Im planning to lowering my 49' truck with a droppedaxle from Sid ( and pulling some springs. Is it possible to drop or buy dropped spindles too? In the rear I want to change the axle to get better ratio on the highways. What axle do you recomend? Im also going to run with a V8 350. The newer rearaxle will then probably have 5 lug boltpattern and in the front it will have the old orginal 8 lug. Is it possible to buy other front drums, so I can run 5 lug on all 4 corners? Or how to do? Because I want to locate some new rims that I can paint and mount new whitewall tires on, pretty soon! Help!
Welcome aboard. Search the files for the rear end stuff, same for the front clips and google for the front end stuff it is out there. Are you going to be be smoke wrenching many things on your ride?
I'm converting my 3/4 ton to a 1/2 ton front end, and putting disc brakes on it. I've seen the 1/2 ton front ends wtih 5 lug drums on them with no adapters, I just don't know what they use for drums.
I believe if you use the 1/2 ton dropped front axle with the 1/2 ton truck spindles that the 54 car 5 lug hubs and drums will fit with no problem. There is also a disk brake conversion kit. My favorite however is the 67-73 camaro / nova front clip conversion with rear steer. Then you have disk brakes v8 motor mounts and power steering. If you know how to weld and fabricate they are very easy to do and can be done in a weekend ...Big Tim
Tim is right. The 6 lug hubs and brake drums on 52-59 trucks can be replaced by 53-54 Chevy 5 lug car hubs and drums. I'm not sure about earlier trucks, maybe someone else knows. There are aftermarket disk brake kits available in both 5 and 6 lug pattrns.
This should help some.
While we R talking about dropped axles check this out; enjoy