Old Hondas An old CT, isn't it Nate? Here is one of a couple of mine...'68 CD175 and a '64 Super Hawk.
Old Hondas Yep , That was Martyn's 1970 CT90 K1b , he'd bought it running poorly and brought it out to our CT90/110 Club's annual Tech Day , I spent most of the day fiddling with it and by the end he loved it . I have sort of a CT90 junkyard in my back yard right now , I need to pass them on for parts or re building soon . I don't often see a CD175 ~ that's a rare if valueless Moto , good rider though.
I'm usually the one behind the camera at my house, so I looked back aways (7+ years) and found this one of me and Megan, one of my favorite grand daughters. Good thing she doesn't look like me.
Megan has severe Cerebral Palsy. Very little muscle control. Can't talk or walk, and can barely sit up by herself. She can control the joystick on her "hot rod" wheelchair, although sometimes it takes a minute or two to get her hand onto the stick. She uses a computer to communicate with most people, although her big sister (my other favorite grand child) and Mom do a pretty good job of communicating with her directly. Megan is as smart as a whip. She is in regular 6th grade, making good grades, forces herself to be "normal" and forces those around her to accept her as normal. She plays chess with her Dad and has finally beaten him. With the help of the people at the Breckinridge Outdoor Education Center she has been skiing since she was 6. Last winter we took her first pass down a black (expert) ski run. Crashed at the bottom. Went back and did it again. No, I'm not proud ....
Kids are nature talented when making pictures of them Bill Thanks fore sharing your story with all of us. I`ll respect the fact that you tell a realistic daily story about your grandchild in the way every person should think. It shows that you are a proud caretaking grandad . Kids mostly express what they find in there harts. Picture taking is allways filled with genuine expressions. The kids on the old tractor show excactly that , happyness , proudness over the fact that everyone is included at that moment. Great kids !!!! Greatings from Norway. P.S. I just love this picture and wanted to post it.
It is great to see Grand Children with their Grandpa’s tractor. I sincerely enjoy your story, Megan she must be a joy to be around and it is refreshing to hear of her excelling in the school system. My oldest Grandson had his neck broken at 9 mos. old , being a quad afterwards. My daughter never treating him different or special or others treat him any different than those that could walk and run, Matthew is now 19. Thanks again for sharing your Grand Children with us.
IIRC, she was also the Poster Child for a Therapeutic Riding Organization! You have EVERY right to burst with pride.
Re: Thanks Destry! They are scattered all over the country but got some of them together for Thanksgiving last year. Bill,you have every right to be proud of your grand daughter,having accomplished all she has
I feel your pain. Your team is going to go up, mine is ready to come crashing down. Oh well, I had fun while it lasted!
ehhemmm~ Seems as though we still have some reluctant members here, right Evan and brit? These are just two that pop to mind. Come on guys.
This is one of the coolest pics I have ever seen!!! I could see this picture in antique stores, and fancy stores as well. People looking to have an antique look. This is really cool. thanks for sharing
If only Bill, if only my whinging whining the world hates me and I hate you dad you ruined my life daughter could meet your granddaughter for five mins, maybe then she could see just how damn lucky she is! She must be a joy to be around Bill, truly inspirational.
Aaahhemmm! Zig ol buddy, just post a pic of the front of that butt ugly truck of yours and it will be pretty damn close to a pic of me!