I three vehicles that require 5W 30 oil & I use Castrol synthetic in each and I usually buy the 5 Quart jug for around $25 or so. However while checking out at the automotive counter at my friendly neighborhood Walmart I noticed Quaker State full synthetic on sale for $7.00 for a 5 qt. jug!! I snapped up the remaining 7 jugs they had and saved almost $100!!! Just thought I'd pass this along just in case you like saving money like I do!!
Very good ! Also ; the other day I was in Home Depo and they have Ridged brand 9 gallon wet/dry shop vacs on sale for $19.95 ~ this is a basic but nice unit , I left the casters off as they always wear out fast and promote tipping , falling against the side of the only fresh painted car in the shop etc..... Be aware this is a noisy beast , I turned off my hearing aids but I can assure you , this tool really sucks ! If you've never had a shop vac , go buy this one to try it out , you'll be hooked forevermore on wet/dry shop vacuums . I use the wet part (don't forget to remove the filter first !) to dry out freshly washed to perfection previously filthy $5.00 junkyard carpets.....
Wow that is really really great deal!!! i will have to go down and check it out. By the way you can buy zinc additive at O Reilly's for fairly cheep. The guys behind the counter had it behind the counter.
Lucky mistake Robert, I guess you may have realized by now that what you got was a lucky mistake. The $7 was supposed to be for a quart, now for the 5 quart jug. The price for that was supposed to be $23.00. I am surprised the register rang it up incorrectly, but that's the way it goes. I have gone to three Wal-Marts and have yet to find the $7 5-quart jug. Greg
Morning, I went into Wal Mart the other day and Quaker oil was for $23. They did have another type that I bought which was synthetic for $14.50, but forgot the name as I am typing this..lol Have a great weekend.
Nope, the register rang it up for the price listed. I even asked the associate if the price was correct!