About the rewire the old girl and trying to remove the black wiper switch knob on the dash top. It is a new electric wiper setup. I can't seem to get the knob off. Does is just pull up? is there a hidden set-screw or does one pry off the top of the knob that has the wiper icon on it? Thanks for the help Haasman
Take the control rod loose from the bottom. Now back off the nut from the base under the dash, then lift out the assembly from the top.
New Knob IIRC , this typ is a tight friction fit so pry gently from two sides and it should pop loose and hit you in the face....
Re: Doesn't this happen with everything you try to remove,Nate? These old trucks don't give up easily!
No ; My face looks like this since birth donch'a know..... . FWIW , whenever I say ' get out the BFH ' , you can be sure I've tried all the other things I could think of first , because well , I'm a cheapskate and once you beat a thing with a hammer , it's usually junk . Plus , I like to practice my craft whenever I can .
You do not pry-off! It had a hidden set screw. (Pictures later) Once the knob rotated it exposed the screw.