Topic Drift : Waste Pipe Fun (not) Well ; It's all done for now . The Plumber managed to spill some nasty water underneath the house where I cannot go : SWMBO's orders due to not getting me back out again sans the Rescue Brigade (means : Paramedics in Brit Speak) ~ after all the hard work I put into not letting a single drop get past the floor & walls , I hate that smell and now we have to wait it out . I think those old nasty , rusty and mangled cast iron pipes need to be replaced but she says no...
Quick replies Ol chebby, thanks dude GrandpaGlen0, What? Can't understand a word, sorry Nate, grab yourself some bleach, not for the smell, pour it over the dumb a**e plumbers meat n two veg to teach him a lesson
OT : The Apron Strings Are Cut ! Well ; At long last my 31 YO son has finally tied the knot and married his long time girlfreind . Sigh . It was a fun wedding , LAPD was in attendance , dancing & dining , open bar and so on . I even got my SWMBO to cut a rug a bit before they began playing Techno music .
Plumbing Nate, bout a year after I bought my house the downstairs wc (we call it a bog) started blocking up, every time you flushed it the bowl would fill up and very slowly drain away, well, after some nagging from her I decided to try and clear it (not my favourite job) so I grabbed a plunger and tried to clear it but no chance, I stood there looking at the plunger half round the u bend and noticed the handle was hollow (plastic) a light bulb came on above my head, I ran out to the van and grabbed a big ol bottle of nitrogen, hooked up some 3/8 hose to the handle of the plunger and rigged it to the bottle, I gave it a short blast......just some gurgling in the pipes, so I gave it 2-3 seconds at full was like flushing the toilet in a plane, I could feel the air rushing past me and my ears popped from the sudden clearing of the drains. Hoo yah, that's how ya do it, I smugly put the bottle of nitrogen away and declared to the missus I had sorted it. Cut to 3 hours later and me and the missus settled on the sofa to watch some tv, after a couple of mins the missus says "damn, I cleaned the bay windows yesterday, what the hells that on them" I glanced up to see spots of mud all over them. So up I get and wander outside, only to find.............I hadn't cleared the drains! What I had done is blow the sewer inspection hatch in the front lawn open but only at an angle, it had lifted only facing the house and sprayed (industrial style) the front of my house with sewage!!!!!!! Man that took some cleaning up, and god knows what the neighbours thought
Family I bet it was a great day, I love family knees ups But bar!!!!!!!!!!, are you mad?......or rich
Bogs & Booze ?? what happened to " The Loo " ?? . I didn't pay for it , nor did I think the open bar was a good idea but apparently , it only added a few dollars to the cost of each meal . Luckily , his boozer freinds (So. Cal. Desert Racers so naturaly serious drinkers all) were good , only one man and one lady got plotchered , both were happy drunks and didn't fight giving up the car keys . Maybe he'd wanred them to behave ahead of time , I'll prolly never know . I'd have had no problem ripping the head off of and dumping down the neck hole of , anyone who screwed up my baby's wedding . He just called from Florida, they jumped a jet yesterday @ 5:00 PM and only got that far , so far...
Re:Bleach True Brit. The bleach will cover the smell of the decomposing "plumber" as well as the sewage smell.
Not a rusty old jeep, but... I just know you guys will love this!,0,1784245.story