Today i got my new Fenton Intake from Patricks and took my two Carter YF 965S on it. Sorry i thougth i could do it. The distance between the 2 holes from the Carby 2-11/16". The distance on the Intake 2-15/16". Is there an adaptor available or must bougth new carbys?? Or could i build an own adaptor - aluminium or similar??
The intake is for carbs. for a 235-up. I have several for Rochester "B"s, but that doesn't help you. I don't know if YF bases come apart like the Bs.
Carter YF versus intake manifold Hi Volker The most 235 CI engine combinations i have seen do have another solution then the one you have choosen , the Carter or zenith carbs in place, Offenhauser dual intake and Fenton exhaust .No adapter is needed normally. This is an bolt in combi. As you can see there is space anaugh ? I suggest that youcould make a phonecall to Patrick Dykes(Patricks) and ask him, he knows what to do. Have a look at Tom Langdons pictures attached !
Hi Martinius I know that normally Carter Carbs fit on the Fenton Intake but i did'nt know that the same Carter has different mounting holes (2-11/16 or 2-15/16 space between the mounting holes) and i have the wrong carbs for the Intake
If you can make adapters go ahead do that if the bases can not be obtained. About an inch between the new flanges, with the flanges being about a one quarter inch stock and schedule 80 tube. You can also have a muffler shop make up the adapters out of tail pipe stock.
Carter carb versus Fenton intake? The bottem flange of your carburator is possable to disconnect , only 4 screws here . You could try to buy the right ones that fit the hole distances of your new intake, or use another intake wich i would prefere! I am afread that if you move the carbs by using an ekstra flange the airflow into the carb will be disturbed by its new position? I messuared the bottemflange of my Carters YF S series to today and they have the same messuare 2.11.16. ! The Rochester BB and BC have 3 inches messuared from senter to senter between the holes so they wont help you. Volker are there any differences between the Fenton dual Intake for the 216 and 235 or dont they sell them for the 216 CI ? Maybe this helps to clearify some ?
Fenton I talked today with my mechanic and he said it's not a problem to make an adapter. It seems that i got a Intake for a 235 and have Carbs for a 216, hmmm i hope the carbs are really good restored and give enough gas for my 235. i come back with the result next week. actually i have installed the power brake - works very fine but can't drive around without the new intake but it's winter and i have time to repair all components till spring.
Swap your carbs or sell them to the highest bidder. Thats where the answer lies! The carbs i have are made for the 235 engine intake.Maybe you could swap them or sell them on the forum to the highest bidder.Maybe Tom Langdon can help you out by swapping them as they are overhauled? You promised to show us some pics of your power brake booster project. Volker i am eager to see how you connected the tubes to your master cyclinder? I understood that you still have your drum/drum setup right ? So did you installed the ekstra residual valves if your location is under the floor? Martinius.
@Martinius Sorry Martinius, here in Germany we have not down under we have snow under I try to goto my garage tomorrow and will take some pics.
Intake I had the same problem with my Fenton intake, I had my buddy weld up the existing stud holes and then I drilled and tapped new holes in the position I needed for my W1 carbys, it would be easier than making an adapter plate which would look wrong and unless you make the adapter raise the carbs you can only do it by rotating the carbs, either way I think the point of a fen ton intake is to look period but with adapter plates it don't, Jus my 2 bob
Let it snow, let it snow and let it snow. You are right about the snow, you got a hell lot off it this week around 20-30 cm and that makes kaos in the traffic. This has`nt happend in this range for some years right ? Maybe a frontmounted snowplow on your newage truck will help you out next year. I am looking foreward to the pics as i am gethering the parts i need to do the same operation.Grüßen Martinius.
Good solution!! Man your a ingenious. This is the way to go, easy peasy. But is it necesary to tap the holes as the mounting bolts have an tightning nut underneath the intake flange ? Thanks for the good suggestion. Martinius.
Drill n tap Honestly, after getting the intake welded, it took 15-20 mins to drill and tap new holes, it was a lot easier than I thought. Use your carb spacer and get a snug fit drill bit for the hole in the spacer and line up the spacer on the intake and hold firmly, then by hand, twist the snug fitting drill in the hole to give you a centre mark for your new hole, centre punch after removing spacer to give a better guide. Then gradually and carefully drill the new holes starting with an 1/8" bit and working up to the correct size bit for tapping new threads, use plenty of oil whilst drilling and especially when tapping. I used an 8mm tap purely because I had some 8mm stud laying around but you can use whatever is easiest for you. When you get your intake welded grind out the side of the existing stud hole down the outside of the intake so it becomes a slot, it's easier to tig up a slot and you can grind and dress up the manifold after welding so it's as if it's never been done. You can carefully dress the gasket surface after welding with some careful file work and then fine grit paper on a flat block. It's a lot easier than it sounds and looks better when done
This is what i like with this forum. Helping each others out in practising a serious hobby and to get it done in the best way and in a notime. Thank you "Sir Brit".
Al Gore Al Gore, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ah ha Thanks for that joke! cheered me up No problem Martinius, hope it helps
Global BS Here's a photo from Thanksgiving day of my daughter and grandson enjoying some of the record breaking 25+" of snow we received for the month of November. It's been like this at Christmas before, but . . . since Global warming we have come to accept the changing conditions!
Warming We've had about a foot of snow in 2 days and temps of -18/-20 which is near record for us, trouble is the gov agencies act like new puppies who have never seen the strange White powder that falls from the sky!!!! And as soon as we get a couple of inches everything grinds to a halt, roads are like skating rinks, most of my work is out in rural areas so I ain't left my house for two days! The other night I came home and came down a half mile hill that's not too steep abolutely outta control and sideways, that's when I decided to park up and have some time off. Not worth trashing my van or abandoning it somewhere only to return to find it stripped of everything! As some have done over here.