Are droopy outside door handles easy to fix? I have new outside handles but do I need something else? The doors can fly open at times which is more than an embarrassment. Thanks Willard
New springs in the latch and a good lubing will help this out, but it is a common curse on beloved beauties. I am waiting on the bearclaw latch kit to be released and will post a tech on it as soon as it is in my grubby little hands......
My Man Evan has the cure! This question was asked a while ago and Evan aka Coilover had the best remedy that I have ever read. Wanna know? Say "Pretty please" or search the archives! Personally, I like droopy door handles! It adds class!
It was mentioned to get new springs for the door latches. I just cleaned up all of my door parts,and noticed the the springs on the latches are broken. Where can I just get the springs?? Thanks
I'm at the head of my class! That's what I tell my wife every time she comments on how I hang over the top of my jeans.
Door Handle Springs Page 17 Part No 18-575 from our host's catalog. I've got the parts for my truck, but I'm a long way from being ready to install them...
BTW, Kens 50, Pretty Please tell us where the really good fix is. I know Evan always has good information, as do You and Zig. It's probably better than new springs, or an improvement on the original.
Just Remember : If you cannot lift the outer handle up easily , the problem is worse than springs . I wound up swapping my handles left for right , they look O.K. now , it's a beat to crap work truck anyways . Doors flying open is far more than embarrassing ! I hope you have and USE seat belts every single time you drive this truck ! . When I suffered this malady , everything inside the cab got scattered across the street , I was thinking what if my lady had been riding shotgun that day I bought two N.O.S. door latches that week , no further door problems .
drooping handles. I know I should know but don't! What is a N.O.S parts and where do you get them? Dose our host sell N.O.S parts? Dave
Looking for latch springs, I looked up the springs for our host Pg 18 iten 575. This spring is only fro 48-51. I need the springs for a 53 truck. Thanks Herman
Google The Truck and car shop Click on to the 47-54 catalog Pg 17 part # 52-02009 and 52-02010 52-54 left and right latches 35.00 each. They don't offer just the springs. I hope this helps....Big Tim
Since you said "pretty please" Here's the original thread
Thanks Ken Thanks for the info (via Coilover). I was about to try Viagra... for the handles that is. Greg
A trick to eliminate door handle sag is to pull the handle and clamp the square end of the shaft in a vise. Heat until you can put enough twist in the shaft to compensate for the sag. You have to hold it in line as you twist or it will bend off to one side or other but after it's reinstalled the sag will make it level and there's no spring to wear out. The drivers side will need twisted clockwise and passenger side c-clockwise. Many times it's not only the spring that's gotten weak but wear in the latch and shaft that also is a factor. As the man said.....
I noticed a comment about the replacement springs for '47-'51 doors.... 52 thru 54 have push buttons, and can't droop.. Do You maybe have old doors on your 53, Herman? Bottom line is, If you have handles that CAN droop, the springs should fix 'em.
Thanks for clarification of NOS parts. I should remember that. I too am waiting with interest on the drooping handle fix. Till then I'll live with it as one one of the unique characteristics of the truck. There are worse things in life to live with. Believe me. Dave
' Worse Things In Life ' Yeah , like getting stuck driving some old brand 'F' product Worse yet , one with a FlatHead Get back to work youse guys ! .