Neil, I understood that! Proper Queen's English, indeed! All in all, the first word that came to mind was "Dapper"! Ken
Cap Sorry to disappoint but the cap is an original Stetson leather newsboy I'm afraid, I forgot to take my tweed New Yorker Newsboy
I'm in.... It does, however, seem that I'm the one behind the camera most of the time as well. My Lovely Wife seems to have trouble looking at me full on through the camera lens, probably something to do with " the camera doesn't lie" or some other such nonsense.... I'll see what I can come up with. The first is me with both of my Grandsons, who really like the "old truck". Next includes my Brother-in-Law, who looks like Hulk Hogan, and my Father-In-Law, who has provided the space, and considerable help with my truck. I owe him a lot, in addition to the truck stuff.....
brit~ A true Chevy truck guy! Neil, you are right. You are much to dapper for a GMC truck. That didn't hurt a bit, now~ did it? The only thing that would have made your picture better would have been if you were hoisting a brew! You'll need to take one like that standing next to your truck. Maybe while holding a tommy gun.
Great pictures! Now my fishing fever is up! You Texans and your fish! Seems as though there is another Texan that drives a '54 that hasn't posted his mug shot yet. I think he has some fish pictures as well. (And, no, I'm not talking about you, big brother.) He's been absent for the most part, but I believe his first name is Jim...
True Neil, you are vulnerable now...something tells me soon to be violated as well. Prolly by some mechanic in LA driving a Metro!
I'ma Gonna GIT YOU Sucka ! no worries Mate ! . I should go take pix of the Jimmy with the Tittler Moto in it....
Shucks! Something tells me I had better thought longer bout giving the ol solitary salute to an LA gang member, don't suppose me knowing an ex gangbanger from the city of angels cuts any slack with bro' Nate
Not Really ; As there's a shyteload of gangbanger jerkoffs here , no one really care for or about them . No one cares about my past either so it's all quite good in the end .
Zig, look at the bottom of page 5. Not only did Jim post a picture of himself, he also had fish in the picture. Bilbo, nice mess of black drum. Gotta share my best day EVER catching them bad boys. Ken
Finally got a reasonably good photo of my family to post. While the boys aren't that interested in my truck (my fault there), they are doing OK. I'm kinda proud that they both made Eagle Scout. Anyway, this post will also serve to bring back this thread to the light of day. Cheers, Steve
No, Charels~ I will PROUDLY show off that GMC grille, just like my oversized horn. As seen in the picture...