as I am putting my truck together ,mostly with the help of all the info from this site. My question today:Is how do I clean up the window mechanisms. Clean off old grease &grim and what to lube with. Before they go back in to the doors? Thanks, herman
50 plus years of grease and grime don't stand a chance against good ol' spray-on oven cleaner. After you've done that (it might take more than one application), if they are rusty, soak them in vinegar to remove the surface rust. Now, use a good white lube on all of the moving or pivot points and you're good to go! This picture says it all. Before and after of hood springs using the above procedure. Save the vinegar! Add a little olive oil to make a nice vinegarette to go with flame broiled road draft tubes!
Vinegar use. Hi Ken Is the good old kitchen vinegar strong anough to remove rust and grease ? Great advice! White lub is great stuf but will kobber grease do the same job? Martinius.
Hey Martinius, yes, we're talking about regular good old kitchen variety vinegar. It won't cut the grease, but the acidity in the vinegar will definitely do a number on rust. After soaking in the vinegar, take a toothbrush and rub on the worst rust spots to help it along. Comes out looking good!
Thanks for the info. My wife has already started gathering the other ingredients for the vinegarette. Soon as i figure out how to attach pictures i will.
Downloading Pictures Easy peasy prosedure Make a new thread Scroll down to manage attachments Load up pictures Close the window and submit Reply. Thats all.
Rust Removal I use White Vinegar , gallon jugs are really cheap @ wholesale grocers . Posphoric Acid works better as it prevents flash rusting as you're rinsing the solution off . JASCO Metal Prep in quarts from any Big Box Hwe. Store , in the flooring section , mix each quart with one gallon of distilled water and re-use it for years , straining it through felt back into the jug after each use . I always de-grease first using a wire bristled tooth brush to remove the old , rock hard white grease . I don't know what Kobber Grease is but any EP grease for slow moving high pressure applications will work . I've even used Moly based bearing grease in a pinch but I prefer White Lithium base (long fiber) grease for window lifts and door latches both . It is critical to remove all traces of the old grease ! . this is a slow , arduous job .
Straight up? Hey Nate - do you cut the vinegar or use it full strength? How about the Posphoric Acid?
Dilution I cut the Phosphoric Acid one quart into each gallon of dilstilled water . Vinegar I occasionally se full strength , mostly cut it 50/50 , I don't really like using White Vinegar as it leaves no protective coatingnand so will usually flash rust as you're rinsing it off .