I have tried to add some photos of my almost completed project. Thanks to all on this forum who have helped me. It has been a journey, Dave
Nice!!! You've done a great job Dave. No snow in the Great White North??? It's not even June. Mild Spring Ay? Enjoy the fruits of your labor. JW
Zoom Zoom in RED! That is a fine looking truck! I love the ventilation you have on that! What about the wheels? Are you leaving them as is, or looking for some "bling"? Will this be a work truck now? Whatever it ends up, DRIVE that thing and start turning heads!
project update Zig, It it intended to be a work truck. I just changed the wheels from 15 inch to back to the original 16 inch, and put on new tires. I was looking for the the original look some what and I think this is getting there. I am looking for some original hub caps for the 16 inch wheels and I suspect our sponsor has them but there not cheap. It dose need something for that "bling" look. dado, the carbs are Toms Langdons and installed pretty easily although I am still tinkering with the throttle linkage. They started right up and sound great with the dual exhaust. I still have some work to do but it is a work in progress. I need to start driving it to see what else it may need and get my confidence up. Hopefully not much more. The pictures were on an good day as we just had 3 inches of snow here in Montreal but spring is around the corner.
Nice looking engine with dual carbs setup. Hey Dave You have done a nice work here and thanks fore the pics. I am always cureous about the functionallety and how the engine runs, carb setup ect. It would be great if you could share your thoughts with us around that question . Did you use Tom Langdons dual carbs setup ? Martinius.
Martinius, I did use Toms set up. Even for an amateur like me they went on fairly easily. I did the pre heater tubes off of the Fenton headers, not the hot water connection off of the radiator that Tom recommended. The electric choke was a no problem. My only area I am having a challenge with is the throttle linkage from the carbs to the pedal. I made up a new throttle rod from the pivot point on the engine to Toms linkage and it works OK but I think it can be improved yet. My throttle spring may be too stiff. All and all it seems to be a neat set up and it started right up with no issues. I like it better than the dual Rochester's that I originally had. I had nothing but fuel leakage problems with them which just did not set well with me. Something about fuel dripping on a hot manifold that just did not seem right. There was a lot of info on the forum that help me. Another Dave has a great set of pictures that I used as a reference on this site. And as always Nate was a great source for keeping me straight. Hope this helps, Dave.
Dual Carbys WOW ! sharp looking rig there . Are those Solex or Webers ? . Rochesters can be made to leak less by lowering the float height , you won't run it too lean doing this if you have dual carbys . Or , you can glue the air horn gasket on....