Well some of you have seen the rusty jeep I had out at the Az. Property way back when in my cactus garden. But my afliction to things which are a part of my kid days sometimes cost me $ I really should not put out. Just picked up a Nelly, rusty as it is it still is Nelly. Second photo is of a Nelly at the Petersen Museum. the 3rd photo is of a jeep that started out with me as an ebay burn, was shipped as a working peddle car but not, the 4th photo is of #3 again and the rusty jeep from the cactus garden. It is going to be used as a Nelly Wagon seeing I have paterns now and the rusty Nelly can be refitted like new.
Cool stuff, Charles! There's an old saying (actually it is a line from a Sheryl Crow song, but maybe same day it will be an old saying) "If it makes you happy it can't be that bad"! I say, Damn the money, full speed ahead! Ken
Thanks Ken, That Nelly I was just able to get into the house past the other half. Those so called deals are putting into the really poooor house. These Hamilton jeeps are starting to get really pricy these days to many people starting to collect them. The Nellie Belle I have been after for about 10 years and have been out bid each and every time. Here is a picture of one that got away from me.
Did anyone see the auction of Roy Rodgers' property? Nellie Bell sold for $116,500 and Roy did not drive it; Pat did and it was broke down a lot. I am sure that AD lovers love Roy Rodgers and the good example he set for us. If you get the chance listen to Rex Allen Jr's song "The Last of the Silver Screen Heros". I promise that the time will roll back to 1958 for at least 10-min and you will download the complete album.
Roys ranch in Chatsworth was a trip to go see as a little guy. You could ride there on your bike and find them there once in awhile. Bummed me out when they moved to Apple Valley. Melody Ranch was a trip also, sometimes dad would go to Tex Ridders Lounge in Newhall with his brother and Mom would send in one of us kids to get them out, by saying Hey Dad, Mom wants to know if you get the milk for the baby yet? Then we would slowly walk out then run for Moms car and hide. And all those trips to Corriganville to try and see Crash and all those guys from the movies. Thanks for the thoughts Willard, it was good remembering those times kind of miss em.
Neat Stuff ! Wow , that's really great , thank you for sharing the pix and memories . I got a Jeep pedal car in...?1959? and it <magically> dissapeared because my parents wre both whacky pacifist nutballs ...... any Military toy I got , *vanished* . C'est la Vie , no ? . I hope you'll keep us updated with pictures as your project moves along .
Till I get some room in the garage and back yard those little projects are going to be on the back fire for some time, sad to say.
Kids today Kids today are missing out, I remember having an old beat up pedal car like those, kids today don't have toys like that, they are missing out. We used to build go karts out wood an pram (I think you call them buggies) wheels, all kinds of great toys we had or made, nowadays ifn it don't plug into a tv or computer, then kids (and parents ) don't want it, sad really
Kids Well ; I made a point of not buying my son tons of electronic crap ~ he had other things to play with and was summarily booted out of the house every summer's day too ~ he's not afraid like most of to-day's kids and yes , his whole life has been on " the other side of the tracks " , kids , like most folks , will rise to the level of expectation . _MY_ son wasn't going to be allowed to go down the stupid roads I did . " toe the line , feel the freedom " . Oops ~ I was ranting again . His wedding is Sunday , we're all pleased as punch .
Thank you ! I'm confident the wedding will go fine , the rain has finally stopped and the forcast is for 95° F and breezy , it'll be up in a canyon out of the city.. He's got a nice girl here and should do fine .
Congrats! I can see it now! Nate in a Tux! Take a dull knife and try to get most of the grease out from under your fingernails, OK? After all, this IS a special occassion! Take pics and post them. I know that I speak for everyone when I say "Hey we're family, did my invite get lost in the mail?" Give your son my best! I know this has got to be a proud moment for you! Ken
Right Ken, Nate, don't forget that wedding cake freezes well. That way we can all get to have a piece when we get togather. For those of us in the humidity areas, 95 degrees in LA with a little breeze and no humidity is actually pleasant...if you're in a shady spot. Best wishes. Flashlight
Nate, I know how much he means to you--be proud & happy! Post a picture and we will all smile at the chance to share the occasion with you.
Thank you all Indeed , the sun rises and sets on my Son , the one thing I did right in life . As it turns out , I decided to get a haircut , for once it looks passable . I went last night to pick up my tux and discovered they'd not bothered to alter it whatso ever ~ I'm 6' tall with a 32" inseam , this means my height is all in my trunk , not the legs and the fitter discussed this in detail when he measured me weeks ago . the sleeves were about 3" too short too . They said they'll have a new one ready to-morrow (Sat.) @ 10:00 AM . Stand by . I did clean my fingernails and I trimmed them a bit too , I'm not sure what to do about the ugly scars and knobby , broken knuckles though . I polished my shoes even though they're providing some patent leather ones that shine like black mirrors . I expect to have a few pix to share . He says grand kids next year , I'm in no hurry there but whatever happens , will be good . For now , I'm sitting in SWMBO's kitchen , waiting for the jackleg 'plumber' to come back with a rented roto-rooter machine . As my buddy David pointed out : " isn't a plumber with no snake sort of like a Mechanic with no 3/8" drive ratchet ? " . yes , yse it is but she decided to go with this guy because he's ' cheap ' . Isn't this fun ? .
Lost in translation...... I understood everything up to "waiting for the...." then it was like you started talking japanese.
Jackleg-----questionable qualifications. Roto rooter machine----like a giant powered pipe snake that chews it's way through clogs, roots, and other pipe obstructions.