word " Heckflosse " means.....

    I'm not new to Mercedes & Diesels , I currently have two W-123 300CD Diesel Coupes , one is NA and the other is a turbocharged one I love dearly .

    SWMBO got me started on Mercedes Diesels after her girlfriend had one , she asked me to find one for her , I found a cherry 1982 240D sedan we still own , it's out long distance Foster boy hauler , this is why I want a wagon .

    I had a rusty 1974 European Spec. 350SLC with manual tranny , what a fun car ! a real beast that drop kicked American " Pony Cars " into the weeds and gave vintage Jaguars and Porsches a real run for their money :D I rallied that car hard but it's fuel co$t$ nearly broke me so I sold it (at a dead loss as usual , I fixed everything first) began buying and rebuilding old W-123 Diesel Coupes , two NA's and the keeper Turbo '84 , it's a battered survivor with 359,000 + miles and a seriously bad engine but I love it ,no rust , never been wrecked and CHEAP (my weak point) so I'm rebuilding as I drive it.... it's a good rally car too , I love passing Squids in the twisty bits in the mountains... :p .

    As far as wagons , I prefer the W-123's but I'll look at late 6 cylinder 300TD's (head crackers) and even 350TD's (rod benders) as once the engines are rebuilt using the upgraded parts , they're reliable cars too , nowhere near is good as the legendary OM616 & OM617.952's are but what the heck ,she deserves a nice car to drive .

    For those who think Martinus' pristine black Heckflosse is another stodgy old German Sedan , I highly recommend you search up the racing movies of these fine cars in action ~ you'll be flabbergasted to see how they handle with trunnion typ suspensions . as with all older Mercedes Diesels , they take a bit to get up to speed but then WATCH OUT ! :)
  4. Wolf

    Wolf Member

    Apr 20, 2008
    that is one sweet looking car!!!
  5. Blueflame236

    Blueflame236 Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    Oh lord wont you buy me an Mercedes Benz

    Hi Nate

    Mercedes cars series W 123 turbo and the later 5 cyl. 250 TDI or 6 cyl. 300 TD are monstercars and they are fantastic strong vehicles. I had a 250 TDI diesel with only 178.000 km on the odometer and believe i loved that car.The story tells that my son wanted the car badly fore work and school purpose , but he sold it after some months because of the "good offer" he got .
    He sold it with that purpose to use the money fore another car " BMW M5 " i think it whas ?

    But after he restored the complete BMW he got bored of it and sold this one to ....... and where did the money went , but what efforts dont we make fore our kids right ? He is a car and motorcycle intrested guy like his dad , so i have managed to given him some of this knowledge , thank you the great book of Darma Bums and "How to repair your own motorcycle " remember from the 70 tees they where written i think ?

    I loved that 250 TDI and i am shore the guy whom bought the Mercedes still drives in it, a good car it is.

    By the way "Heckflosse" is the word they also used fore the W 110 series and means "tailfin " . http://www.heckflosse.nl/

    Aufwieder snitzel Martinius.

  6. wokri

    wokri Member

    Jul 14, 2008

    Hi Nate,
    "Heckflosse" means the designe on the top of the rear fenders. It was a european copy of the design from amercian cars of the late fithies or early sixties - imagine Caddilac.
  7. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Thankyou !

    Now I know .

    I'm still ' On The Hunt ' for a Mercedes Diesel wagon....

    I know they're everywhere in America I'm beating the bushes here hoping one will fall out for my lady .

    I'll be selling my 1980 Mercedes NA Diesel Coupe soon , new paint , ice cold AC and so on... Ca. car , I'm the third owner .
  8. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Oops ~

    I forgot about this thread .

    As it turned , a guy told me about a European Spec. 1984 300TD that's been in sunny and NO RUST California since new ~ a German shop owner in Sta Barbera went to Germany on Holiday in 1984 and spotted a fully optioned Wagon in Pastel Beige in the window of a Mercedes Dealer , bought it on sight and had Mercedes ' federalize ' it before having it shipped to California where it remained , I got it from the 2nd owner who got it and left it at the Sta Barbara airport where his rich buddies who flew in for a visit , could have wheels..... his wife ran it into a ditch one day , enter Nate the Junk Man who stole it for scrap value , replaced the R/F fender and added $4,700 worth of nice paint ~ she's very happy with it , me too , I just so happened to have the unobtanium European front bumper it needed :rolleyes: .

    We had it out again to - day , I only touch it for service works or to chauffer her around as it's nearly pristine @ 130,000 miles and always garaged....

    Becker short wave radio plays as new , etc. etc. ,etc.

    We now have three Mercedes W-123 Diesels : her Wagon , her 240D four cylinder sedan and my turbocharged Diesel Sports Coupe ~ I love it and enjoy rallying it as much as possible .
  9. coralhead

    coralhead Member

    Jun 8, 2012
    S Indiana
    My daily driver is a '82 W123 300D turbo. I now has 360K miles. I love that car. When the body wears out again hope to transplant the engine and transmission into a AD truck.
  10. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Diesel Dreams

    FWIW ;

    There are made engine to tranny adapters to connect an OM616 or OM617 engine to GM Corporate trannys.....

    A guy in one of the Diesel Clubs I write Technical Articles for , has an '81 G Series Chevy Van with OM617 engine , he loves it .

    Me , I can't bear the thought of removing my beloved InLine 6 Banger Chevy engine no matter how much better a turbo charged )M617 with the 4 speed Mercedes slushbox tranny would be :p .

    6 in a row makes itGO !
  11. coralhead

    coralhead Member

    Jun 8, 2012
    S Indiana
    I'm hoping to use my transplant for the purchase of another AD to make into a DD. It probably will have no engine it when I purchase. Who knows? I do like that diesel. If it won't run it either has air in the line or there is no diesel in the tank (hence the air in line). No electrical switchs to make it not run.:)
  12. vwnate1

    vwnate1 Member

    Jan 1, 2000
    Diesel Fun

    Pretty much so yes ~

    Be aware that almost every 4 & 5 cylinder Mercedes Diesel you'll ever find in junkyards , needs only a valve adjust to roar back into life....

    You're going to like a Diesel powered AD ;) .

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