The compagny Gr8hotrods sells 2 types of distributors for the inline 6 235 CI engine on Ebay. They recommend the expencive one for the 1955 car engine.The price differeces are quite much. But does the cheaper one works together with the 1955 235 engine to ? It has offcourse a 12 volts system. Give me some feedback on this one Regards Martinius. 1. that costs 190 dollars And number 2. that costs 119 dollars.
The distributors shown in the links you have provided are for the 230/250/292 style engines and will not work in the 235/261 style engines. As far as using the HEI style distributor for a 235 go's it should work fine if you can find one to fit your engine. The HEI ignition puts out 50,000 volts and is better than stock. Both of the links also show the price to be 119.95 .....Big Tim
HEI Dizzy Martinius ; Those are the late model dizzy's and they're made in China , need machine work to fit your Cast Iron Wonder . Is there a problem with your old dizzy ? . why not just add a Pertronix Ignitior ?then you'll work perfectly and still look stock .
Distributor choice ? I inserted the wrong link in this tread. But thanks fore the answer guys. What about the quality of these distributors. Is some of you using them ? Give me some feedback.Martinius.
The only problem I know of is if the module go's out you will be left stranded until you find a new one..Big Tim
I use Pertronix in all my point type distributors and have had no problems plus, it costs $80. In your case, where replacement parts are iffy, you might want to use a factory HEI off of a later 250/292 style engine. Everything works except the drive shaft doesn't fit deep enough into the oil pump. I think someone is making housings with a raised mounting flange but we make our own by turning off the factory flange on the lathe and then using an ajustable collar offered by Speedway or other distributor/magneto suppliers. I always check the driveshaft depth into the oil pump with Play Dough to make sure it's deep enough but not bottomed out. Once the collar is clamped to the housing I've never had one slip but scratching a reference mark with an awl and then using a drop of Loc-Tite would make it permanent. The salvage yards around here get $20 for an HEI so total cost is reasonable and parts are available from any parts store. Rock Auto gets a $100 for a new one. Factory HEI's are good for at least a 100k miles and even more if the rotor cap is removed every 20k or so and a drop of lube is put on the advance weight pivot pins.
Get in contact with Don for the link below, he has a unit for the 235, while I currently have the Pertronix in my truck I have thought of replacing it with Don's unit once the pertronix unit takes a crap, so far I have have had over three years the pertronix including the last year before the rebuild.
The best thing to do would be to install an MSD box and forget about everything else. Your points type distributor will trigger the box and the box does everything else. It will fire each plug 4 times instead of once. The MSD box and a good coil would cost you about the same as 1 of those HEI distributors and work a lot better.....Big Tim