So ; How do I go about discerning the road conditions between Wichita and L.A. ?. I found a vehicle I might go buy and run in but I don't like snow . TIA ,
Either 4o to 35 and take your chances or go 10 into Texas and then go up 20 to 35, then find a local map and it is into Wichita TX or just go up 35 all the way into Wichita, KS., then back as fast as possible to interstate 10 and home.
Generally snow around here in winter months is off and on. you will get a storm come through and then 2 days later all the snow is gone and its 60 out again. The truck could have rust from salt, but its hard to tell. We don't have much salt around here, but they put it down when needed. Not sure when you are planning to come, but we have been know to get snow this time of year. Just depends so much... right now its been in the 70's, and dry for the last few weeks. 50's at night.
Thanx ! It's not actualy for another old truck as I have three now . It's an old Mercedes Turbo Diesel station Wagon for SWMBO , from TEXAS , now in Wichita , rich buddy who's lost interest in it or summat , I dunno but it looks nice and will be cheaper than bodyworks on the one I recently bought her , I'll give that one to Jr's new blushing bride if I can beat the price down on this other one... We'll see , I figured to fly in , tune it and drive home .
Nate, have you checked into having it shipped? It may be cheaper than your plan. Check the "Stovebolt" section for shippers. Good luck. Glenn
?? What The Hell ?? Are you talking about Grandpa ? you expect me to pass up the opportunity to go 2,000 miles and bring back some old nail I know nothing about ?! . Jeeeezzze..... I'm not yet that old/crippled . (kinda feels like it tho' ~ I worked out in the driveway all day to-day and got much done , now my back is killing me but I expect it'll be fine again to-morrow when I have lighter work planned....) I'll be mellow when I'm DEAD .
That is funny nate! I figured the reason you wanted to get that vehicle wasn't because you wanted the vehicle, but more you wanted a trip in it!!! Funny that is exactly how I am! Not really having to go somewhere, but wanting to because of the drive!!!
The Only Thing Better Than Wrenching........ Is driving of course ! . I'm hitting The Road in my '59 Metropolitan Nash FHC Saturday for a two day run
Hey Nate, You KNOW that I never meant to imply that you were TOOOOO old!After all, I'm MUCH older than you.
It's All Good ! Yeah , what I said . I've been beating myself to death but the Met is road ready now.... SWMBO says she's going too , I'm stoked .'
Nate. roads should be clear sailing to Wichita now, but the weather may start turning bad next week...
Here is your itinerary, please tape it to dash of your 49. 1. Drive 49 from LA to Dallas and drop at Evan's shop. 2. Fly from Dallas to Whichita and get Mercedes. 3. Drive Mercedes back to LA. 4. On New Years or close to it lavishly entertain Evan and beautiful bride out of gratitude for driving your now better than new 49 back to la-la land. 6 weeks is more than enough to turn a pumkin into a golden carriage.
A Good Plan ! Yabbut ; How much $ am I looking at ? therin lies the rub Evan.... You're the guy who'd get the job , I just don't see how to afford it ,worse not knowing how much the ballpark estimate is.... Maybe I'd just buy some beater and wheeze it back to La La Land or ride the 'Hound , it's been many a year since I did that , it's always educational , sometimes even fun .